Memory Problems with SP2


Jun 22, 2004
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Sometimes when I exit a window (usually internet explorer or something) I get a memory error. It it usually something like cannot write memory at... or cannot read memory at...\

Now, this has never been a problem, since it is when I exit a window, not minimize or something.

Played CS:S for the first time in a while today, and minimized it to talk on AIM. I alt-tab back to CS:S, and guess what?

"Cannot read memory..."


The reason I think this is because of SP2 is because... well it only started happening after I installed it.

With only AIM and IE open, with a bunch-o-processes, under Physical Memory, it says I have about ~630000K available, out of 1047548K. System Cache says ~422000

Is this too much being used?

I assume not, since computers with 512 RAM can handle CS:S and AIM without a hitch...

Any way to fix this?
Virtual Memory? Just a suggestion, i have 1024MB of ram my VM is set at windows default=1536 hope this helps :D

best page to look at, it discusses the problem and has a few different things you can try and it explains why/how the crash is happening. though it doesn't have a 'perfect' fix.

i had the same problem and i declocked my cpu to 2500+ from 3200+ and there were no crashes.

i overlocked again and turned virtual memory to 'system set' and i took out my ram, gave it a blow to move any dust and plugged the ram back in. so far i haven't had any errors though people who have fixed it have said they randomly appear :(