menu help


Nov 25, 2004
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hi i have used the mod wizard and have converted a .tga file to vtf but now i am a little confused. could someone tell me how to make it apear as the background of the title screen. i have read tutorials and nothing i do works it just as the half lfie 2 menu background. also im a little confused as to i have my mod setup in c:/mymod but i also have a folder for the mod with different elements in it in the steamapps/sourcemods/ folder.
in my folder in c:/ that has my mod in it i have made a folder called materials and within that a folder called console and within that i have a .the vtf file that i want as the background and aparently it should just work as the background but it doesnt.
Make sure that the map is named background01.vtf
You may also need to compile the .bsp.

See if that works
Yea the background is basicly a map file with no spawns, just the point_viewcontrol entity to set the camera location and what it is looking at (use ent_target i believe it is for what you want viewcontrol to look at).
ok so it isnt possible to use a texture for the background because it comes up with half - life 2 but i want it to say my mod name