Microsoft ends Xbox 360 RROD "coffin" program


Jan 25, 2009
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Microsoft ends Xbox 360 RROD "coffin" program, still paying for shipping
by Nilay Patel, posted Jun 9th 2009 at 2:32PM


Getting an Xbox 360 RROD was never any fun, but at least getting it fixed was easy, since a quick phone call would get you a pre-paid "coffin" in which to send the broken console back for repairs. Not anymore -- although Redmond will still pay for return shipping, the company's beancounters have decided to axe the expense of sending custom packaging out to people who need repairs, meaning anyone who gets an RROD will need to pack things themselves. Not the end of the world, but we share Joystiq's take: just send it however you can, since MS is fixing it anyway, and then save the return carton in case something else goes wrong -- knowing the 360, it very well might.

Kinda sucks for those who have had a problem with the system. mine failed last year in May and the shipping and return was a breeze. now it seems a little bit more annoying
i think its still an overheating issue. i would imagine an accumulation of dust and debris would make the machine get hotter and hotter over time and excessive use just shuts down transistors and stuff like that. plus the fact that there are so many features in the machine it just can't handle them all. kinda like how crappy those TVs are with the DVD players in them
so i'm guessing its like $30 shipping?

ms is still paying for the shipping (via an emailed label), but now you need to provide your own packing mats. usually they just send you back a different, refurbed 360 anyway, and not your repaired unit.

i fully intend to stick my next rrod 360 in a plastic bag. or just stick the label on the side of the 360 and drop it in a mailbox.
They don't send a coffin here anyway AFAIR. Any shop/off license will give you a box anyway.

Pfft, the only thing I got when mine bricked was a label to print out.
Whats the reason behind RROD anyway?

They mounted the heatsinks to the CPU and GPU very stupidly, with so-called X-clamps.

The X-clamps apply pressure on the middle of the down side of the CPU and GPU, while the heatsink itself presses on the top borders of the chips.

Every time the 360 heats up the mainboard and CPU/GPU bend(because of the x clamps), and if it cools down again they will bend back again.
After a few months of this torture, the cpu/gpu pins will become loose, and eventually break.
I don't get RROD anymore. Last time I had it was a few months ago, though I still get some weird scares (a few nights ago I left it on for a bit, returned and I saw it. I reset it and the RROD was gone) and this strange error that shows up sometimes.

I probably just jinxed myself, and my Xbox has RROD.
On my first Xbox I got the RROD four days after Christmas. Then I got it a year later after playing the Lego Star Wars II demo. Then one day I got it again, but it turned out to be some weird hard drive issue with GRAW 2. Scared the crap out of me.

I don't think I've had an issue since, but I haven't been living in the same house as the 360 since November.
On my 3rd or 4th unit. I'm hoping my jasper will restore my faith in MS.

/fingers crossed
Well, it doesn't seem too bad.
All that seems to be happening is that they don't send the box anymore.
You can just get your own box and package it.

I did that when my Acer laptop screwed up and I needed to send it in.
It was all paid for and I packaged and bubble wrapped the shit out of it.
I often get confused with the 4 red lights indiciating a lead is missing or something, so get scared.

I once placed a game inside my Xbox 360 and it goes, "To play this game, place it inside an Xbox 360."