Michael Jackson?


Nov 17, 2003
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Not that any of you should care, but I do write for my school paper, and i'm doing an opinion article about michael jackson, and as a forwarning, sorry about the length.

“Sure Billy, you can stay at Michael Jacksons house this weekend, despite the fact he's admitted that he often sleeps in the same bed as the children that come visit Neverland Ranch, and has given out an undisclosed million dollar plus payout for prior child molestation lawsuits.”. I was listening to the radio last night, and the topic was none other than Michael Jackson, and when I listen to some of these parents whose children have stayed with him, often I cant help but wonder what goes through their minds when they let their kids stay with Michael Jackson. Or any 40 year old man. Actually, what 40 year old man want kids staying in their house. Is there nothing suspicious about this picture? Am I the only person that see's the obvious?

According to Michael Jackson, sleeping with kids “[Is] very right. It’s very loving. That’s what the world needs now, more love.” The world needs more sick pedophiles sleeping with kids, and this coming from a man who dangles their children outside of hotel balconies and manages to giggle about it later. Please.

Something that irritates the hell out of me, is when people play the race card, wailing discrimination as a last ditch defense against crimes that you are obviously apt to commit. Jacksons brother, Jermaine Jackson, says "you got a bunch of racist, I'm sorry, racist rednecks out there who don't care about people.”. A family friend, Rick James says that authorities are after him "because he's black, he's rich and he's famous, and they've got nothing else better to do.". This is garbage, and its no different than saying “You cant give me a ticket for jaywalking! I'm white!”.

I'm sorry but, who is the racist redneck here? I'll assume he means Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneddon, a career attorney who graduated from UCLA. Sounds like your typical racist redneck to me. Michael Jackson and his supporters claim he is out to get them, that he has a vendetta. This is the same DA who attempted to convict Jackson of molesting a child back in 1993 – fortunately for Jackson his money won out and he managed to pay off the victim (which in itself should prove his guilt. I know if I were innocent I would fight it to the end, instead of risk looking like a jackass.) and get let off easy, but now, California has a new law which says the DA can intervene in civil court and take Jackson where he belongs. Federal man prison.

I can totally see why Michael Jackson behaves the way he does. He's had a rough childhood! That completely explains why he molests kids. Oh wait, no it doesn't. Well at least it explains why he butchers his face, why he picks his nose out of a catalogue. Oh... well actually it doesn't explain that either. I believe Michael Jackson can best be summed up in one word:

lol, why doesn't someone dangle micheal jackson out a window,

with a rope.
Originally posted by gh0st

I can totally see why Michael Jackson behaves the way he does. He's had a rough childhood! That completely explains why he molests kids. Oh wait, no it doesn't.
Mr. Freud may having something to say about that!
i'll play the jackson's, err i mean, the devil's advocate. yay.

well, just because something is suspicious, it doesn't mean it's the case. obviously, you believe he's an active pedophile, which he probably is (i mean come on), but there is not hard evidence of this. all the ****ed-up shit he's done to his face and his overall freakishness not-withstanding, he is innocent until a jury finds him guity.

and you gotta admit, jackson would be a tempting target for any DA (why, i hear tell some people even think he's a freakshow pedophile :eek:). and you can't truely say what you would do in jackson's shoes (in terms of pay-offs), unless you're a multimillionaire freak like him.

also, just because snedden is a trained attorney doesn't mean he's not a racist.

considering the heinous stuff you assume jackson has done, i find the final word of "tool" kinda, well, lightweight don't you think?
Whats the sentance he's likley to get if he is found to be guilty in America?

By the way, I think he's innocent to be honest. Just listen to the guy talk, he's like a child, and some psychiatrists believe that there is a condition in which people never grow up (mentally).

If jacko wanted to be a pedo he's got three kids now he could fiddle with if he so chose, why would he bother doing anything to kids who would of course tell someone eventually.

He's just one very naieve?? guy. Oh, and his songs for the last 10 years have sucked a big fat one.

