Microsoft is using pirated software with windows! 0_o


Jul 25, 2004
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This was brought to my attention today, I didn't find this out on my own, I'm mearly re-telling it to you.

If you are using windows XP open up explorer

then goto your windows folder

then follow these folders:


Now right click on one of the .wav files there (preferablly the smaller ones) and open it in notepad. Scroll to the very bottom.

Notice something strange?

Sound Forge 4.5? Deepz0ne?
Deepz0ne is founder of a audio software cracking group called Radium.

There you have it, Microsoft is using a pirated version of Sound Forge to make windows. Sue! Sue!
no offence dude... but that is quit a bore lol.


Mike :cheers:
I don't have winxp so I can't confirm... but that would be an interesting find.
I just opened it as he instructed. Its there.

What does this matter?
Opium said:
This was brought to my attention today, I didn't find this out on my own, I'm mearly re-telling it to you.

If you are using windows XP open up explorer

then goto your windows folder

then follow these folders:


Now right click on one of the .wav files there (preferablly the smaller ones) and open it in notepad. Scroll to the very bottom.

Notice something strange?

Sound Forge 4.5? Deepz0ne?
Deepz0ne is founder of a audio software cracking group called Radium.

There you have it, Microsoft is using a pirated version of Sound Forge to make windows. Sue! Sue!
err cool?
Raziaar said:
I just opened it as he instructed. Its there.

What does this matter?

It doesn't really.... It just means that whoever was in charge of creating those files at Microsoft (if that is, in fact, where they were created) was using pirated software.
omg sue m$! we should report that to sonicfoundry!!!
You see, Microsoft needed the help from a man known only as Deepz0ne for their audio drivers, they searched for years for this man, and finally found him down the street from the meat shop on 42nd street.

They requested his assistance and he agreed only if one of his demands were met, that his name would be put somewhere in Windows, Microsoft picked a place where no mortal man would ever look, in "WINDOWS\Help\Tours\WindowsMediaPlayer\Audio\Wav" yes, thats right "WINDOWS\Help\Tours\WindowsMediaPlayer\Audio\Wav."

Now, a vampire zombie pirate known as Opium to the online community (oh drugs lol) discovered the name Deepz0ne in the legendary \Help\Tours\ folders. Then, on November 14th, 2004, he posted his findings on the internet.

hay btw, katamari damacy has cool music.