Mike Dunkle Interview


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
An interview has taken place! This time it comes from ComputerGames.ro, in which Mike Dunkle, Valve’s Cyber Café Director, is asked a series of questions ranging from what are Valve’s future projects to what Mike does in his spare time (Ok, I made that last part up).
ComputerGames: How will Steam evolve in the future and what can players expect from it?[br]Mike Dunkle: Well, Steam is definitely going to continue to evolve, with new features being added to keep up with the player’s needs and demands. Right now we’re working on new billing systems, like PayPall or debit cards, which are very popular around the world. Also, there will be a new “Friends” system, so yes, players can expect a lot of nice things from Steam in the future.
Now, given Mike doesn’t seem to have a lot of answers for some of these questions, that could just be because he is more about the Cyber Café side of things… Or he’s signed about 50 NDA’s this month.[br]The whole interview with more information regarding Valve and Next-Gen, the future of Half-Life, and more can be found here at ComputerGames.ro.[br]Thank you Better|Off|Dead! ;)
Nice interview. The guy is not really informed on future titles but it will be interesting to see what Steam turns into (I bet that one person will say "A steaming pile"). :)
Friends and debit cards, yay!
Nothing groundshaking, but informative nonetheless
Also, there will be a new “Friends” system, so yes, players can expect a lot of nice things from Steam in the future.
Whoa. A "friends" system. Quite the new, revolutionary feature. Almost sounds as if we didn't have a non-working version of that for ages.
Valve said:
Right now we’re working on new billing systems, like PayPall or debit cards, which are very popular around the world.

So when are they gonna get some engineers to talk about Source, now that would be interesting. Come on HL2.net! :D
I want to see some Live-type features integrated into Steam, personally. Please, no flaming.
you mean x-box live?

I agree. you connect fast on Live, its sweet, and very easy to use.

I have a debit card with a mastercard logo, can it not be used now?

fixing friends would be nice
How come better off deads account is disabled?

Edit: Nevermind... He just posted in a thread that is named, "Account disabled", and thats what I saw first. whoops. Delete this post?
The pictures for Freinds, as well as games people are playing, and the other features on the new XBOXLive, are more of things I'd look forward to.
Very cool interview. Cant wait for friends plus xbox live is leet!
13. ComputerGames: How will Steam evolve in the future and what can players expect from it?

Mike Dunkle: Well, Steam is definitely going to continue to evolve, with new features being added to keep up with the player’s needs and demands. Right now we’re working on new billing systems, like PayPall or debit cards, which are very popular around the world. Also, there will be a new “Friends” system, so yes, players can expect a lot of nice things from Steam in the future.

that was the most interesting and good news for me in this interview :thumbs:
using a normal bank debit card would certainly make things easier for some gamers :D
A new friends system eh... can it be called 'new' when the old one never worked?
Patriarch2000 said:
A new friends system eh... can it be called 'new' when the old one never worked?

The old friends system did work for me. Once. Used it to play chess with a mate. :) Lost... :(

boglito said:
The old friends system did work for me. Once. Used it to play chess with a mate. :) Lost... :(

It used to work for me to, but I don't know how long ago, it just stopped connecting. And those Chess and Checkers games were pretty secretive, I'd challenge random people I'd met in games.
"Pshh, that headshot was nothing, I'd pwn you in checkers!!!12"