Metal Gear Conspiracy - Exposed!


Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
It goes much deeper than MGS2...

Along with the rest of the world, I was disappointed and angered at the enormously stupid "Patriots" Illuminati-style conspiracy which anchored the plotline of Metal Gear Solid 2. And like the rest of you, I hope and pray that Metal Gear Solid 3 will learn from the past and not mess with any of this conspiracy theory silliness.

However, I was shocked to discover that Hideo Kojima's efforts to work the Patriots into game storylines was not limited to just Metal Gear Solid 2.

I was playing through Metal Gear Solid 1 (you know, the one with the good storyline) again, and I noticed something that I never really looked at in the right light before. It seems there is a short, small reference to the Patriots hidden within the original work of Metal Gear Solid! Pictures speak louder than words, so here is the evidence:








And that's not all. Apparently the plan to ruin Metal Gear Solid 2 by making the game be about Raiden instead of Solid Snake was well underway years before the game was even announced. There is a reference to Raiden hidden within the 1997 Gameboy Color game, Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (renamed Metal Gear Solid in the States for market appeal, I guess they think American's won't know a game w/o the exact same title). Again, here is the evidence:


Now, I know that most of you don't care about this. But for the Metal Gear fans in the audience, this is something you'll no doubt find interesting to say the least. Let us hope that they don't screw up Metal Gear Solid 3 with this crap. Also let us hope that with the remake of mgs, The Twin Snakes, they don't decide to retroactively insert more links to the Patriots in our beloved Metal Gear Solid.
Well sir! you have there a clear cut case on these damn follish ideas in mgs! I personally loved mgs 2, and I didnt mind the storyline one bit! and I know I'm alone in that view lol, but still, I loved the storyline.
But I do like the way you found out all this information, well done man!
That game was entirely too long and slow for me , I coudlnt play it.
I thought it was one of the best console games I ever played.
The first MGS had the best storyline in a game EVAAAR!!! \m/

Apart from the whole thing with OMG THEY SURVIVED?!?!?! HOOOOOOOW?!?! LOL that was kinda cool but yeah, a bit lame when they come back to life the third time.

The second MGS didn't appeal to me at all :/ It was just... crappy. Something about it dettered me completely. Anyway that's just IMO.
Well i started reading that article, and got to the bit about having to eat, and if you eat the same type of food you get resilient to it... WTF?!?

I don't think i'll buy this one this time :( shame really :(
I think MSG 3 will be better then MSG 2 and MSG. I won't be able to tell until the game actually comes out and I play its because you can't say one game is better then the other until you've played it, which I might add a lot of people here do. I personally enjoyed MSG 2 a lot more then I did MSG not just because of the game play but I also enjoyed the storyline. I hope they do reveal something about "The Patriots" in the third game because I'm a bit curious at the moment as to who they are. I don't see why the Patriots wouldn't be in the third since they were in the first and second one.
I was reading the article and found out that they aren't going to add many cutscenes! Cutscenes are one of my most favorite parts of video games and I've always loved a good cutscene. The ones in MGS 2 were just incredible. I also like Xeno Saga because it has more movies in it. I feel cutscenes give you a better feel of the game and make it more exciting with battle scenes and such. I quite frankly am disappointed that they aren't adding as many cutscenes in this one. When people complain that there are cutscenes because they just want to play and not know the story really makes me sad. This is because people with me who play games for the storyline and the game play are the ones being hurt here. Games without cutscenes usually aren't as indepth as ones that have them (but there are games that are). People like that ruin games for people like me. :(

Sorry edit wasn't working :(
MGS2 had the most confusing story line ever!, can some quickly explain it to me ?