Memory Loss :(


Companion Cube
Dec 28, 2005
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Just thought I'd make a thread on this, express my thoughts, will probably extend to tl;dr... but I'm hoping someone can relate or breathe some light onto my current situation.

It all began late last year in November during Schoolies, which was essentially a week long graduation party after the end of High School. On one of the nights, I happened to have drank a few shots of spirits, waited a few hours then decided to smoke the green stuff. I had only done it a few times prior, but this trip was completely different. My head became like a camera taking photos of everything going on around me and soon I just laid down and sat there in fear, because my mind was conjuring so many images at such a rapid pace and my body was feeling cold and out of touch. It was seriously psychologically scary. Before I went to sleep that night I felt my memory slipping away every 2 seconds, it was like blanks emerging in my brain where everything used to be. But I still dreamt soundly that night, but upon waking up in the morning I felt completely out of time and place and wasn't really able to comprehend anything.

But eventually it cleared up and I came home, tired and a little shaken. Life went on, hung out with friends, played a few games, went on holiday for a week. However, when I came back from holiday I was home alone for the next few weeks. It was a pretty lonely experience but I still hung out with people and I certainly was not a recluse of any sort. Yet my memory I had noticed was now starting to become hazy. I wasn't able to acknowledge what I had done the week before or what day it currently was. I would try and write things down but forget what I was writing in the first place and things fell apart. It was starting to get really bad, and I must admit I was suffering from some severe depression (nightmares every night, very shifty moods) which led to a few fruitless doctor visits.

Nowadays I'm still suffering from it and I think it's getting worse. I cannot register what I do even on the same day in which I did it. I'll wake up from a good night's sleep and my mind feels as dead as it would if I had two hours. I did not have the best memory to begin with but it's much noticably worse than what it once was: everything's a blur. I'm not sure what caused it, whether it was that incident with the marijuana, being alone for awhile or caused by severe depression.

Anyway, this is a pretty big, pointless rant and it probably doesn't help that I'm devastatingly tired, but I'm feeling pretty dejected at the moment. I just thought someone on these forums might be able to relate or give advice. Otherwise I expect just a lot of tl;dr's.

(and yes, I am going to see a doctor/psychiatrist soon, just a matter of when)
On one of the nights, I happened to have drank a few shots of spirits,

Never ever drink alcohol while smoking weed. I dont know why, but countless of people have told me this, so i live by it.
Never ever drink alcohol while smoking weed. I dont know why, but countless of people have told me this, so i live by it.

It was a fairly stupid move on my part but no one I've meant went through what felt like an acid trip doing so. The stuff itself was fine, as the rest of my mates that night were on a pretty normal trip.
Never ever drink alcohol while smoking weed. I dont know why, but countless of people have told me this, so i live by it.

Beers than grass, you're on your ass.

Grass then beer, you're in the clear.

It was a fairly stupid move on my part but no one I've meant went through what felt like an acid trip doing so. The stuff itself was fine, as the rest of my mates that night were on a pretty normal trip.

If you found that psychologically scary, I wouldn't even think of Acid. :o
One of the cardinal signs of depression is memory impairment. Recognizing the connection can be the first step toward treatment. (EDIT1: That is the best page on depression I've seen in a long time)

Don't worry about the weed/beer thing, it sounds like maybe you just had a lot going on at the same time, leading to an intense moment.

There are others on here with much more experience of depression/drugs than me so you might want to wait for a second opinion but I hope that helps :-)
I drink and smoke, never experienced that. (EDIT1: That is the best page on depression I've seen in a long time)

Don't worry about the weed/beer thing, it sounds like maybe you just had a lot going on at the same time, leading to an intense moment.

There are others on here with much more experience of depression/drugs than me so you might want to wait for a second opinion but I hope that helps :-)

That is a very useful site, thank you.

While I do consider the drug incident a possible catalyst for this all, I don't think it's the main one. I do remember that for a few weeks following that I was perfectly fine, I think it was more around the time of being alone and a bit depressed that my memory became hazy. Still, I'm not going to rule it out, I'm sure it had some effect on my current state of mind.
That is a very useful site, thank you.

While I do consider the drug incident a possible catalyst for this all, I don't think it's the main one. I do remember that for a few weeks following that I was perfectly fine, I think it was more around the time of being alone and a bit depressed that my memory became hazy. Still, I'm not going to rule it out, I'm sure it had some effect on my current state of mind.

