Meet The Sandvich!


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
It's finally here!, Meet the latest heavy unlockable..THE SANDVICH. He was a good lunch who played by the rules, until the rules robbed him of everything he ever loved. Now he's lettuce, tomato, cheese, bread, and a mysterious slice of meat, marching down your throat and straight to hell. He'll satisfy your hunger. FOR REVENGE![br]

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The Sandvich is the Heavy?s first unlockable. It tastes as good as it looks and heals 120 health. Like in real life, the decision to eat a Sandvich must not be taken lightly; The Heavy is completely vulnerable during the four second eating process, and his loud, happy sounds of vigorous chewing will draw enemies like tiny ant cowards to a picnic. OF DEATH. On the bright side, the Heavy?s Sandvich supply is unlimited, so his only real concern is being caught short while enjoying this delicious edible device. The Sandvich is a great tool for a Heavy defending an area, as it gives him the ability to replenish health between enemy waves without having to abandon his post. Similarly, an offensive Heavy without a Medic can step back from the front line and grab a quick snack before resuming his rampage. Beware, however: the Heavy must set aside his shotgun to take the Sandvich, and enemy Snipers are much more dangerous for a Heavy wielding only a minigun.
You Red Team maggots wouldn't know how to break a spine if *crack* MY SPIIIIIINE
Best yet!
lmao, I bet people will whine about it, but I just dont care, its pro!
The end was the best, when he was eating a delicious sandvich and looking down upon the chaos :D
Why does the trademark symbol just have an M?
That poor Scout.

Hahahahaha. I love you TF2 and Valve and white people.
Any ideas when the full update will be released?
I would of preferred a chicken sandvich but meh to each his snack.
Makes me want to play TF2 again.

So many cool updates :)
LoL, awesome. But w8 a sec. It's coming to consoles right,Right????

Valve want's too, but microsoft doesn't want to give the people who bought the game free, what they (Microsoft) believe to be expansions, updates to it. And would rather have the updates cost money. which is retarted.
My buddy called this unlock a month ago. Either he secretly works for Valve or he's clairvoyant.