Michael Moore vs Fred Phelps

to their own detriment ..reagan escalated the cold war and Bush threw fuel on the fire when he invaded iraq instead of looking for those responsible for 9/11
Michael Moore, I don't know what to think of him anymore, I mean surely he's doing what he can for the majority and I respect that, however he can be somewhat unfair sometimes. I'm not saying he shouldn't be, the right-wing media is so biased it makes you wanna puke, but does that really justify him to do the same? I mean isn't it a bit childish you think?

Sometimes I think his fame has gotten to him and he's now one of those corrupt people that can sometimes seem a bit of a sham.
You can see people that wants to talk to him and he just runs past them, trying to ignore them due to their belives that are more or less different than his.

I guess it's because he doesn't want media to twist it to some totally outrageous angle like they usually do, but come on, at least he can listen to what they have to say, no?
CptStern said:
to their own detriment ..reagan escalated the cold war and Bush threw fuel on the fire when he invaded iraq instead of looking for those responsible for 9/11

While I'm not a big fan of Reagan, at least he ended the Cold War. Bush, on the other hand, just keeps creating more messes, like fuel on fire as you said.
reagan is not solely responsible for the collapse of the soviet union ..afghanistan, a doomed economy and an overtaxed system played a far larger role.

Bush will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever ...I have no doubt about that
Moore is a decent filmmaker ... he is good at representing facts in such a way as to bolster his point and tug at emotional heartstrings. He ignores a lot of facts and takes many things out of context. That being said, I still respect him for what he's doing. The right wing has about a dozen people that are far worse than Moore when it comes to disseminating propaganda. As a matter of fact, he's pretty much the only one the left has, or at least the only one thats good enough at his job to get things done.
Careful, its very dangerous to justify the wrongs of one person using the wrongs of others.
Even though I dislike moore that was pretty funny. I can't stand those westboro people.
Personally, both of these people annoy the Hell out of me. From what I've heard of Michael Moore as just a regular person (From a friend who worked as his "set-up" during a College speech) he's just a real jerk. Of course though, that pales in comparison to Phelps, who's a murderous crazed evangelical pile of idiocy.

Like "Farenheit 9/11" however, even if most of his movies are misleading with stuff.
DeusExMachina said:
He's a liberal propoganda machine. He's the Ann Coulter of liberals. Well...not to that extreme. Alex Jones would be more of the Ann Coulter of liberals.

But, he did good here. GG Moore.

Bingo. It's not his style so much as his inability to check facts - but then broadcast his argument over the entire world anyways.
Exactly. I love what he's doing here, but he is the propaganster of the left. And as a proud resident of the left, this ticks me off.
CptStern said:
you (unfairly) compared him to O'reilly ..you brought him up not me

No I didn't. :|

Let me say that again: No, I didn't. :|

Stern said:
your own government spewed far more propaganda bullshit, your own media did far worse yet Moore is the villian here ...it boggles the mind that people are so quick to judge moore for is info-tainment documentary and yet ignore when people in positions of authority outright lie

What the hell, dude? Why are you bringing random other groups to compare Moore to? I AM SPEAKING ON MY OPINIONS CONCERNING MOORE, NOT ABOUT Fox News, O'Reilly, or the US government. Could we not bring completely unrelated things up? :|

Stern said:
did you watch the movie? did you notice the man's distrustful look as soon as he open his door? I live close to where Moore conducted that interview and I lock my doors ..but Ialso know other people who dont ..He wasnt presenting it as fact, he presented it as a possible explanation as to why canadians in general feel more secure than americans

Eh? What are you even talking about? I think any sane person would be pissed if some fat guy opened up their door with a cameraguy filming them. None of this response made any sense. My point was that Moore is an awful sensationalist biased filmmaker was that his whole section on the "paranoia" of America was completely unbased with no facts at all, and just biased filmmmaking. My specific example was the whole scene where he opens Canadian's doors.
1. He opened up random doors in Canada, some were unlocked (we don't really know how many were locked or unlocked, cuz he never mentioned this nor did he show any of the doors being locked, even though its almost guaranteed that one was)
2. He said that Canada was less paranoid than America, and that this was proof
3. He never went to America to prove the other side of the point-- that Americans lock their doors when Canadians don't. He could have even edited it and shown only the locked doors in America, like he probably did the opposite to with the Canadian ones, but he didn't even bother.