Why do people always try to defend the rich and famous? Unless you're some sort of hardcore fan, I don't see hwo you can like that guy. He's a psychotic millionaire who sleeps witch children on occasion. And dangles them out of his balcony on occasion. And his nose is unstable. And he's not suppose to be white.

I just touched on some finer points ...
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Why do people always try to defend the rich and famous? Unless you're some sort of hardcore fan, I don't see hwo you can like that guy. He's a psychotic millionaire who sleeps witch children on occasion. And dangles them out of his balcony on occasion. And his nose is unstable. And he's not suppose to be white.

I just touched on some finer points ...

Oh well he gives us something to bitch about on internet forums...
besides those bitches spending our money without our content (government)...

[not a hijacking]
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Why do people always try to defend the rich and famous? Unless you're some sort of hardcore fan, I don't see hwo you can like that guy. He's a psychotic millionaire who sleeps witch children on occasion. And dangles them out of his balcony on occasion. And his nose is unstable. And he's not suppose to be white.

I just touched on some finer points ...

I'm not defending him, I'm stating my ****ing oppinion on the evidence at hand. There is NO proof you can show me right now that this guy fiddles with kids, heck the guy even got embarrased when Martin Bashir asked him if he'd had sex with a Woman so I find it highly unlikley that he's doing anything of the sort.

My personal oppinion on pedo's is that they should be shot on sight and if it does turn out to be the case that Jackson is a kiddie fiddler I would happily be the one to shoot him.

Yes, he's eccentric.
Yes, he's gone OTT on the surgery & bleech.
Yes, his ways are wierd.
Yes, he looks far too much like Dianna Ross.

... but its INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY not the other way round.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Weid people are inclined to do weird things.

Like troll forums all day long :dozey:
This is a quote from a CCN news bit about MJ

Jackys Drugs

Micheal Jackson today was sent to jail for holding drugs within this house, the drug unit searched his home earlyer today and found Class C drugs in the bathroom, Class B drugs in the dining room, and Class 4A in the bedroom

.... Nah just kidding

>_> It was a joke
Originally posted by craigweb2k
Oh, and his songs for the last 10 years have sucked a big fat one.

Then its settled! Lets shoot the bugger ...
Originally posted by nw909
Oh no a zombie didn't just throw a punch at a combine.

yes because we all know that if your rank is zombie on this board then you're an inferior human compared to the people with a Combine rank.:dozey:

I would really love it if people wouldn't bring in message boards ranks to validate or invalidate somebody elses opinion...afterall for all that I care you could have earned your combine rank by posting endless ignorant posts, such as the above quoted.

ps. with some luck you were joking and trying to be "funny".

as for Jacko I really don't care...never have, never will.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
yes because we all know that if your rank is zombie on this board then you're an inferior human compared to the people with a Combine rank.:dozey:

I would really love it if people wouldn't bring in message boards ranks to validate or invalidate somebody elses opinion...afterall for all that I care you could have earned your combine rank by posting endless ignorant posts, such as the above quoted.

ps. with some luck you were joking and trying to be "funny".

as for Jacko I really don't care...never have, never will.

LOL...besides the ignorant part, that's exactly why nw909 is a combine...endless numbers of posts....one or two word posts.

no offense nw909, it's not that i think you should be banned or something, but you seriously shouldn't take any pride in your internet forum post total anyway...especially since you got there by mostly one-liners.


as for jackson, the DA is banking on the fact that americans like to convict people before trials. he's hoping that he'll get a jury full of people just like the thread starter instead of real americans who believe innocent until proven guilty.

but if the DA wins this case without hard evidence and jackson goes to jail, then logically, the parents of the kids should be jailed for child endangerment, because "everyone knows jacko is guilty".

it all depends on the credibility of one kid and the prosecution's evidence. they had a search warrant for his house for some reason, and they found something that gave reason for his arrest...so there's gotta be something there.

