

Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone seen this excellent film?
I saw it the other day and thought it was really refereshing to see such an original and clever film; great directing, acting and script.
Brilliant movie, in my top 20. Yeah, top acting from Guy Pierce and great directing from Nolan.
It's nice. The director of that movie also made insomnia. Not as good imo but still nice, you might want to see it.
The only thing I hate about it is that when you've watched it once, it's no fun to watch again. Well, until maybe a year later so the ending is out of memory a bit.
Like the usual suspects, brilliant ending.
Watched it the other day, confusing if you're not paying attention :O A fantastic film
StardogChampion said:
The only thing I hate about it is that when you've watched it once, it's no fun to watch again. Well, until maybe a year later so the ending is out of memory a bit.
get the dvd and watch in chronological order and then watch the original and then the chronological....
it wrecks the head the way it twists and turns
Great movie, but I don't understand how it can be anyone's favorite. It was unique and interesting, but it just doesn't cut it to be in my top 20 or so.
Erestheux said:
Great movie, but I don't understand how it can be anyone's favorite. It was unique and interesting, but it just doesn't cut it to be in my top 20 or so.

for me its a top 20 film. I love films which keep a secret from you until the makes the ending that much more satisfying. The way the director edited the film also keeps you constantly hooked, as the pieces of the puzzle are revealed to you.
Excellent film, very clever, great ending.
