!!! "Memory Could Not Be Read" !!!

Jan 18, 2009
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I've been working on this map and everything has been going great. But today, when I opened up my file, it says:

"Out of memory loading solid."


"Error Loading File, File *****, Line 5595: Error 17"


"The instruction at "0x0ec5915b" referenced memory at "0x0ec5915b". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program"

I opened the VMF file in Notepad++ and found why It wasn't working. But I don't know how to fix it.

The part of the code said,

"id" "718"
"plane" "(1040 -2016 48) (1040 -2048 48) (1040 -2048 320)"
"material" "CONCRETE/CO *
*Then after the "CONCRETE/CO was a bunch of little black boxes the said in them "NUL"

Please help.
I did but then It said, "Unexpected End of File"

So, I tried deleting the whole solid instead of just that one side and it did the same thing.
try using "check for problems" in hammer, or upload your source file here
Thanks, though just a few minutes ago I realized I could decompile the BSP which was a slightly earlier version that works. I have caught up now, but I would still like to thank you for helping anyways!
ohhhh maan this is why you should save your map files with a number postfix


mymap001, mymap002 etc etc