Metallica Anyone?

I was just listening to Master of Puppets last night as a matter of fact and I will never get tired of it! Still, I have been disappointed in them ever since the Black album. For me, the end came with Enter Sandman. *blech* Sorry. Now I revel in the glory of their past masterpieces and find good metal elsewhere.
Ah, Metallica, one of the best bands ever imo. They moved seemingly effortlessly from early thrash days, to more advanced heavy metal with complex song structure, to straight metal, to rock, to an amzing live set at S&M to a meh album with St. Anger.

Great bassists, especially Newsted who had such great presence with the crowd as seen on Live Shit Binge and Purge

Greatness at their peak
I thought that Black was there best. I really like is For Whom the Bell Tolls, mainly just that song though. Master of Puppets isnt bad either.
I used to love Metallica, I had every CD.

Then I graduated High-School, grew up and realised how bad they really are. I don't mind AJFA and RTL every now and then but damn...these guys are more overrated than Nirvana.