Michael More, why is he so hated?

Kangy said:
A) Merc, Kidrock, you are both real assholes. What right do you have to use appearance/supposedly labelling him with "fag", an attack on a side of his sexuality that is not apparant?

B) From everything I've seen, he actually loves America, and what it stands for. What he hates are the people that try to exploit and hurt it, and he's doing things in the way he feels is best.

C) Before either of you try and insult him, try and use the English language you were born to with a bit of competence.

i can call anybody i want whatever the hell i want whenever i want. so back off.

I dont like overweight ungroomed ultra-rich people that ride around in a limo telling me how wasteful I am.
merc said:
i can call anybody i want whatever the hell i want whenever i want. so back off.


shitZor's, I hope your not being serious there, cause that attitude really suck's, and I know democracey says everyone is entitled to their say, but there isnt really a democracey now, really, so I say people with attitudes like yours shouldnt beable to vote, no offence, but in my opinion, it undermines the large amount of peaceful intelligent people out there, who have something constructive to put forward, voting or otherwise .
merc said:
because he is a fag liberal who has no patriotism

YOU are what's wrong with USA, way to go men, now wonder why there will be more septembers 11's!
If i was american, i'd be proud to see an american like micheal moore, cause, i could be wrong, but i don't know a lot of american intellectuals when compared to say: France, Uk, Japan, Canada (kinda)....
People often say that he stretches the truth to his own ends, and that that is the reason they hate him.

But think about this, Bush did the same thing to invade Iraq.
Politicians and political documentaries do the same thing, spin, stretch, and mould facts to their own ends. Remember, it's only a lie if the people find out it's not true.

To anti-Michael Moore-ists/Pro-Bushists is send this message:
Turn about is fair play. Stop whining.
American intellectuals on the right are very non-vocal.

People like Moore have the loudest microphone, but they are very rare on the grand scale of things.
Homer said:
American intellectuals on the right are very non-vocal.

People like Moore have the loudest microphone, but they are very rare on the grand scale of things.
YOU can be intellectual and right winged???????

J/k, but yea, Hitler was intellectual, but evil, Bush is stupid and evil.
American intellectuals on the right are very non-vocal.

and could that be because their intelligent enough to register it in their brain and be ashamed at the fact that they are elite capitalist leeching assholes.
Wow. Those responses really make me want to talk to you jackasses.

Guess what? I get to vote in the US election! And I'm voting for bush. eat it.
Homer said:
Wow. Those responses really make me want to talk to you jackasses.

Guess what? I get to vote in the US election! And I'm voting for bush. eat it.
Then you are a brainwashed f*cktard, and guess what, you DESERVE to be the victim of a terrorist attack.
chimpmunk said:
Then you are a brainwashed f*cktard, and guess what, you DESERVE to be the victim of a terrorist attack.

Hey calm down kid. Notice the emphasized word. This isnt Quebec, in America we can vote for who we choose, not just the liberal assigned to be elected for that year.
seinfeldrules said:
Hey calm down kid. Notice the emphasized word. This isnt Quebec, in America we can vote for who we choose, not just the liberal assigned to be elected for that year.

We can choose, and then we can live with the consequences :)
seinfeldrules said:
Hey calm down kid. Notice the emphasized word. This isnt Quebec, in America we can vote for who we choose, not just the liberal assigned to be elected for that year.
Assigned? no, a vote was made, maybe you followed it more than me? Did you watch the debate? Do you know anything about the parties programs in Quebec, you know there are 3 major parties in Quebec right? No?That's what I tought...

Of course America is the land of freedom... yeah, Not like in quebec where the Parties are assigned... :laugh:
qckbeam said:
We can choose, and then we can live with the consequences :)

Let's not forget the evil Bloc Quebecois, either. :P

As it seems to me, the difference between the two democratic systems is that in the US, you elect a single person into the whitehouse, who brings along a vice-president, secretary of state, etc.

Whereas in Canada, we basically elect a party into office, who brings along a Prime Minister who then selects his cabinet. You see, the Prime Minister isn't any single person. The position is held by WHOMEVER is the leader of the ruling party. That is why the job of Prime Minister is transferrable between people in the same party. Thus, how Paul Martin became Prime Minister without an election.
falconwind said:
Let's not forget the evil Bloc Quebecois, either. :P

As it seems to me, the difference between the two democratic systems is that in the US, you elect a single person into the whitehouse, who brings along a vice-president, secretary of state, etc.

Whereas in Canada, we basically elect a party into office, who brings along a Prime Minister who then selects his cabinet.

The bloc could hardly be evil.
chimpmunk said:
The bloc could hardly be evil.

