'MEEP!' banned from a school because principal is a queer

Seriously. The state is spending your parents' money educating you little shits. The LEAST you could do is pay the **** some attention.
This should be reinforced during the first few years of school. Not in a dogmatic kind of "This is a PRIVILEGE you little shits so be happy about it" kind of way. Just showing the children the reality of what school is, what it provides, where it comes from, and how it exists, would really help integrate it into a kid's worldview instead of making it some arbitrary time-tunnel of tasks that need to be completed before the world opens up upon graduation.

Also, hi! I have computer access from the library, for frequent short periods of time. I do have to walk about 20 minutes to get to it, but hey, it's here and I don't have to pay for it.

tl,dr; It's important that kids know public school still costs something, and Toronto taxpayers fund my access to halflife2.net.