Mention on TechTV/XPlay


Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
Didn't see it here. Adam and Morgan on X Play also mentioned a release date of April 2004 tonight. Based on an announcement by Vivendi not Valve.
Originally posted by FreeYayo
Gabe = Fat F4g0rt

That's extremely rude. It's people like you that make everyone want Headcrabs to have no rights. And its comments like that that make this place a nightmare. I hope you get banned.


BTW: Xplay is a show, not VALVe. Morgan and Adam can only by what the news is, just like Gamespot, GameSpy, etc. Right now the release date is still the Holidays...But VU is stupid and wants to interject. It's up to VALVe when this game is released.
Originally posted by Kincaid
Didn't see it here. Adam and Morgan on X Play also mentioned a release date of April 2004 tonight. Based on an announcement by Vivendi not Valve.
always trust Adam and Morgan...

ok so "when its done"

freeyayo thats seriously uncalled for
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
That's extremely rude. It's people like you that make everyone want Headcrabs to have no rights. And its comments like that that make this place a nightmare. I hope you get banned.


Even though his comments are rude and he happens to be a headcrab, he registered before you.
FreeYayo, you should be banned for that very rude, AND unnecessary remark about Gabe.

I hope you're never allowed to post at these forums again >: (
Re: Re: Mention on TechTV/XPlay

Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
always trust Adam and Morgan...

Not so. I issued no opinion either way just stated the facts that were announced on the show. And of course not saying if they're correct or not. Let the reader use discernment?
Originally posted by FreeYayo
Gabe = Fat F4g0rt

FreeYayo = Lifeless nerd , do the bullies beat you up? You know noone cares about you until youre dead , kill yourself. Make them PAY with their sorrow.
it's officially delayed... good enough?
Originally posted by mekilla
Even though his comments are rude and he happens to be a headcrab, he registered before you.

I don't care what rank he is, or when he registered...that was uncalled for. I was simply stating, it's those comments that are causing this forum conflict. Don't defend him because he was in line first. Remarks like his make me want to vomit, seriously.


I also don't care if you made a comment about Gabe, or not, you defended the one who made it.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Re: Re: Re: Mention on TechTV/XPlay

Originally posted by Kincaid
Not so. I issued no opinion either way just stated the facts that were announced on the show. And of course not saying if they're correct or not. Let the reader use discernment?

I was merely playing around, Im sorry if it came off as though I were insinuating something.

what I was (poorly) trying to convey was
more along the lines of my opinion.

"always trust Adam and Morgan"
.,,, right so thats a "when its done" scenario then?
(I was just kidding around)
thanks for the heads up though man any hl2 news is good news

Gabe and other Valve members visit these boards, they shouldnt have to look at your idiotic comments.

This is your warning, next time its a ban.
Aww, damn SpuD, I was prayin' for an insta'ban for FreeYayo ;)

Hehe, j/k of course
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Aww, damn SpuD, I was prayin' for an insta'ban for FreeYayo ;)

Hehe, j/k of course

Uh...what exactly is Free Yayo?
I think yayo is cocain. At least that's what they call it in Scarface (one of the coolest movies ever).
Ah, just idiots, nothing better to do, just ignore the moron and don't encourage him. Should have banned him instantly, thats it, no need to go on and on about it.
Ok. This went waay off-topic. Glad it was informing anyways..
Originally posted by mekilla
Even though his comments are rude and he happens to be a headcrab, he registered before you.

And your point is?! Just cos you registered in July and he registered in October makes you somehow superior, uh?! And as well, all that headcrab crap. Just cos you can be hydra, or strider or whatever, doesnt necessarily show that you are better, it just shows that you made more post, and half of them were stupid like this one.
Peace :cool:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Mention on TechTV/XPlay

Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
hl2 news is good news

What about news saying "Half-Life 2 is cancelled"????
Originally posted by papa jake
I think yayo is cocain. At least that's what they call it in Scarface (one of the coolest movies ever).

Tommy Yayo is part of G-Unit. He's in jail for something Fiddy Cent did ( I think)
Didnt catch the announcement, but I wouldnt pay much attention either way. I will just wait for an official announcement.