Michael Jackson Dead At 50

I liked his early stuff, but now he's just a freak.
His transformation into a corpse is complete.
Apparently he was in stable condition when he arrived at the UCLA Medical Center, but he died from a heart attack after walking into the children ward.
It might seem harsh, but I think this is for the best. Over the years he managed to destroy himself in every way possible. I'll never understand why he mutilated himself with countless surgeries. Looking at older videos like Thriller, he looked fine.

this guy was damn near my religion when i was a little. had all his music videos, songs, anything he was in. RIP.
Now Farrah Fawcett will undergo the Victor Wong Effect.

It might seem harsh, but I think this is for the best. Over the years he managed to destroy himself in every way possible. I'll never understand why he mutilated himself with countless surgeries. Looking at older videos like Thriller, he looked fine.

Yeah, that's basically the way I feel about this.
Holy ****

I actually feel like crying right now

He doesn't seem bad anymore.
I didn't actually care about Farrah Fawcett, sorry :eek: I just wanted to post a picture of Victor Wong.
Do you guys Remember the Time when he was still In the Closet about being a weirdo who wanted to change his face, and we were all like "Oh my God, this guy is so good he could Heal the World"? Well after he went Bad, and did that completely Off the Wall thing where he played With a Child's Heart by dangling that kid over the railings? I personally thought it was just him trying to say "Leave me Alone!", and then everyone hated him, but there were still a few who thought, well, Black or White, he's still an excellent singer worthy of respect.
I mean looking up to those you respect is just Human Nature I guess, but still I think he deserved One More Chance.

No? Well I guess you've Got to be There to know what he went through. In the mean time, I think Michael needs to clear his name. Heaven Can Wait, because currently, he's Gone too Soon.
Pop legend, I'll always remember Thriller and his early music, keep moonwalkin' in the great cosmos, MJ.
That was ****ing stupid and I do hope you go to hell now.
Err... I don't believe in 'too soon', I just want my two minutes back.
Too bad his heart didn't beat it

Just beat it

Who's bad?

I suck at life
Goddamn, I thought he was going to live forever on the blood of young children.
I guess it's a good thing I've not liked his music for quite a bunch of years!
RIP Michael, your musical contribution to the world will live on forever.

I feel so bad for his kids, to lose their father so suddenly.. it's heartbreaking.

I really don't care honestly.

Thanks for sharing.

AtomicSpark said:
People die all the time. Let's not make a big deal out of it.
I just knew a shallow comment like this was coming.
**** you guys. I came in here before AtomicSpark with size 7 caps saying what he did only in a sarcastic way. At least give credit where credit is due.