meh hand

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks to the AMAZING help from the community, i was able to finish it. Coming to a 1426 polycount here is my hand.

looks nice :D now all you need to do is bump map it inside zbrush :P
lol proberly, that means your weapon has to be about 1000 triangles :/
hl2 can prolly support like 5,000 becuase hl can suport 2,500 and source is 50x better.
Well nowa days poeple are starting to get better video cards so it dont really have to be 'the best' computer, just something around a geforce 3 im sure could handle it.
By the time some of these mods come out, the goalposts will probably have moved anyway...
Always plan ahead. If you don't and another mod with a similar idea does your mod will look a bit dated and less impressive... even though the teams may be of equal quality.

If you develop a game that will take a year or two to finish you should start by thinking "What will the computers of our target audience be able to handle when the game is ready to ship?"

This is especially true now since we are nearing the end of the production cycles of several components. There will be a much faster video card (ATI's R420), faster 64-bit processors, and 64-bit OSs (which should make the Athlon64's run 30%+ faster than in 32-bit) by the time any of the major mods are finished. By then, the original HL2 polycounts will be low compared to what the systems can handle.