members quitting again? Deja Vu?

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The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
lol, I was thinking instead of quitting i'd just ask why this is happening for a third time. I guess i've made a point of avoiding this forum rather than makeing a dramatic goodbye post like I have in the past :p So whats up now? Cat got no keys? I guess I dont really understand :p i've not been nearly as active as I have in the past on this forum... (WoW, drivers ed, etc)

so basically.....

Munro Hijacked a nuclear missle... which pissed a bunch of dudes off and killed like 4 million people, after that a bunch of disgruntled forumites began to eat sausage... so much sausage that the rest of the world didnt have sausage. After that the mods got pissed and bann0red everyone :O.... Meanwhile Pi Mu Rho killed a town and didnt even care. Foxtrot started an insurgency bent on new world order.. and Zerminsky is pregnant?
sausages give me heartburn

sooooo're not quitting?
CptStern said:
sausages give me heartburn

sooooo're not quitting?

If I wanted to quit.. i'd just stop posting :D dramatic exists are too cliche around here now.

im not quitting :p
I see ...I guess that would be the smart thing to do :E

so if you stop posting I'll know you left ...........starting now
Lol u had a dramatic exit a long time ago BHD.

Then you came back.

Pulling a rayman ;)
whi hullo thar capt stern!1111!!1 lolz!11

Erestheux said:
Lol u had a dramatic exit a long time ago BHD.

Then you came back.

Pulling a rayman ;)

I said that in my first post :p
CptStern said:
I see ...I guess that would be the smart thing to do :E

so if you stop posting I'll know you left ...........starting now

Cpt. Stern what happened to my previous thread? N/m. That game you mentioned looks like crap. I want a top of the line game like GTA and Half Life 2.
Takashi Shimura said:
Cpt. Stern what happened to my previous thread? N/m. That game you mentioned looks like crap. I want a top of the line game like GTA and Half Life 2.

leik who ar j00!?!?////!111
how am I supposed to know? he obviously had good reason to lock it, send him a pm or email him

oh and dont go on graphics alone dont make a game fun the review
CptStern said:
how am I supposed to know? he obviously had good reason to lock it, send him a pm or email him

oh and dont go on graphics alone dont make a game fun the review

lawl, leik obveeusly theye doo, have not yoo playd DEWM THREE?!111

john3571000 said:
just ignore him its easier that way

:) dont piss off the headcrab
CptStern said:
how am I supposed to know? he obviously had good reason to lock it, send him a pm or email him

oh and dont go on graphics alone

Did I say that? Only idiots go on graphics alone so don't you insult my intelligence young boy
Originally Posted by john3571000
just ignore him its easier that way

bite me
not you BHC, you're alright
->i meant the thread hijacker takashi
Takashi Shimura said:
Did I say that? Only idiots go on graphics alone so don't you insult my intelligence young boy
I bet cpt.stern is older then everyone is this thread. ;) How old are you stern btw?I know you have a kid or is it two kids?
Tr0n said:
I bet cpt.stern is older then everyone is this thread. ;) How old are you stern btw?I know you have a kid or is it two kids?

Right, he's like 40 or summet.
Takashi Shimura said:
Did I say that? Only idiots go on graphics alone so don't you insult my intelligence young boy
LOLOLOLOL, young boy?!

Arg beat me to it mortiz
Takashi Shimura said:
Did I say that? Only idiots go on graphics alone so don't you insult my intelligence young boy

heehee calling me of all people "young" or "boy"

anyways what did you expect the only thing you said about the game was:

"That game you mentioned looks like crap"

now stop derailing this thread and try to be a little more humble the next time you ask for advice ...hehehe ...young
Tr0n said:
I bet cpt.stern is older then everyone is this thread. ;) How old are you stern btw?I know you have a kid or is it two kids?

1 kid ..and I'm not quite 40 :)

noooo not grandpa!!! my son is still an infant!
Always reassuring to know that there's someone older than me.
babyheadcrab said:
CptStern is the forum grandpa :)
Not really...we can't forget Pi.He's an old geezer and has a kid (or is it more then 1?) also...just like Stern. :D
doh! ...and your kids are how old?

I'll be close to retirement when my son finishes university :O
I'm 30 this month. My kids are 5 years, 2 years, and 5 weeks.

Pi Mu Rho said:
Always reassuring to know that there's someone older than me.

actually your the oldest man alive... brush those cobwebs off..
you must have no problem keeping up with your kids

/me huffs and wheezes from chasing Stern Jr with a diaper ...little bugger is fast
[stereotype] You two need to STOP playing videogames! Those are meant for little kids, and posting on forums for them is worse![/endstereotype]
I reguraly play WoW with a 50+ year old, hes a great rouge.. fun to raid with :D
CptStern said:
doh! ...and your kids are how old?

I'll be close to retirement when my son finishes university :O

Doesn't your kid find it a bit awkward that his dad spends so much time in a video game message board? Stand tall CptStern, 10,000 posts is serious stuff.
10,000 post doesn't mean he spends 10 hours a day on a messageboard.It just means he post very quickly...considering 90% of his post comes from politics.That pretty much confirms my theory.
Takashi Shimura said:
Doesn't your kid find it a bit awkward that his dad spends so much time in a video game message board? Stand tall CptStern, 10,000 posts is serious stuff.

he probably does the same :p I'm going to raise my kid on message boards hahaha...
Funnily enough, kids do things like "sleep". They don't actually demand your attention 24 hours a day.
Takashi Shimura said:
Doesn't your kid find it a bit awkward that his dad spends so much time in a video game message board? Stand tall CptStern, 10,000 posts is serious stuff.

Well my Dad's older than Stern and he just plonks his ass in front of the TV every night. At least Stern is using his mind for something, whether it be playing games or posting on message boards.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Funnily enough, kids do things like "sleep". They don't actually demand your attention 24 hours a day.

My parents could never sleep when there were 3 of us :p but it depends on the kid really.. some sleep easy some dont..
babyheadcrab said:
he probably does the same :p I'm going to raise my kid on message boards hahaha...

Yeah and don't send them to school either, they'll learn everything they need know, online
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