When you are depressed or experiencing anxiety it's natural that your memory may seem hazy. This is because depression changes your state of mind. Your thought process changes and the little things you experience or learn are immediately considered not as important.

As far as the weed goes, I can understand what you're saying. I smoke almost daily so lets just say I forget a few things now and then :). There's a book by a guy named harry loraine which teaches you how to remember a large list of items using simple memory tricks and such called The Memory Book. The day I started reading it I was able to memorize, in order, all of the states, the state capitals, and then every single country in the world. I was amazed.

Anyway, it's not the weed and it's not your mental capacity...just get the depression worked out and you should be feeling better.
and I must admit I was suffering from some severe depression (nightmares every night, very shifty moods) which led to a few fruitless doctor visits

I don't think it could be the drugs from all those months ago STILL playing with your memory... and I read somewhere, plus I know from experiences with a few friends, that depression causes memory loss. So if you still have that, then maybe you should get some fruitful psych visits.

EDIT: I only read the original post, and have since realised that just about every post since then has just said what I did. So I'll shut up now.
Are you sure that was weed you were smoking?

And I doubt your current situation has anything to do with the drugs/drinking you did that night.
I've had a slipping memory more and more over the years. Through what people have told me I do, and through research, I believe my reason would be a version of Sleep Apnea. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
No, no, no.... you went to Lacuna Incorporated didn't you?

But seriously, you said you plan to go to a Doctor, but have not yet?

You should ASAP, you want to make sure you are not suffering from some disease or brain problem. I'm not here to scare you, but you never know, it could be something really important you never would have expected that you need to check out immediately before it goes from bad to worse.
Maybe it's something that is easily treatable in it's early stages, but very difficult later on, you never know.
i dont drink, but i do have a shit memory. ill be talking to someone and forget what i was saying, or ill be walking somewhere and not realize where im going. even on the computer, ill go to wikipedia or somewhere to look up something and forget what i was looking for.
i hate it when you have a well thought out response to something and half way through the delivery you forget that crucial word and you're stuck with "ummm....ya know......"
Never ever drink alcohol while smoking weed. I dont know why, but countless of people have told me this, so i live by it.
As long as you're not completely shitfaced you're gonna be fine. I've been drunk most times I've done weed, and it's no problem whatsoever.
I read that the chance of cancer is x8 if you do both rather than either alone.
BTW, OP, sounds like you did acid or shrooms, not cannabis. Were your suppliers trustworthy? (No idea why anyone would tell you it acid or schrooms when it was weed, though.)
Heh, I had an incident a few years back where I got ultra drunk and did a load of bottle bags (make shift bongs, google them they're brutal) at a party and ended up being completely numb all over my body for a week. Now that was scary; waking up everyday being barely able to feel a thing. It obviously wore off eventually but it goes to show just how differently everyone reacts to various substances.

Saying that however I'm sure your memory loss is probably just down to you being depressed/not doing much at home. I too went through a few phases where I'd just sit in my room on my PC for days on end and because it was so monotonous I wouldn't be able to re-call anything of significance; because I had not done anything of interest or tried to break my slack routine in any way. Go streak round your neighborhood or something, that'll help.
I noticed a slight decline in my speech, not really my intelligence or memory after the first time I got drunk and stoned... I slur my words and I have to think more than usual of what I have to say before I say it.. It's weird. That's why I don't party often.. I get stupider each time.
Seriously, this is like the 6th thread this week on this subject. Cut it out.
I have some interesting memory loss
I can't remember what i did yesterday, but i remember things from years ago, like the time i got the cops called on me, but i remember things in third-person(what i do remember)
I noticed a slight decline in my speech, not really my intelligence or memory after the first time I was born... I slur my words and I have to think more than usual of what I have to say before I say it.. It's weird. That's why I don't get born often.. I get stupider each time.

ahaha, more like it, owned pal, fixed ftw!
Wait, if I was born a first time, does that mean I was born more than once? And if I don't get born often... what?!
I have a good memory for quotes apparently but I'm not good at remembering things I think I will never use again.
I can't remember if I've posted in this thread already or not.
Haha, loving some of the ignorance in this thread ^

I just stated the weed incident as the beginning. I'm not saying its the cause of it, I'm just saying that's how it began. I neither condemn nor advocate weed, obviously (though, one of my friends had such high levels of THC (?) that he ran through his house screaming that "they" had his phone tapped and were going to kill him... he hasn't touched weed since :P)

Going to see a doctor soon anyway, for a referral to a psychiatrist and see how that goes.