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i am not new to this game but it seems i was wrong on a few things i thought were true.

my first understanding was that the metrocops aka "civil protection" were not human but now im hearing they are and that some of them have left and joined the resistance, is that right? also are they or are they not loyal to Breen?

also the real Combine soliders are modified humans like the stalkers right?
I think it's quite a common understanding that metrocops are humans who, more or less, have taken jobs from the Combine as cops. Like a propaganda-ish city police. In normal situations the metrocops get better rations and possibly better apartments, so they should be quite loyal. The real combine soldiers, on the other hand, are clearly modified with cybernetic parts, as seen in Nova Prospekt. Stalkers are rather 'stripped-down' humans, the laser's only good modification that I can come up...
I always thought they were the same beings as soldiers, just a lower ranking position... I don't see why they would be any different, they have the same voice and everything. Cops are assigned to security and basic city patrol, soldiers are assigned to more serious situations or high level security.
I thought metrocops could either request to be genetically modified or not. If modified, one could then get a promotion.

I dunno, but that's always how I thought it was like.
SlimyMarmot said:
I think it's quite a common understanding that metrocops are humans who, more or less, have taken jobs from the Combine as cops. Like a propaganda-ish city police. In normal situations the metrocops get better rations and possibly better apartments, so they should be quite loyal. The real combine soldiers, on the other hand, are clearly modified with cybernetic parts, as seen in Nova Prospekt. Stalkers are rather 'stripped-down' humans, the laser's only good modification that I can come up...

This is correct. The only way Barney could get to you in the beginning of Half Life 2 is by joining the metrocops and working undercover. This also explains their "bully-ish" demeanor in the beginning of HL2 with the whole "pick up the can" scene. They have chosen to work for the Combine and you can tell they are somewhat more human in the way that they act. The fact that there are so few of them (compared to the combine) shows that many of the humans were either fully 'combined' or turned stalker. I cant really explain the high pitched "beeeeep" when they die, because the Combine don't do that.
I believe the death beep is a security measure. A heart sensor in place to make a ruccus like a car alarm to alert others if a cop were ever killed. Overwatch doesn't have it becuase there's a certain stealth element involved with military tactics.
The combine cops and soldiers are avtually humans, because you can see in the HL2 Model viewer. Also, Wikipedia will give you loads of info on the combine.
As everyone has said, they're normal people who have joined up to get better rations etc etc. As for why they act so brutish, and are so willing to beat the snot out of anyone for...practically anything really, well there's a Psychological reason for this...

Wait, no, hear me out. I ain't being a know it all...

There was a test done a while back. I forget the name (probably something very fancy and impressive-sounding), but it essentially involved a group of volunteers split in two: one group selected to be prisoners, the other to be guards. The chaps running this survey noticed that, as the days rolled on by, the "guards" got increasingly more arrogant and oppressive, often ordering the "prisoners" to do more and more menial tasks, treating them worse and worse. The "prisoners" just took it, strangely enough.

In the context of HL2, the Metrocops are just people who've been given new threads, and all of a sudden find they can get away with stuff they would have been shot for previously. And so, the decide to use this new found power and hit people with sticks. Wouldn't you?
The Overwatch Lady announces memory replacment is nessisary for obtaining a higher rank.
I liked the metrocops, they reminded me of the poor ROK Combat Police Divisions.
The combine soldiers, prisoning citizens, the soldiers making operation, turning to combine soldiers, ITS ALL PART OF BREENS PROPAGANDA PLAN!! I might as well wear a satelite dish on my head so they can put propaganda right into my brain!!! :x

Then ill be a combine soldier!!!!!!! :sniper:

(Propaganda refrence from Chatterbox 109 |GTA III|)
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