MGS4 remanins PS3 exclusive


EDIT: This along with Haze and UT3 being timed exclusives until next year = awesomeness to the max.
"Sony confirmed"?
I think the question that lingers in everyones head(aside from you PS3 fanboys, you know who you are) is "For how long?"

Btw, from the new trailer, it appears Vamp is still alive and kicking, and still on ze bad side! Or am I hallucinating? It sure reminded me of him..
"Sony confirmed"?
I think the question that lingers in everyones head(aside from you PS3 fanboys, you know who you are) is "For how long?"
Yup, Jack said it himself. :E

You are partly right, though, there are a couple of questions that remain:

1. How annoying are timed exclusives?

2. When the hell are people going to quit asking "For how long?" in regard to MGS4 exclusivity. It has never been more clear now, so let's just let it die and enjoy the games that are coming out for your respective platform(s) of choice. Geez this argument is sickening....
"The more you say something, the more truthful it becomes" doesn't apply to this :P
VictimOfScience, since when was there ever an argument..? You need to chill out.
Fact remains, next-gen games are becoming increasingly pricey to develop, which is why more and more developers are going multi-platform, and considering the 360 has quite a bit of market share, it's far from unlikely that MGS4 will eventually make its way onto the platform, however, in what way remains to be seen

Edit: Oh wait you have a PS3, that explains it the hostile attitude.:)
VictimOfScience, since when was there ever an argument..? You need to chill out.
Fact remains, next-gen games are becoming increasingly pricey to develop, which is why more and more developers are going multi-platform, and considering the 360 has quite a bit of market share, it's far from unlikely that MGS4 will eventually make its way onto the platform, however, in what way remains to be seen

Edit: Oh wait you have a PS3, that explains it the hostile attitude.:)

Konami is waiting to see if the PS3 will sell enough so they can get their money back from development costs. If it doesn't, they will probably need to go multiplatform. That's what they said anyway. If the PS3 sells really well, and people buy MGS4 like crazy, it most likely will stay a PS3 exclusive.
VictimOfScience, since when was there ever an argument..? You need to chill out.

Edit: Oh wait you have a PS3, that explains it the hostile attitude.:)

Hey man, my attitude merely stems from the pretty much pointless discussion people in general around the net seem to not be able to get enough of beating to death. It is just annoying, thats all. Glad to hear about the exclusivity because there has to be some seriously big and interesting titles that differentiate the 2 big consoles otherwise it doesn't really make sense having two companies make them with all the same games (which is frankly what is going on for the most part with the PS3 and the 360). And don't worry, when those Falconed 360s drop, I will be first in line for that too. :D
True points dream431ca, but I do not believe neither console alone can warrant enough sales alone for such a high-profile game, my guess is Sony are probably dishing out some economic backing to Konami to keep it exclusive, Sony might have done some stupid decisions, but they are smart enough to know that loosing MGS4 as an exclusive would be one of the biggest looses ever.
It's a real shame, a lot of xbox owners would have enjoyed mgs. Same go's for unnecessary xbox and wii exclusives.
It's a real shame, a lot of xbox owners would have enjoyed mgs. Same go's for unnecessary xbox and wii exclusives.
Yup, console exclusives are dumb, but they're a fact. It's not like the PS3 is ever going to see Halo 3 or Mass Effect.

EDIT: F*ck, double post. Sorry.
You can't compare Mass Effect and Halo 3 as 360 exclusives to MGS4.. Mass Effect and Halo 3 are being funded and published by Microsoft.. Metal Gear Solid 4, atleast afaik, is being both published and developed by Konami Inc.. Not Sony.
Same go's for unnecessary wii exclusives.
Here I have to disagree. Many more games should be Wii exclusives because the ports SUCK OUT LOUD because they lack the kick-ass control scheme that the Wiimote provides. Rayman is just one perfect example.