

Apr 24, 2004
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Hey, I made a model and textured it thanks to the tutorials here... it's a model for TFC, it's the "player view" rpg model, only now it's higher poly, better textured and it's now a "view model."

Does anyone know if there is a tutorial out there on Milkshape on how to get the TFC hands and assign bones and stuff like that? It's basically all I have to do to get it into the game...
no idea man......i used to use milkshape but i stopped...i didnt like it
Evil^Milk said:
Does anyone know if there is a tutorial out there on Milkshape on how to get the TFC hands and assign bones and stuff like that? It's basically all I have to do to get it into the game...
Ok. I'll give you the basics of it. What you'll be doing is importing your model onto a TFC model that already exists.

1. Get your .mdl file from TFC.
2. In milkshape, go to tools, half-life, decompile normal HL mdl file
3. I've chosen v_tfc_rpg.mdl for this example.
4. Tick all the boxes. They are reference, sequences, textures, QC file
5. Click file, import SMD and choose blowpipe.smd, this is the actual rocket model.
6. Go to joints, and and check which bone is assigned to the entire model. To do this, click a bone from the menu then click SelAssigned. When the vertexes highlight in red you know which bone is assigned to which vertexes. For v_tfc_rpg.mdl bone "dummy22" is assigned to the rocket.
7. Make sure it's all selected, now delete the current model.
8. Import your model, select the "dummy22" bone from the joints menu, select your model then go back to the joints screen and click Assign.
9. Hopefully your model is now assigned to that main bone.
10. Click file, Export, HL SMD and overwrite blowpipe.mdl.
11. Now go to Tools, Half-Life, Comile QC, and select v_tfc_rpg.qc.
12. Now hopefully your mdl file has been created, the origins may be screwed, so check them with Jeds HLMV view (
13. To change the origins put this code in the QC file underneath $cliptotextures

$origin 1 1 1 (these values are x y z, check what values fit with jeds model viewer)

If you have any errors i can help you. The bone the model is assigned to may be different for every model, i've only just used the rpg as an example.