Microsoft's E3 Line-up leaked?


May 27, 2003
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Xbox 360 and Microsoft Rumours for E3'07:

- Microsoft start first at 6.30pm GMT+0:00. (Fact)
- New Crimson Skies game to be announced.
- Bungie working on new title/series not related to anything in the Halo/Marathon Universe.
- Epic Games to show some gorm of Gears of War 2 Trailer.
- Microsoft have bought the Star Wars Battlefront 3 rights. Trailer/Demo to be shown.
- Rare to show off Banjo Kazooie 3 (Banjo-Theerie).
- Rare to announce 2 new games.
- Rare to announce Kameo 2.
- Lionhead Studios show more of Fable 2.
- Microsoft to fund a new game based on Jason Bourne. It'll be based on the books and not the film with Matt Damon.
- Team Ninja to show off Ninja Gaiden 2. Labeled 360 Exclusive.
- Apparently there's news of a MGS Game for the 360. May or may not be the 4th Installment.
- Dead Rising 2 to be shown. May not be ready.

From an E3 Floor Manager supposedly.

Gears of War 2, possible Dead Rising 2 footage, some sort of new MGS game perhaps, Fable 2 stuff, new Bungie product, new RARE titles and a new Battlefront?

I doubt the mgs one so is probably to be fake
I see mgs4 is one of the most desired games on the 360,and problably those people didnt even played the previous 3 and sure consider them as crappy games,but since this 4 one have very good looking graphics,set in a war in the midle east,and it just look plain awsome,them now they want it
MGS4 for 360 being announced at E3 this year sounds like wishful thinking. My money's on a different game that will come out for 360 and PS3. Or maybe it is MGS4, but I doubt it will be announced until after, or at least near the PS3 release.
MGS4 for 360 being announced at E3 this year sounds like wishful thinking. My money's on a different game that will come out for 360 and PS3. Or maybe it is MGS4, but I doubt it will be announced until after, or at least near the PS3 release.

Maybe. Good thinking, but well, Konami might be planning to make additional games for the 360. E3 is a great place to get a lot of focus (free advertisement). Plus I don't think it really matters if they have a MGS game for 2 competing systems. They aren't trying to sell game systems, they are trying to sell games.

Just my take.

But I won't be surprised if all this 'Leaked' thing is bullshit, although it seems like a really good hoax if not.
Or maybe it might be a new Metal Gear game simply, much like PSPs Metal Gear Acid.
I've known about the crimson skies game for some time, I'm just hoping it will still come out for PC
Jason Bourne, a game? I find that hard to believe.
Jason Bourne, a game? I find that hard to believe.

I don't know... I loved the Bourne Identity (EDIT ERR- Jason Bourne) movies though. What about all the mission impossible and 007 games... could happen. Tons of other movie to games like Pirates of the carribean, shrek and some other games like it were advertised on TV last night for the 360.

Because this is the new E3 and they rescheduled it, and you also won't see crazy pictures of booths and such. It's a Media & Business Summit now.

Anyways, this is obviously still a rumor but we'll find out soon enough. If it's true, it sounds _very_ promising.
alls i'm caring about is some sort of new silent hill game being shown
Star Wars.... Battlefront.... 3.
i really wanna see some halo 3 campaign footage. All the multiplayer is nice, but still...
Doubt it.

But if so, yay Ninja Gaiden 2!

Oh lawd it's the game you love to hate ^_^
Dead Rising 2 would be enough. I'm quite looking forward to Fable 2 and can't wait for a sequel to Ninja Gaiden. Let's hope Rare don't **** up Banjo 3!!!
Mmmm.... battlefront 3. And the second rising of the Dead! Liking this lineup if its true.
Ninja Gaiden on Xbox pwned me. :?
"- Microsoft have bought the Star Wars Battlefront 3 rights"
This in particular sounded extremely odd to me, I mean comeon, what are the chances of LucasArts SELLING -ANY- of their Star Wars rights to another COMPANY that's not a daughter-company etc?
Also ninja gaiden 2 sounds odd seeing as team ninja seem to love the PS3. (yes i know the first was on xbox but their interviews and stuff make them seem to wholeheartedly support the ps3 (although they are making an NG for DS))
Didn't Raptetime confirm NG2 as a 360 exclusive a long time ago?
Still, it's a pretty much certain we're going to be seeing GoW2, Dead Rising 2 and Fable 2 footage sometime this year anyway.

I hope.
All I want for my 360 is that chat-pad adapter and the update that gives you propper chat windows (none of that in-menu crap)

As for E3, a marketplace playable demo of GTAIV would be very nice.