Memory Almost Full - Paul McCartney

Jan 27, 2006
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Has anyone gotten this newest album by Paul yet? I bought it at starbucks a few days ago and haven't been able to stop listening to it. I love it!
I wish that ****er would retire already, he is doing my head in.
lol. all my friends say the album sux as well..and they also cant believe he is not "dead" yet.. my god..
It's actually a good album if you like his type of music, and willeh, you actually like some of the songs on it.
He hasn't made many good song since The Beatles, so I won't get my hopes up for this one.
I got his new album and it wasn't that great. I like his older songs like Venus And Mars/Rock Show, and Call Me Back Again. It would be great if he made more songs like that before he hits the hey.

It's a lion get in the car!
i saw a music video of his not long ago when i was in a movie theater... not sure if it was for this album, but the song was ****ed, and music video doubley so. not sure if its in my taste.
Has anyone seen that Beatles Love show in Las Vegas? I think I did. I was kind of dissapointed with it. There was too much dancing. But the music was good!
That truely is a banable mistake.

What's so bad about answering my own question? Nobody was answering, so I thought I would answer it myself. Surely you wouldn't ban an innocent person for something such a that.
Paul will never die. The CD is actually quite good. Has anybody else noticed that a Paul McCartney CD/Tour happens AFTER a Paul M. divorce?
What's so bad about answering my own question? Nobody was answering, so I thought I would answer it myself. Surely you wouldn't ban an innocent person for something such a that.
Yes, because after all, you left a whole minute for people to answer.
I guess I was in a time warp. You know, when you think it's been about a half an hour, but it was really only one minute? Or am I the only one who gets sucked into time warps? Maybe my brain is'nt as stable as I thought it was, or maybe the time warp only happened to certain parts of the world, or maybe I should just stop rambling.