"Memory Read" crash & skipping problem - related??


May 4, 2004
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Well, I've encountered my first "can't read memory" crash. Happened after I first met Barney, jumped out of the top window, and was approaching the gate and guard.

I had the audio-skipping problem a few times, but I've had this in other games, too... it's like when the game needs to load some more stuff into memory from the HD, and it freezes for a second, making the current sounds (whatever sounds are playing) repeat over and over like a skipping CD. After the new stuff loads into memory, it carries on as normal.

This sort of skipping usually happens a lot for me at the beginning of a level.

Ok, now this is guesswork, but just before the game crashed with the "can't read memory" error, it seemed to be busy again, loading some more stuff into memory (no idea what - textures, bits of the map, whetever) - except this time it was taking a looong time... about 20 seconds went past, while the HD went crazy, like it does during the audio skipping, then the crash occurred.

Now I'm *guessing* that the two are related, in that the game engine gives the system a certain amount of time to respond to a read-request, to get some textures/map/data/whatever into memory... like when Windows starts swapping memory to the disk when it runs out of RAM.

If the system can't get it together in a set amount of time, the game crashes out, saying "hey, I can't read this data from memory - it's taking too long, something is wrong."

Well I'm guessing (again), that nothing is really wrong, it's just that the system is taking too long to get data to the software, and the software is programmed to give up after a while.

After installing the game via Steam, my hard drive has been fragged to all hell, so I'm defragging it *comprehensively*, using PerfectDisk, not the Windows Defragger, which is a ****ing useless pile of decayed badger sputum - there's no point using Windows defragger for this. Download a proper defragger.

As an aside, Windows 98 had a proper defragger, which had a "full defrag" option. For some reason, XP's version is cut down to crap. [rant]So much for upgrades... Gates giveth and Gates taketh away. Did you know he gets thousands of emails a day, mostly spam? He employs a small team to sift through them and forward on the important ones. That makes me smile.[/rant]

Anyway, hope that helps, or at least makes some modicum of sense.

[pre-emptive edit]Note: the above is merely speculation and yes, I'm sure other crashes might be for different reasons. There's a lot of flaming going on in this woebegotten forum... so don't bother flaming me for speculating and trying to help; you'll just sound like a troll's steaming undergarment attepting to communicate by flapping its distended seams against rippling troll ass-flesh.[/pre-emptive edit]