Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
If you haven't played the Metroid Primes, then I envy you. If you have, you'll already want this :)



Corruption controls, 480p widescreen for all. We are seriously not worthy.
How 'bout widescreen for all and Gamecube controls for Corruption? :P Wii remote sucks. If I could I'd still use Gamecube controller for everything.
How 'bout widescreen for all and Gamecube controls for Corruption? :P Wii remote sucks. If I could I'd still use Gamecube controller for everything.
Wow. Clearly you never played Corruption with the Wiimote. It is seriously the best FPS control EVER. This is intensely awesome news!! :bounce:
Saw this on IGN earlier today. Can't wait! I still haven't played the second two.
I envy the people who have played corruption. The first two were fantastic and I can only hope that corruption is too.
Finally! A purpose for my Wii other than charging my iPod and PS3 controllers!

Just imagine playing 1 & 2 and being able to move around the magnificently beautiful environments and being able to look around at the magnificently beautiful environments at the same time. <3.
I haven't played the first or third, but I have indulged in Echoes - it was very good indeed. I will be picking this up.
There are no words for how excited I am for this.
It doesn't look like you can get 1 and 2 on their own like this.

It doesn't look like you can get 1 and 2 on their own like this.


I'm pretty sure the Trilogy is the price of a single game. That's a steal just for Metroid Prime :)
I've already paid for 1 and 2. I can't really afford to buy a lot of games.
You could always sell the Metroid games you have for a few quid, wait a while, and pick the trilogy up when the price drops. I already have GC/Wii games, but can't wait to play the original with Wii controls. Echoes is just a sweet bonus :)
Havnt played any of them but I will look at picking this one up. I know its good and I enjoy the metroid universe.
I'll have a look into that. I doubt I'd get much for 1 and 2, but 3 is still pretty much full price in shops so I might get a bit for that.
This is perfect. Don't have Corruption so basically I'm getting 1 and 2 for free.
I already have Metroid Prime and Echoes for GameCube.

Other than the Virtual Console, Corruption is the only reason why I'd get a Wii. Sucks I'll probably never get to play it. I need more reason to get one other than retro play and 1 Wii game.

BTW, I liked the original Metroid Prime better than Echoes. I got sick of the parallel universe thing. Dark Aether was just the same maps with a different skybox and different enemies and I got bored of the light/dark world routine pretty quick. Same goes for Twilight Princess.

Would've been more interesting if it was actually a whole new world. It just felt like the devs took a cheap shortcut by copy/pasting light world maps and then called it a, "parallel universe".