I was kidding, I don't think they're evil. Just disgruntled. If it means anything to you, I wish the Federal Government could find a way so that there would need to be a Bloc Quebecois.

The day we don't need to talk about Quebec Seperation or Western Alienation is the day Canada becomes truly united. I would love to see that day.
bowling for columbine was awesome

and i loved the part in F911 where he started to ask the senators if they would inlist their sons up fo' da war!

o_O!! screwed!
and i loved the part in F911 where he started to ask the senators if they would inlist their sons up fo' da war!

the son of South Dakota Democratic Senator Tim Johnson, serves in the 101st Airborne Division and fought in Iraq in 2003.

The son of California Republican Representative Duncan Hunter quit his job after September 11, and enlisted in the Marines; his artillery unit was deployed in the heart of insurgent territory in February 2004. Delaware Senator Joseph Biden's son Beau is on active duty in the Judge Advocate General Corps; although Beau Biden has no control over where he is deployed, he has not been sent to Iraq, and therefore does not "count" for Moore's purposes. Seven members of Congress have been confirmed to have children in the military.

He also didnt mention the Senator that he interviewed that had a nephew on the way to Iraq and his son was thinking about a career in the Navy. He cut that part out, of course.
seinfeldrules said:
He also didnt mention the Senator that he interviewed that had a nephew on the way to Iraq and his son was thinking about a career in the Navy. He cut that part out, of course.
Way to go man, how could you be more brainwashed, face it: America brought terrorism to itself, and attacking middle east countries will cause even more terrorism against USA, if you can't see this you are :borg: .
ATI4EVER! said:
bowling for columbine was awesome

and i loved the part in F911 where he started to ask the senators if they would inlist their sons up fo' da war!

o_O!! screwed!

Bet you didnt see the part where representative Kennedy (R-MN) said his nephiew was en-route to Afghanistan. He went on to inform Moore that his son was thinking about a career in the navy and that two of his nephews had already served in the armed forces. Kennedy’s side of the conversation, however, was cut from the film, leaving him looking bewildered and defensive.

*edit* beaten to it.

chimpmunk said:
Way to go man, how could you be more brainwashed, face it: America brought terrorism to itself, and attacking middle east countries will cause even more terrorism against USA, if you can't see this you are :borg: .

We didn't attack any nation in the middle east, except iraq when they invaded kuwait, untill after 9/11. You're thinking of the USSR.

And we havn't been attacked again if you would care to notice. See, we have this plan where we go over there and kill anyone who wants to kill us. It turns out its very hard for a dead person to fly an airplane into a building.
Anyways, bowling for columbie was cool for one thing: NRA bashing, god, I hate those retards...
chimpmunk said:
Way to go man, how could you be more brainwashed, face it: America brought terrorism to itself, and attacking middle east countries will cause even more terrorism against USA, if you can't see this you are :borg: .

How exactly did we do that? They blame us for corrupting their way of 'perfect' life with our technology and *gasp* belief that women are equal to men.
Its amazing how many Canadians think their opinions matter in the least bit in regards to US policy.
seinfeldrules said:
How exactly did we do that? They blame us for corrupting their way of 'perfect' life with our technology and *gasp* belief that women are equal to men.
How about USA giving WMD to irak to kill people in koweit ( IIRC ) ? And exploiting, do you know for how long the arab world has been exploited for its oil? And USA being the figure of capitalism and imperialism it is, is the perfect target for them. Do you seriously think they decided to attacked out of nowhere?

But i must agree religion has its role too, that's why they ought to be abolished, USA is just as fanatic as Afganisthan.
And we havn't been attacked again if you would care to notice. See, we have this plan where we go over there and kill anyone who wants to kill us. It turns out its very hard for a dead person to fly an airplane into a building.

Ahahahaha that is sig quality writing right there.
Homer said:
Its amazing how many Canadians think their opinions matter in the least bit in regards to US policy.
It's amazing how (most) americans think they are the best and their shit don't stink, so called keepers of freedom, yeah... BS :hmph:
chimpmunk said:
How about USA giving WMD to irak to kill people in koweit ( IIRC ) ? And exploiting, do you know for how long the arab world has been exploited for its oil? And USA being the figure of capitalism and imperialism it is, is the perfect target for them. Do you seriously think they decided to attacked out of nowhere?

But i must agree religion has its role too, that's why they ought to be abolished, USA is just as fanatic as Afganisthan.
We gave Iraq support in their fight against Iran, which at the time, was pretty high on our shit list.

