Metal gear etc.


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
I just recently bought metal gear solid: the twin snakes for the GC. and i must say although its almost exactly the same in locations, the gameplay is radically different, as it is the same as MGS2... that sounds strange but trust me- 1st person mode, hiding in lockers, holding people up, dog tags, amazing graphics, tranquilizer darts- it all adds up to more than just different options... the game feels different, if not perfected.
Anyway, i just thought its a good idea to start a MGS thread. we have so many topics to debate, including:
MG3- jungle warfare... does it spoil the gameplay?
MGS Vs. SC: PT - hideo kajima vs. tom clancy
MGS:TS - was it worth getting?
And then we can also talk about the retro games.

P.S. - i just owned ocolots torture... ive never tapped A so fast in my life... brings back memories of me wearing out my buttons in MGS and FF8! Meryl is saved and the bandanna is mine :D and i also have killed 0 guards. the tranquilizer dart is my best freind- screw dogs.
OOOOOhhhhh yes.... i just completed MGS:TS, and i must say it is a truly amazing game. not just the remake, metal gear solid is one of the best games ever- and the remakje brings the final half an hour to life like never before. and by the way, i saved meryl...
i guess now i can live again, and reclaim the two days of my life that i have spent hunched over my gamecube.

I salute you, comrade snake... or should i say david.
and i also salute Grey fox, for his sacrifice saved the world....

whats on TV?
Tredoslop said:
And congrats on beating Metal Gear... :hmph:

this is like the fourth time ive done it or something.. brings back a lot of memories, y'know... theyve really improved the demo clips, with snake doing a lot of handy moves (like doing a backflip off a missile :O ). Its essentially the same though, thers no new secrets except boss survival mode and cinema.
Out of all the people who completed Metal gear solid twin snakes on normal mode, i was the 10th best at not killing guards, with a body count of 8... and those included 2 in the tank boss battle and 6 on the final bit (which it is practacally impossible not to kill people... but some people didnt kill any :/ )
I also used 0 continues.
So now my challenge is to complete it again, this time on hard mode (i would do it on extreme but you must beat hard mode first) without killing any, using any continues, or getting seen once... :P
I'm doing extreme now, and I've only played through on normal. I have to say I like it a lot more this time around, just because you feel like a total badass when you manage to make it.
MGS3: I'm excited that the gameplay isn't the same, since it would be a disappointment if it wasn't. Also we know next to nothing about the actual game, but the entire thing doesn't take place in the jungle.
Just finished the game. Wow, great game! Never played MGS before. The new Videos are amazing, even so i've never seen the original ones. ;)

Now I'm going to order MGS2 :D

MGS3 looks interesting with the whole stealth/jungle thing, though i like the military/research base settings more.

Well, SC : PD vs MGS...
I think it's a question of taste. MGS is more an action-adventure and SC is more a 'realistic' stealth/shadow game.
The story of SC isn't as intense as the story of MGS, but it suits the game just fine. Genome soldiers and bossfights against tanks etc. wouldn't fit in the SC universe ;)

I like both games and until my copy of MGS2 arrives i'll try to finish SC PD :)
i think ull like MGS2. it offers much more freedom than MGS.. thats not to say its not linear, it just means your given a hexagonal oil rig complex to explore (in daytime) which makes it more fun, and less depressing. The story gets completely ****ed up though, with people dissapearing and some people enven not existing. Intrigued? you will be...
I do get the fealing that MGS2 will make a lot more sense once we get to the next game in the story, as MGS did (the stuff with Ocelot had everyon going huh?).
But I'd recommend that you just skip every conversation there is involving Rose.
MGS is probably my favorite series of all time, it's about as close to perfect as anything out there. MGS1 is the best game ever IMO, with MGS2 following pretty closely behind. I've played a little of TS, but I don't believe it's anything too extraordinary. Sure it's a great game, but it just uses MGS2's gameplay and graphics in MGS1 environments. Unlike all the other games it doesn't introduce anything new at all. Also the controls were annoying.

MGS3 looks amazing. Not only are the graphics unbelievable, but the gameplay looks great too. All these new additions, like the combat system and a ton of new moves to pull of in the jungle will probably make it the best of the series.

As far as SC vs. MGS, I definitely prefer MGS. SC is a great series, really enjoyable, but the gameplay isn't near as polished or as fun. Also, the plot is simplistic and predictable, while MGS is complicated and thought provoking. Of course one major advantage that SC has is the kicass multiplayer mode, hopefully Konami will put together a MGS mutiplayer title to destroy it.
MGS was awesome. I haven't played MGS:TS since I don't have a GC, but I'd like to try it out. MGS2 is awesome. I love every part of that game except the last twist in the end. I think they could've done without it. It got too preachy and stuff for me..but I just pretend it didn't happen :P (when you get to it, you'll know what I mean...and I do mean the LAST twist).

