Meet the Engineer Video


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ah, the turtle shell. Brush your fingers over its textured carapace. Go on, don't be shy - caress those neat hexagonal segments, and feel your flesh flick over the dividing ridges. Wonderful, isn't it? [br] [br] The RTS gamer should be well accustomed to it. To "turtle" is to batten down the hatches and deploy the heavy machine gun emplacements; to erect your walls of firepower and sit tight waiting for the enemy to spear themselves upon your spiked shell. But when genres inevitably overlap - as they often do in the borderless video-game community - and a mouse pointer blurs into a crosshair, a new form of hybrid gameplay emerges. [br] [br] In other words, the Engineer can BUILD GUN TURRETS LOL. [br] [br] For those of you unaccustomed to the concept of deployable defences in a (shock horror) FPS game, you'll want to check out Valve's new "Meet the Engineer" video (along with anybody in possession of a sense of humour). Then you will truly know what it is to "turtle". [br]
[br]You can view the trailer by accessing it on Steam's media section. Alternatively, grab it from Fileplanet, or wait for the video to hit Youtube or any other newfangled youth-orientated video-hosting webpage of the modern era.
Ahhh you beat me to it Sui! Just to add a little more information from the Valve press release.

Name: Engineer
Role: Defense
Weapons: Shotgun / Pistol / Wrench
Contraptions: Turret / Dispenser / Teleporter
Favorite Equation:
Bio: This amiable, soft-spoken good ol? boy from tiny Bee Cave, Texas loves barbeque, guns, and higher education. Natural curiosity, 10 years as a roughneck in the west Texas oilfields, and 11 hard science PhDs have trained him to design, build and repair a variety of deadly contraptions.
Apparently this is the engineers' favourite formula too according to Valve...

We have some stills but the ftp is being a little dodgy right now, but why wait, go watch the video! :D
Go to for a HD version.

These character shorts are truly magnificent.
Valve has really outdone themselves with this project.
I just hope that they've put the same effort into the actual game.
Can't wait to get my hands on the beta. :)
hahaha, that's awesome

I didn't think you could get more than one turret at a time though... am I wrong? D:
I feel terrible saying this but it's the best 9/11 I have had since 9/11. Thanks for that Valve. :) Got it all pre-ordered, beat the fantastic plinko game (got some instant replays too), and the new tf2 video with tf2 beta. LOL at the new video too.
I think valve released this now to make the Americans a little more happy on the anniversary of this terrible day.
That is some seriously quality stuff they're making over at Valve.
Good god that's awesome. My favorite part is when he adjusts himself by standing up a little, then sitting back down.
Did anyone notice the kill counter on the lunch box in the background, started at 210, ended with 215.

Full of win.
Amazing as always, can't wait for the rest.

I have a seemingly odd question; if I gift an individual with Half-Life 2 or EP1, will they also receive the Source SDK base? If not I'll register a new account for Orange Box.

(didn't want to make a new thread to ask this question)
I'm really not into playing multiplayer games, but these videos really sell this game to me. Will the actual TF2 game have that funny music? I'd probably be cannon fodder for some team and still love it.
These are so ridiculously awesome, I'm wondering if they'll make it into the game? Y'know, as additions to the characters' bio pages (if there are bio pages).

I could stand watching these a couple of hundred more times, so I hope Valve slides them in somewhere.

Again... So. Damn. Awesome.
I'm really not into playing multiplayer games, but these videos really sell this game to me. Will the actual TF2 game have that funny music? I'd probably be cannon fodder for some team and still love it.

Yeah, the game is supposed to be very comedic.
Amazing as always, can't wait for the rest.

I have a seemingly odd question; if I gift an individual with Half-Life 2 or EP1, will they also receive the Source SDK base? If not I'll register a new account for Orange Box.

(didn't want to make a new thread to ask this question)
You can do a search through the games list and one of the options is 'includes source SDK".
Check it out.
My guess is yes. :)
I love it. Each new video makes me want to play that class the most. My favorite part is just after he says "use more gun," and then gets a grin on his face after the explosion. I didn't notice the kill counter until I watched it a second time, and it made me rofl. Can't wait for the rest.
Just fantastic. Funniest piece of gaming video I've seen, really...perhaps I haven't seen that much--but I don't think that would help. :)
Valve could really give big players like Pixar a real run for their money, if they produce a full length animated movie using this technology. I mean these videos are fantastic!
This movie wins the game for me. I LOVE TURRETS.
Best one by far +++

I bet the scout is gonna be a jittery, caffeine filled motormouth.
"My aarrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

Anyone notice (as the engineer is on the red team) the beer he drinks is called 'Blu Streak' ?

I thought they couldn't beat the Heavy video, but this is just brilliant. :laugh:

*watches video again*

Funny vid, but the soldier one is better

agreed the soldier film was better but the soldier is mad so it's ok, but the engineer is laid back and kool, love the vid, are we getting all the vids for free cause i heard that valve may make us pay for the rest, but i personally wouldn't
i hope we can a play a guitar in game lol, like some animation of sort..