**** Microsoft!!!!!!!!


Feb 17, 2004
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I have an ME install disc but it is a shitty dell ****ed up thing and it says it can't install this version of ME on my computer. I have another windows xp install disc that isn't even read by my PC at all and then I have a windows xp upgrade disc that doesn't do anything either. WTF should I do? I am downloading XP home off of a site right now and I have a CD key I could use so that is legal right? Or is my key only for the upgrade(that is the only one I can find the keys for).
Fox don't even bother with ME. ME is the worst os, proven fact. I'd rather be running windows 95.
I know I got it with my dell for free, and that is why I have the xp upgrade disc.
Anything I can do to get windows without having to pay for it, I am DLing it but my CDs only hold 700mb the file is 776.
I believe you can call Microsoft, and, provided you include your serial, they send you out a working disc of the said OS (whether it be ME, XP, etc)
I think you should direct at least some of your anger towards Dell. I recently reformatted a dell computer and tried to use the Dell-provided windows xp disk to reinstall xp, but it wouldn't let me because it didn't recognize a reg key or something that made sure the disk was being installed in a dell computer. How stupid is that? A recovery cd that looks for a reg key? Jeez. The plain old windows xp cd has always worked fine for me.
**** it I just spent $210 on ****ing XP...god damnit I am so ****ing pissed off right now.
aaaargh Many Errors

yeh stay away from ME :P, seriously keep M.E away from me dude
Foxtrot said:
**** it I just spent $210 on ****ing XP...god damnit I am so ****ing pissed off right now.

You can buy an OEM version of Windows XP Home edition for $90. OEM XP Professional edition for $149.
Your anger should be aimed at dell it isnt microsofts fault. Dell set up that CD so that it runs with specific system hardware. For example Gigabyte Motherboards come with a CD and if you try and install things through Gigabytes install (autorun) it wont...

It isnt microsoft...

other companies that does things like this are Tiny, Time sometimes Packard Bell have been known too... Most pre bought systems have the licensing for just that pc which they can give away the copy of XP/ME/98 etc for so they set it so it works with a specific system...

What you could try is installing the OS on a hard drive in your old PC then transfering the drive to your new pc ;)

linux scares me i don't know how to use it and it would hurt me, windows is like being flogged to death with scented laces, i can last a while with it...but it sucks.