Medieval total war 2 - Who will be getting?

I've got it, it's great. The campaign game is far imporved, perphaps teh AI can be a tad silly, the venicians left their capital city completely unguarded so they could attack my other town, whilst they were gone I just took teh settlement with a unit and took their capital city, that was very dumb of them.

The religious elements fantastic though, you can even become pope!
I heard you could launch dead cows with the trebuchet... over an enemies walls.

That's what i'm going to do all game... launch dead cows. Even in death you serve me well, my brethren!
Did you guys have any against-the-odds-wins yet? My best battle was against those pesky Milanese. They amassed a giant army against one of mine that had just finished a heroic fight with the Holy Roman Empire. My units didn't suffer very bad during that battle but they weren't at full complement by a long shot. I started with a reckless charge at one of the Milanese bodyguards and managed to kill a general. That started a massive rout that lasted for about ten minutes, my units chasing the Milanese all over the battlefield.


Didn't make a lot of screenshots yet, but I liked these two: my crossbowmen firing a volley and taking cover from enemy archers.


WHOA! That looks fun, now I'm actually interested and I suck at RTS games.
Those screens look gorgeous, are you playing it on high?
Those screens look gorgeous, are you playing it on high?

1280x1024, textures & shadows on medium, AA 4x, AF 8x, and the rest on high (I think I have bloom on but I am not sure). That's with my AMD 3500, X850XT and 2 gigs of ram.

Oh btw: when I make a screenshot it automatically gets resized to 1024x768.
*Goes to Amsterdamn and nicks Shaker's rig*
*Pets his X1900XT in the manner a bald evil man would pet a cat*
I've heard the copy protection is a little too good for it's own good and the DVD isn't recognised in some DVD-RW. Anyone experienced this?
Didn't notice any problems...wait don't have a DVD-RW :o

Kinda miffed that there were TWO DVD's for install, first time i've seen it :O
eh Cavalry is stupidly overpowered, I wouldn't worry.

just click behind the unit and they charge through it, like they did in Rome.
It's on more than one DVD?...
Holy sh-*gets run over by someone's cavalry*
Took a chance and got it yesterday, and luckily it runs fine.
It's Rome all over again, almost identical but with extra grass, competent and sometimes hilarious voice acting specific to every country (yur mothair wuz a amstair and yur fathair smelt of elderberries) and horses that don't look like giraffes. The AI is the same. The battles are the same. The campaign is the same. The interface is a clunky looking lump of clay that has been horribly designed by some developer's 4 year old nephew. I use the word 'design' loosely.

It's not and will never be the blockbuster that was Medieval 1, but apart from that, the battle scenarios are gorgeous to behold and it's fun to watch trebuchet launched cows explode in a spray of guts and green stench as they land on the enemy :)
Battles aren't the same.

you try taking on 10:1 odds and winning. I can do that easy on RTW on VH, in MTW2 you'd be so hammered.

AI makes a few mistakes here n there but its scrimish then advance works much better than Romes, and it actually trys to flank you. The AI is largely better than MTWs.

Horses lack the uber charge pwnage of RTW (although knights slaughter all, as they were reputed to do), as do archers. No more 5 units of slingers wiping out 90% of the enemy army.

the campaign is nothing like RTWs, for a start Religion plays a huge part of the game, moreso if your catholic. Infact I feel its more MTW than RTW.

As for the interface, dunno really, I think its fine n functional.

This isn't to say I've not got gripes with it (I'd prefer the chants of MTW over the English voice acting for example), but to just off hand it as RTW all over again is about as incorrect as saying MTW was simply STW all over again.
I *LOVE* the movies! This is something that was sorely missing ever since shogun was released. Glad they brought them back. They're awesome.
Ah this game ruuules!

Was in the process of finishing off the damn Scotts and the Pope Excommunicated me :O

I had captured Constantinople after a previous crusade finished with my men in Hungary so had gotten Cons. from the Turks.

In his infinite wisdom the Pope called a crusade....on Constantinople!

I was scared, shaking in my boots waiting for the legions to arrive...two turn later the Pope was dead! :D


I was off the hook and back on even terms with the Pope :D

Agreed the cavalry has been nerfed, once the lead horse hits the enemy and stops to fight all the others do too, even if they haven't reached the enemy yet. Kinda stoopid. The only way to make a full charge attack worthwile is to charge at parallel ranks head on.

