Merry Christmas

Merry christmas :)!

It's 3 PM here, Presents in abou 5-6h! Yayz0r!
destrukt said:
i'm sick, and it's christmas day ;(
That describes my birthday last year (which is almost the same time as Christmas :P)
I know your pain.
I realised something. I need to change my username, I no longer want to be yogart
My thread is sexier, I have of people I like in there :naughty: not in a sus way
Danimal said:
My thread is sexier, I have of people I like in there :naughty: not in a sus way

are u like stalking me today? :|
everytime i post.. u post right after me... i am scared :( :P
Dr. Freeman said:
are u like stalking me today? :|
everytime i post.. u post right after me... i am scared :( :P

And you're stalking me! :o