i think the real issue is that jackson thinks it's good for grown men to sleep with young boys...and the parents of the kids see nothing wrong with letting them do just that even though they know jackson's history.

stop making assumptions. you have no idea what the circumstances were in the case he settled. i'm not defending jackson, i'm defending the justice system...let them prove their case against him.
Originally posted by gh0st
This is the same DA who attempted to convict Jackson of molesting a child back in 1993 – fortunately for Jackson his money won out and he managed to pay off the victim (which in itself should prove his guilt. I know if I were innocent I would fight it to the end, instead of risk looking like a jackass.)

apparantly i didnt make his obvious guilt clear. and yeah he is innocent until proven guilty.
Originally posted by craigweb2k
I'm not defending him, I'm stating my ****ing oppinion on the evidence at hand. There is NO proof you can show me right now that this guy fiddles with kids, heck the guy even got embarrased when Martin Bashir asked him if he'd had sex with a Woman so I find it highly unlikley that he's doing anything of the sort.

My personal oppinion on pedo's is that they should be shot on sight and if it does turn out to be the case that Jackson is a kiddie fiddler I would happily be the one to shoot him.

Yes, he's eccentric.
Yes, he's gone OTT on the surgery & bleech.
Yes, his ways are wierd.
Yes, he looks far too much like Dianna Ross.

... but its INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY not the other way round.

Um you say there is no proof, but he openly admitts that he sleeps with children. i dunno but i think theres alittle miss conduct going on there. Another thing is he called the child "Rubba" after a game he and the child played called RUBBA RUBBA, whats this me? i think we all know what it means. Michael also wrote intimate poems to the victim i think thats proof enough.
as much as I like to make fun of michael jackson and all that, I just don't think he is guilty.

and thats all I have to say about that.
Michael Jackson is gay
Is all I have to say
Screwin kids on bales of hay
He knows what he's doin's wrong
Like wearing a man thong
While smoking dandelions form a bong
The parents knew what he would do
With their kids barely older than 2
He was gonna love em till their blue
Oh, can't argue with poetry. Look, think for a second... this guy is innocent until proven otherwise... for god's sakes, he's like a child inside.... he likes children becuase they don't judge him... he sees the innocence he lost when he was young, the guy lost his childhood for god's sakes, you can't expect him to be not messed up.
sounds like ample reason for him to be molesting children.

actually no. lots of people lose their childhood that doesnt mean that they go around sleeping with kids. much less a 45 year old. its sick. to a lesser extent he shouldent be pitied, and he shouldent get any special treatment, which i already see happening.
Originally posted by gh0st
sounds like ample reason for him to be molesting children.

actually no. lots of people lose their childhood that doesnt mean that they go around sleeping with kids. much less a 45 year old. its sick. to a lesser extent he shouldent be pitied, and he shouldent get any special treatment, which i already see happening.

Originally posted by gh0st
apparantly i didnt make his obvious guilt clear. and yeah he is innocent until proven guilty.

obviously i missed where it's obvious...obvious means hard evidence and irrefutable proof, not the claims of a young boy.

like i said...there must be some reason they executed a search warrant, and they arrested him afterwards...meaning they probably found something...but you don't know what that is yet...and you still *assume* he's guilty

of course jackson sleeping in the same bed with children is weird and wrong, but is it illegal?

does it mean he sexually abuses the children?

does it mean he might be sexually abusing them?
yes...could be...and he could be an alien as well...it's possible and would explain his wierdness and appearance changes...and the neverland ranch for that matter :P

of course you see special treatment...you talk about "obvious guilt"
yes he has gotten some special treatement in that they allowed him to turn himself in, etc.

but you believe he's guilty even though you have no proof other than an out of court settlement. and a history of wierd behavior....i'd call that special treatement by you...though a different kind of special treatment

in a court of law, these things *should* mean nothing...yet they usually do because people like you are jurors...people like you see a case like this and expect the defense to prove that he didn't do anything...well sorry but it's the other way around...unless all of the jurors are the kind of people that believe someone is guilty on circumstantial evidence before the trial starts.

that's why they (thankfully) have voir dire...to assure an impartial jury.
Well you certainly have decided what truth and fact are prior to writing your article.

