Merry Christmas!

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score

Not mine, but very cool :D
i was about to say that that didn't look like your sty-


*stares at tiny snippet of underwear...*
Suicide42 said:
i was about to say that that didn't look like your sty-


*stares at tiny snippet of underwear...*
I saw those edits btw Suicide :)
Asuka the best character ever created.








I'd keep doing it by my eyebrows are getting tired...
This DEFINATLY deserved to be stickied.


Good find Fenric.
vegeta897 said:
This DEFINATLY deserved to be stickied.


Good find Fenric.
I found a couple of others but yeah not allowed to post those *grins* ;)
no, his name before he changed it TDE on the forum was Fenric, his previous screenname. Like Abomination is now Axyon.
LAYP said:
no, his name before he changed it TDE on the forum was Fenric, his previous screenname. Like Abomination is now Axyon.

When did he change? I remeber that Axyon was called Abom, but not that TDE have had any other name, but then again, I am kinda new.
Merry Christmas to all of You!!!!!!!!!!

The Orange Hand In Santa's Cap sends warm greetings to every HL2 fan in the world!!
(and to the minority of Those Who Are Yet Unaware;))

so, once again (with emphasis)-

MERRY (G)X-MA(N)S TO Y'ALL, kris kringle is now a true chimney-sweep eh? :p
I'm not really into Anime that much, but I like Rei better.
Shinji is more of a girl than asuka and rei combined :laugh:

But i would rather get into bed with asuka and rei... shinji can sulk in his eva :p

Oh and moneky, when TDE was called fenric, he had an avatar of a scary eye... the eye of that dead girl in "the ring", i think. remember that? if not, you probally weren't around when he changed. You did join 6 months ago... but i really can't remember when things happen on the forum lol :D it feels like a month ago that all those snow threads were being made, then i realies it was 10 months :|
The_Monkey said:
When did he change? I remeber that Axyon was called Abom, but not that TDE have had any other name, but then again, I am kinda new.
changed circa july.
...and way before that it was 'Fenric1138'.

I came back right after he changed it. Confused me for a while... browsing the Sourceworld forum, the posts said TDE and the quotes were Fenric. I thought they were different ppl for a few weeks :P
More Evangelion X-Mas fun!



LOL, after i'd finished scrolling down i was suprised to see a banner saying "DOWN WITH EA!!"

Is this the future of advertising? soon adverts will just feature sexy women patrolling across your screen for a minute or so, followed by one short message saying "SHOP AT HMV!"

but back on topic... why the hell does rei have a stick with wings on it in the first picture? since when can sticks fly?
Suicide42 said:
LOL, after i'd finished scrolling down i was suprised to see a banner saying "DOWN WITH EA!!"

Is this the future of advertising? soon adverts will just feature sexy women patrolling across your screen for a minute or so, followed by one short message saying "SHOP AT HMV!"

but back on topic... why the hell does rei have a stick with wings on it in the first picture? since when can sticks fly?
Thats a great advertising idea, oh wait, thats what they do anyway *points at TV* see :)
The Dark Elf said:
Thats a great advertising idea, oh wait, thats what they do anyway *points at TV* see :)

Dark elf, PLEASE tell me what channel you are watching :)
I thought you hated anime The Dark Elf :D I know you love porn though LOL!