It's amazing how (most) americans think they are the best and their shit don't stink, so called keepers of freedom, yeah... BS
*Sniffs ass, yeah it still stinks man. Take a wiff if you want.

Oh by the way, how many dictators has Canada toppled in, oh lets say, the last 50 years. How much did it contribute to the West's battle against Communism.
chimpmunk said:
Way to go man, how could you be more brainwashed, face it: America brought terrorism to itself, and attacking middle east countries will cause even more terrorism against USA, if you can't see this you are :borg: .

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Anyways, i gotta go, Seinfield and homer, get out of church and grow a brain to think for yourself...

As for the other americans here, most of you helped me realized not all americans are as dumb as i tought, so , congratulations, i guess...
chimpmunk said:
Anyways, i gotta go, Seinfield and homer, get out of church and grow a brain to think for yourself...

As for the other americans here, most of you helped me realized not all americans are as dumb as i tought, so , congratulations, i guess...

hahahaha I havent been to Church since Easter two years ago.
Oh by the way, how many dictators has Canada toppled in, oh lets say, the last 50 years. How much did it contribute to the West's battle against Communism.

hehe, like the Bush administration really care anyway... aslong as the green keeps flowing the way of their corporate wallets they'll be happy.

and Canada's government seems to have good world relations right now too, ... + they havnt been vicitim to any 'Terrorist' attacks..., Communism was isolated already,The majority Democratic leader's are bent on capitalisim, so it serves their purpose to wage Communism away. My point, Communism wasnt really offering up threats to Democratic society, and some people liked to do it different, A 'country's' personal preference shouldnt have to interfere with another's.
seinfeldrules said:
Oh by the way, how many dictators has Canada toppled in, oh lets say, the last 50 years. How much did it contribute to the West's battle against Communism.

Haven't you seen the Molson beer commercial?

We believe in peacekeeping, not policing. :cheese: :cheers:
seinfeldrules said:

Haha, yeah what a bunch of morons. Peace is for wusses and idiots. I say we go invade Brazil right now. They might eventually get a nuke program somehow, and then maybe they could give that futuristic nuke to al-Queda.

Oh crap! Hand out the guns, because I just justified war!
Freedom! USA! 9/11! America!

And shut up, the rest of the world, because I'm getting four more years whether you likes it or not.

Generalisations aren't fun for anyone.
chimpmunk said:
Anyways, i gotta go, Seinfield and homer, get out of church and grow a brain to think for yourself...

As for the other americans here, most of you helped me realized not all americans are as dumb as i tought, so , congratulations, i guess...
Read my previous post in this thread, stop hurling insults.
Mechagodzilla said:
Haha, yeah what a bunch of morons. Peace is for wusses and idiots. I say we go invade Brazil right now. They might eventually get a nuke program somehow, and then maybe they could give that futuristic nuke to al-Queda.

Oh crap! Hand out the guns, because I just justified war!
Freedom! USA! 9/11! America!

And shut up, the rest of the world, because I'm getting four more years whether you likes it or not.

Generalisations aren't fun for anyone.

Apparently someone hasnt seen the comerical. :laugh:

PS How did you find my desktop? I wear a shirt with that design to school every day too!
Its amazing how many Canadians think their opinions matter in the least bit in regards to US policy.

And I'm voting for bush. eat it.

Yeah, this is who I want choosing the leader of the next superpower.
I'm just so sick of it.

Other countries don't matter. Illegal wars against nothing are justified! Let's confine anyone who might be a terrorist. Gays are lesser beings. Church and state together. Terrorists love Kerry. Liberals are too goddamn liberal. Guns don't kill people. Cigarettes are safe. Foreign movies suck. I piss on the concept of international accountability. No consequences. The French are filthy and cowardly. Take this pamphlet. Covert to my way. The bible said so. Drugs are bad, alchohol is good. Flip-Flopper! War on [Noun]. We saved your asses in WW2. Effect before cause. You can't prove a negative. The world is safer. The world's opinion is unimportant to this election. Don't worry, Canada probably won't get attacked. A memorial to draft dodgers? A nation of cowards, you sicken me. Democracy on the march. Why don't you save the world then? Iraqis love us. Freedom rings.

Being so close to the border, I've heard it all. And I don't like it.
The bad apples are spoiling the barrel for me.
Mechagodzilla said:
Other countries don't matter. Illegal wars against nothing are justified! Let's confine anyone who might be a terrorist. Gays are lesser beings. Church and state together. Terrorists love Kerry. Liberals are too goddamn liberal. Guns don't kill people. Cigarettes are safe. Foreign movies suck. I piss on the concept of international accountability. No consequences.

You forgot "The ends justify the means."