MGS3 looks really cool. The camo system will add a lot to the gameplay I think. If they made another facility/military indoor setting, it'd be too much of the same. I like that they're changing it up. The close combat maneuvers that they're talking about sound cool to. Sounds like there's more than just Circle, Circle, Circle...alright...he's knocked out. Playing as Big Boss should be fun :)
The twist at the end was very interesting... it certainly made me want to buy MGS2, if only to find out what was going on... And exactly the same happened with MGS2. but the thing is... MGS3 is set 40-50 years before... so ill have to wait untill 2010 to find out what otacon meant...
Maybe not.
I'm willing to bet that Kojima has a reason for the setting. :D
I am a pure MGS not liker...

Dunno, why, but that's me.
Although the story managed to captivate me to see the 2nd, I never finished it ( the gameplay screwed it for me) .
I recently bought Splinter Cell 2 for my Xbox and I must say, it is a worthy adversary to the Metal Gear Solid series. It has missions concerning both Urban and Jungle warfare, and they blend together well.

Tom Clancy is a fantastic author. There is no doubt about that. I still think however that Metal Gear Solid simply has a more solid (no pun) storyline. The codec sequences add so much to the story and gameplay. Even when I play through MGS1 or 2 for the tenth time or so, I still don't skip the codec sequences because they're so well scripted. They actually make you feel as if your really there.

In Splinter Cell, the missions are connected loosely, but you never really get to feel for the place you are infiltrating. I played Pandoras Tommorow for the pretty graphics and interesting gameplay (Swat Turns are fun, as is sneaking on to a roof and zip-lining down). I played (and still play) MGS1/2 because the storyline is gripping. Let's face it, who doesn't find the idea of infiltrating a huge alaskan base on your own fun? Sneaking in and around the sentries. Hiding in boxes, hehe.

The gameplay itself though.. I think Splinter Cell is slightly more in-depth. It just seems more 'free' in terms of what you can do. Not that the game isn't linear, it definately is.. In Pandora Tommorow there are only a few alternate routes every so often. But the ways you can do things are less limited than in MGS. You could shoot out lights and crawl stealthly through a room, or you could climb up a pipe, crawl along it, then hang from your legs and take out various enemies. No, you can't do this stuff in MGS, but I don't think that matters too much. I've never thought 'Oh, I wish I could have climbed up a pipe to avoid that sentry'. Instead, I've been concentrating on using the available assets to avoid him. I've always tried to avoid being seen or killing/knocking out enemies in MGS because I feel more connected with the game. In Splinter Cell I don't feel the need to try and avoid them (not least because it's a lot harder to do). Indeed, in many cases it's simply too hard, or impossible, so I simply knock out/shoot whoever I need, caring little for alarms and the like unless it's my last one.

Whew, this is a long post, how about a new little debate?

Solid Snake vs Sam Fisher?

Snake Pros (David Hayter)
- He's so darn cool
- We've known him for longer than Sam Fisher
- He doesn't rely so much on technology
- He wears a really cool bandana
- He has awesome hair
- He's a clone (sortof a con I guess)
- Er, help me out here? :)

Fisher Pros (Michael Ironside)
- Looks really awesome when he wears that ninja outfit (the one where his headgear covers his face completely).
- Has some really nifty manouvers (Swat-Turn, running softly from shadow to shadow).
- Has cool gadgets.
- The 'codec' thing works better (in MGS, people apparantly can't hear Snake talk).
- He relies on the shadows too much.
- He relies on his gadgets too much. Snake went into that base with nothing except his sneak-suit, 'smokes' and scope).

I prefer Snake myself, but hey it's your choice ^_^


MGS3: Yes, apparantly it is set in the past. Whether or not the Snake we play is the one we know and love remains to be seen (more than one clone of Big Boss remember). I think it should be very interesting. It's a shame that Hideo is no longer in charge of the project, but at least he is supervising :)
Snake wins hands down.

More Pro's:
-He's not only cool...but really badass
-Instead of pistol whipping bad guys, he just breaks their necks
-He looks like just a beast (reminds me of Wolverine on the cover of MGS2)
-He's destroyed giant robots capable of terrible things multiple times
-He isn't an old geezer


In MGS3 we'd better figure out what Otacon was talking about after the credits rolled in MGS2...If we don't...there had better be an MGS4 on the horizon. I'm pretty sure we get to play as Big Boss. In some of the video's you can tell he's missing an eye, and if my memory serves me correctly, Big Boss has an eye patch.
AmishSlayer said:
In some of the video's you can tell he's missing an eye, and if my memory serves me correctly, Big Boss has an eye patch.

Yup Big Boss and Solidus Snake and I doubt we get to play an ex-president :/