But that's the only difference i've seen so far. The AI would outflank in RTW, and units in cities still stand there like planks until your archers have wiped them out. I bow to your retort but until I see something different my opinion is still that the gameplay is identical to Rome. One thing they have removed though is the ability to right click a unit and give orders, instead you are forced to use the big fat buttons in the hud. uuugh - more screen taken up with junk. Oh, and the freelook option doesn't work.

The mini campaign movies are cool, I am liking those. I also have to agree about the voice acting, although it's not too bad, I still miss Pertwee...
One thing they have removed though is the ability to right click a unit and give orders, instead you are forced to use the big fat buttons in the hud. uuugh - more screen taken up with junk.

Uh, try left clicking on the units... :)
Agreed the cavalry has been nerfed, once the lead horse hits the enemy and stops to fight all the others do too, even if they haven't reached the enemy yet. Kinda stoopid. The only way to make a full charge attack worthwile is to charge at parallel ranks head on.

there's some talk on the official forums that this is probably a bug.

some good stuff on the (unofficial) forums (including how to get cavalry charge to function):

"Originally Posted by Daveybaby
In order to get a good charge going:

(1) you need to have a decent sized gap between your cav and your target

(2) Stop your cav to let them form up if need be (i.e. if youve had them running around).

(3) Target your enemy, but WALK DONT RUN. If you run your charge will lose cohesion

(4) Leave em to it. At the correct distance your cav will break into a charge.

If youre defending against elite heavy cav or bodyguards with normal (i.e. non-spear etc) infantry then expect to get slaughtered. This is as it should be.

Use spearmen and ensure theyre in guard mode, in formation, and NOT MOVING."
Problem with Multiplayer is people say No artillery, and then deploy their troops mostly spearmen on top of a hill with musketeers how the hell do you attack that without artillery, If I had a cannon they'd have to get their ass down.
there's some talk on the official forums that this is probably a bug.

After playing again just now I can confirm that this is not only a cavalry bug -every unit does it.
As an example, if you have a unit of billmen that is 4 men wide and ten ranks deep, only the front 4 will be attacking, all the others just queue up behind them and wait, even in wide open spaces. I know the English like their queues 'n all, but this is ridiculous :/
The same happens with AI units too, so melee battles are very slow and dull to watch.

Damn, just as i was thinking this was a patchless game...
Rome did that too, was annoying as hell.
Uh, I'm downloading it off Steam and it has come to a screeching halt at 84.3%, where it has been sitting for several hours. Any advise on loading it?
Sorry for posting the obvious if you're already done this; restart steam?
Um, it took me TEN HOURS to get this far, and I'm kind of afraid to restart. Are you suggesting I just cancel the whole download, restart Steam (possibly my whole rig), and try again? Let it run overnight? I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I really want to do that as a last resort. Are you sure it'll work?
No. Just restart steam, it'll continue from where you left off. Don't delete the download.
Despite all the bugs, i'm still playing...

The first pope of my game died. And I was celebrating, because I wasn't in the popes good graces. I only had 3 rating with him. During the papal elections I picked the right pope, and got in better graces with him...

TWO turns later the Portugese pope died , and I voted again for the pope who was elected, this time the pope got nearly all the votes.

Now my relation with the papacy is only one ranking away from perfect, making me the second most beloved faction to the pope. WOOT!

Now here's hoping this pope doesn't die two turns later too. HAHA.
Just read on the official forum that a patch will be released within 2 weeks. :thumbs:
The main fix they are working on is the Passive AI bug, which is at least good news in that they are confirming that there is indeed a problem with the AI, wootage.
Sorry to go a bit offtopic but I was wondering if anyone knew if there's a mod or patch or something for RTW that lets you set up custom battles without you having to participate, i.e. just spectate? Would be interesting if anyone knew anything off it.. And also, on that topic, I'm assuming it's not possible to do that in MTW2?
I really don't get why they don't allow you.. I doubt it'd be all that hard, just make the camera free roaming, that's pretty much it.. But then again I'm not a coder so in the end I don't know shit.