Mental blanks...


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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How do you get rid of mental blanks? I currently have one and I am meant to be analysing 3 pieces of art... Argh...
Swallow an ice cube while trying to think what you did the previous morning. Should cure it.
Oddly, that cured most of it. I can start writing again! :D
Yes... But but the ice cube was 3/4 melted.
When you are doing something creative then BAM! You can't think of anything to write down/draw/make for a while.
Or when you know you should know something, but you just can't for the life of you dig it up from your memory.
stigmata said:
Or when you know you should know something, but you just can't for the life of you dig it up from your memory.
And then something completely random brings the memory back.
I blank mentally all the time.. especially during exams i study long and hard for... i should see a shrink...
Kitfox said:
I blank mentally all the time.. especially during exams i study long and hard for... i should see a shrink...

Sometimes I get that too, but I usually figure it out after a while. It probably happens to me when I get too nervous and start panicking.

Then there are times when I blank out on people's names if I don't know them especially well.... that's never good. Sometimes it takes days to figure out what their names are :O.
Stop doing all those drugs, you hippies!

It makes you space out. :cheese:
Raziaar said:
Stop doing all those drugs, you hippies!

It makes you space out. :cheese:
Well for me it was being dropped on the head as a young child... :dork:

Wow. I thought you wrote "metal blanks"...I must be having one of those mental blanks. haha!
For me, it was not drugs or being dropped on the head. It was from an early childhood disability. BUT I MANAGE (w00t)
What are you talking about Danimal? Nobody ever gets mental...uhhhhhhhh...
heres the most common for me:

going down to the storage room, opening the door and staring at everything in it, not knowing what i wanted, and trying to think to myself "why did i come down here"

happens alot to me and pisses the hell outta me lol
Maybe write something down on a notepad before you go. And take the notepad with you. Or you could tie it to yourself with a string so you don't forget the notepad.
Deemo said:
heres the most common for me:

going down to the storage room, opening the door and staring at everything in it, not knowing what i wanted, and trying to think to myself "why did i come down here"

happens alot to me and pisses the hell outta me lol
That happens to me A LOT also.. I usually get mine when I am supposed to be studying or writing a paper. I will just stop for a little bit and have no idea what I was doing or where I was at. I like when you remember what you were doing and everything comes back to you. That feels really cool. :thumbs:
Raziaar said:
Stop doing all those drugs, you hippies!

It makes you space out. :cheese:

Are you trying to offend me?
Hehe :naughty:
I get them all the time trying to do the most simplest equations. I used to have Maths the first thing on a Monday, and I'll be absoultely knackered - and when working out stuff I'd get stuck on something stupid like 62+11. I'll be sitting there going I'll forget what I'm doing and I'll just stare out the window for a good 10 minutes, before I try and work it out again. I'm not utterly retarded or anything, but at times my mind goes completely blank :p
Don't give a damn about it. It'll come to you soon.
What's mental blanks? (seriously) ......
Who am I? What is this place? What is a moderator? WTF?!
JiMmEh said:
I get them all the time trying to do the most simplest equations. I used to have Maths the first thing on a Monday, and I'll be absoultely knackered - and when working out stuff I'd get stuck on something stupid like 62+11. I'll be sitting there going I'll forget what I'm doing and I'll just stare out the window for a good 10 minutes, before I try and work it out again. I'm not utterly retarded or anything, but at times my mind goes completely blank :p

I do that with simple words. Really, really simple words. Like... "international." Once I was writing an essay and I needed that word, and I just sat there thinking, "What's that word that means... 'between nations'...." Sadly enough, I had to ask my sister what the word was. She looks at me funny and says, "Uhh... international?" Me: "Oh. Yeah :o". That was embarrassing.

dekstar said:
I bet you used a calculator
Sometimes I do worse with calculators than with mental math. It must've been my 9th grade math teacher. She never let us use calculators, even on tests. We had to find inverses of 4x4 matrices... by hand! It was traumatizing; I've hated matrices ever since.
Then a couple of weeks ago, I had a physics lab with a couple of partners, and I was handling the calculator, and the first calculation I did was way off. I even did it twice. It was basic multiplication and addition :|. Then somebody else does it and gets it, and I'm sitting there feeling stupid because I can't use a calculator properly ;(.
I suffer from maths retardation as well. I sometimes end up being so unsure about something like 2 x 6 that I'll end up doing it on my calculator just to double check :/
I have no maths skills at all. Which is why I did not do it in the HSC and became a lawyer. I rid my life of the scourge of maths!
I'm a writer.. and writer's block is kind of crap. Especially when you have a writing assignment. 3 page essay? Pfft.. 4 point font, no spacing between lines. Simple until you get writer's block.
I failed Math since grade 1, the closest thing I get to passing was a 55 out of 100 :dozey: