Meet the Engineer Next Week

They've decided to delay TF2 as they realised that the current market segmentation doesn't want a "gameplay" experience and instead are going to scrap the current version of TF2 and build a realistic class-based online multiplayer game with a heavy emphasis on vehicles.
I know it, they are going to say probably something about TF2 & Co ... but the real suprise is about a project ( a game? ) that they have never showed something about it before.

Players will coop to build something ...

( sorry for my english )
I know it, they are going to say probably something about TF2 & Co ... but the real suprise is about a project ( a game? ) that they have never showed something about it before.

Players will coop to build something ...

( sorry for my english )

There's already a couple of games like that...

Garry's Mod and SourceForts.
I noticed a discrepancy in this news post. Anyone else catch this?

[br]In other TF2 news, stay tuned for a pretty big announcement next week from Valve on Tuesday.

This quote is not entirely accurate to the actual Steam News. To help the hype a little more, I thought I would post what it exactly says.

In other TF2 news, stay tuned for a pretty big announcement next week. You're going to want to hold off on planning any vacations until you hear what we've got to say on Tuesday.

To me the second one sounds way more exciting.

EDIT: I just noticed that the whole news post was paraphrased..... oh well..
Just talked with Greg and he told me they's announced it around noon tomorrow, their time, so that's 20:00 GMT
Does the Aussie calculation... 4:00am WA, 5:30am CST, 6:00am EST.

I get the feeling I'll want to wake up fairly early for this. :D
Or we the people of the Future will just have to wait till tommorw...
8pm. Awww. That's past my bed time. :(
CS:Source had a Beta... I reckon TF2 will too... and that's what the announcement will be.

Munro, get off your ass and get some sponsored game servers again!!

Yes, yes, yes, yes please :imu:
Three hours from now! :)

Oh, and unfortunately I have class until 2:20 so I guess I have to wait to hear what it is...
Holy crap TF2 beta on the 17th! Hoorah!
Heh it's $200 if you buy them individualy.

I didn't notice that the new games were on steam now. And all three have commentary. Cool.
Nah, it's only beta, I am not excited :I

Wait, I am...
So, looks like I'm buying two copies of Orange Box. One on Steam for the beta, one that's an actual BOX. Enjoy my money, Valve! Lord knows you always do every other time I buy multiples of your products.

*Stares at his Valve Christmas box*