All of that shitty "proof" aside, the point is stupid to begin with. People just lock their doors habitually. I do. I live in the middle of the woods. I'm never afraid somebody's going to break in, but I just lock my door whenever I shut it. It takes about a second.

That was just a specific example of his crappy propagandous documentaries. Most of the time, he's an annoying rabid jerkoff who makes liberals look stupid instead of providing facts and good arguments, despite the fact that this should be very easy to provide. This time, he was mostly being comical and did a pretty good and hilarious job.

Can we please have one conversation without bringing up the atrocities of the US government, Bill O'Reilly, and Fox News? None of these things were mentioned-- only Micheal Moore. :|

JNightshade said:
Exactly. I love what he's doing here, but he is the propaganster of the left. And as a proud resident of the left, this ticks me off.

And there is my point exactly.
another documentary called "The Corporation" is pretty good. Moore's in it, but he's just being interviewed, not directing it. definately worth watching when you get the chance.

i've been all over the fence on Moore. used to really like him when he would appear on Politically Incorrect. absolutely hated his guts after Bowling for Columbine. the whole thing with Heston just pissed me off to no end. yeah, let's blame the president of the NRA for the death of a child instead of the irresponsible parents who allowed the child access to the gun. asshole.

but hat's off to him on this one.
Direwolf said:
Careful, its very dangerous to justify the wrongs of one person using the wrongs of others.
My point exactly
man Bowling for Columbine was so funny. I loved the part where he visited that NRA guy.
No matter what people think of Michael Moore, in countries its great to have people like that who provide counter-balance to the shitload of radicals on the "other end".
Go Michael Moore! :P
Ome_Vince said:
man Bowling for Columbine was so funny. I loved the part where he visited that NRA guy.
No matter what people think of Michael Moore, in countries its great to have people like that who provide counter-balance to the shitload of radicals on the "other end".
Go Michael Moore! :P
Um, he harassed an old man suffering from Alzheimers in that shot. That's hardly honorable. Bowling for Columbine had so many lies in it it was a PAIN to sit through. The WORST part of that movie is the "NRA-KKK" connection cartoon. Fact is the two groups hated each other. The NRA was formed as a UNION OFFICER's shooting club.

In FACT, black chapters of the NRA FENDED OFF the KKK

The year was 1957. Monroe, North Carolina, was a rigidly segregated town where all levels of white society and government were dedicated to preserving the racial status quo. Blacks who dared to speak out were subject to brutal, sadistic violence.

It was common practice for convoys of Ku Klux Klan members to drive through black neighborhoods shooting in all directions. A black physician who owned a nice brick house on a main road was a frequent target of racist anger. In the summer of 1957, a Klan motorcade sent to attack the house was met by a disciplined volley of rifle fire from a group of black veterans and NRA members led by civil rights activist Robert F. Williams.

Using military-surplus rifles from behind sandbag fortifications, the small band of freedom fighters drove off the larger force of Klansmen with no casualties reported on either side.

Williams, a former Marine who volunteered to lead the Monroe chapter of the NAACP and founded a 60-member, NRA-chartered rifle club, described the battle in his 1962 book, "Negroes With Guns," which was reprinted in 1998 by Wayne State University Press.

According to Williams, the Monroe group owed its survival in the face of vicious violence to the fact that they were armed. In several cases, police officials who normally ignored or encouraged Klan violence took steps to prevent whites from attacking armed blacks. In other cases, fanatical racists suddenly turned into cowards when they realized their intended victims were armed.

Oddly, it appears that the organized armed blacks of Monroe never shot any of their tormentors. The simple existence of guns in the hands of men who were willing to use them prevented greater violence.

"Sodomy" is a crime in some American states?

The punishment for sodomy hasn't been very servere if it is enforced at all for a long time. In 2003 I think, the Supreme Court declared sodomy laws unconstitutional.
What was with that guy in the beginning that said he was arrested for being gay in Kansas? I didn't think that actually ever happened...?
Erestheux said:
What was with that guy in the beginning that said he was arrested for being gay in Kansas? I didn't think that actually ever happened...?

Wasn't he talking about like back in the 70s or something? I know some people were imprisoned for being homosexuals in Europe around the 50s and 60s.