Are you aware that all major corporation don't fire profesionals now. They buy them off. That's right they lay down a bride to shut the **** up and go away. Every company I've worked for the last 12 years operated this way. You would comdemn all of them as being guilty of crimes because they are paying people off to cover *something* up. Utter rubbish. Any entity with money is a target. If you've got balls enough to lie you can sue anyone for anything and if it gets far enough you'll have a good chance of a payoff with no court case. That is simply how it works. Jackson settling court cases is nothing new. Funny how you invest such great belief in his molestation of boys, but none in the paternity suits that were filed against him early on.

The parents that previously sued him for molestation were out for money and only money. The DA was building a case against MJ for criminal prosecution. However they couldn't force a child to appear in court. And the parents refused to let their kid appear in court. Interesting that they were willing to go to court for money but not go to court to put away a supposed child molester who has access to children regularly. Hmmm... yes they were certainly looking for justice.. in their wallets. One can only wonder if money alone could satisfy them, could they really have thought what MJ supposedly did was so bad?

The laws were changed specifically because of that case. The courts can now force a child to testify.

Why would a forty year old man want to sleep with a child in his bed?
You just convicted every mother and father of being pedophiles. Children regularly ask to sleep in bed with parents. Parents often have to force children to sleep alone. The idea that little kids who stay overnight might ask to sleep with him is probably common. And everything I've ever heard is that kids ask to sleep there, sometimes a bunch of them. People prefer to make it like he sets out candles and puts on Barry White and seduces the kid into bed.

The fact that MJ has psychological problems is obvious from a variety of points. Whether he is a pedophile is still unproven. He certainly displays certain characteristic of one.

The fact that people still allow children to go there is just more of that ridiculous idolatry of famous people. Famous people are better than everyone else, they are more interesting, they are deserving of massive attention, they are special, they should be treated like royalty, they are wonderful human beings, they should be adored and copied and everything they do photographed and chronicled.
i dont see how you people can defend michael jackson, hes mentally insane, he try's to make himself white, he destroys his face and he ADMITS THAT HE SLEEPS WITH CHILDREN. i dunno bout you guys but when shit goes down in the bed room usually sex is happening. Besides all this, he PAID off the other child that he "Supposedly Molested", this makes him even more guilty. Like gh0st said, Michael should have faught till he was proven Guilty.
Innocent until proven guilty...


My personaly opinion is his actions speak louder than his words. Of course this doesn't prove anything, only time will tell that.

But a grown man who sleeps with children is more than a tad odd. A man who is accused once, but instead of fighting the charge, pays millions of dollars to shut up the accuser also seems a bit odd to me. I can see paying someone to drop the charges on SOME things, but not something so serious as this. I would have fought with my last breath to clear my name completely and absolutley.

Why would a forty year old man want to sleep with a child in his bed?You just convicted every mother and father of being pedophiles. Children regularly ask to sleep in bed with parents. Parents often have to force children to sleep alone. The idea that little kids who stay overnight might ask to sleep with him is probably common. And everything I've ever heard is that kids ask to sleep there, sometimes a bunch of them.

It's apples and oranges, though. MJ isn't the mom or dad of these children and, in his own words, it's he himself who often requested the kids to sleep in his bedroom/bed.

But even beyond that why would a 45 year old man have loads of pre-teen/young teen children over his house in the first place? It's not like he was (at the time) the father of children who were just having a bunch of friends over for the night. It was a man with no children sleeping with other children. No matter how it's sliced, that sends a very odd message.

Now that proves nothing, but as I said above, his actions speak very loudly. I know as a 36 year old (especially if I were famous) I wouldn't put myself in that kind of situation for fear of scum coming out the woodwork trying to milk me for money. And, after paying millions once, why would he continue to do it?

Whether he is stable or not is another question, but it doesn't forgive his actions (if guilty).

But I guess a bigger issue for me is the parents.I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want my children anywhere near a 45 year old man (an "odd" man at that), alone, in his bedroom, unsupervised, whether he was famous or not.

Innocent until proven guilty though; we will all see probably in the year 2005.
i don't think anyone is saying that his practice of sleeping with children is a great and acceptable thing...or that his payoff doesn't mean anything...of course it makes him look a bit guilty...but you're assuming you know his reason...the intricacies of these types of cases are just too many to be able to assume you'll win the case even if you're innocent. like i said, many jurors will have convicted you before you even set foot in the courtroom, and they'll be thinking that you have to be proven innocent instead of the other way around.

his actions do speak very loudly. but it's still up to the DA to prove he did something wrong...and saying he's "obviously guilty" before there has even been a pre-trial hearing is just absurd.
its an OPINION. i hate michael jackson, and this is MY feeling about him. i believe he is guilty.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
well put...i was beginning to think i was alone :P

I agree with what you and RoyalEF are saying dude, I'm just too bushed to type more than a nod. RoyalEF is on the money about that original law suit, it was a total shakedown. If the parent's were really after justice then they would of put Jackson behind bars. Jackson settled out of court simply to avoid the possibility of a long drawn out case, which no doubt would of put his entire life under public scrutiny.

You might not think that's any big a deal, but imagine if suddenly a few federal agents walked through your front door and confiscated all your shit to check for 'evidence'. You'd have to be a complete saint not to be alarmed at that prospect. A few pirated MP3s and a few tasteful 'artistic' pictures :dozey: might not seem a great deal to you, but a skilled DA could certainly have a courtroom thinking differently once they put a spin on things.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
a skilled DA could certainly have a courtroom thinking differently once they put a spin on things.

yes...spin is a very dangerous thing. like when TV commercials or government officials (or those running for office) mess with the wording and presentation of statistics to make a certain situation look better than it is.

in this case, MJ is getting screwed the other way...negative spin. though i think most of the media (at least the coverage i've seen) is pretty unbiased.

people's opinions are the problem...it's gonna be tough for them to end up with a jury full of people that will actually listen to the evidence and make an impartial decision.

there's gonna be at least a few gh0sts on the jury who think he's guilty even though they're just making assumptions about a person they've never even seen in the flesh.

i find your opinion offensive because if i was the guy on trial, i wouldn't want people thinking i was guilty before i even got near the courthouse.

it was the same thing with the scott peterson case...of course the circumstances are bad and things looked very incriminating before the trial started (admittedly things look worse for him now that some more evidence has been presented) there still is no actual proof.
I know I have no chance of arguing against our politics crew here (Maskirovka and Kadayi), but let me just say that whether he's found guilty or not legally, most people will still always think of him as guilty. Thats just enevitable. Best example is, of course, OJ.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I know I have no chance of arguing against our politics crew here (Maskirovka and Kadayi), but let me just say that whether he's found guilty or not legally, most people will still always think of him as guilty. Thats just enevitable. Best example is, of course, OJ.

i agree, but that doesn't make it right...which is my point.

of course at least OJ went through a trial before people most people thought he was guilty :\

at least hear the evidence before you proclaim his "obvious guilt"
Almost the only way they could have had a stronger case against O.J. Simpson would have been by having a video of him caught in the act...

DNA at the crime scene
blood in his Bronco
a bloody glove
a motive

Obviously is was a massive effort by the entire police force to frame him for the murder of his wife, who just happens to have been beaten by him in the past and was also seeing another man.

Am I not seeing something?
agreed...but all that stuff came out in the trial...there hasn't been a MJ trial yet.

go ahead and disagree with any jury decision if you've seen the trial...the point is, making a decision now is just a lame, uninformed assumption.