mines causing explosions

Well, I'm fairly sure it bounces off of something off to the right. And, last time I checked, there was only a cliff there.

So nuh. :p
ok look at the ammo read out at the bottom right of the hud. It's a grenade from his gun, not a grenade thrown by the combine or the mine exploding from hitting the body.
Hmm I believe the rollermines do explode.

Go to 4:00/24:55 and watch the second rollermine hit the water.

If you freezeframe it and watch what happens, you'll see a small splash (normal size for a object that big) and then suddenly a much larger splash appears.

It would be logical to think that the rollermine has exploded when its hit the water, mainly because its electrical, a classic death for a device such as that.

I think it would be monotonus (sp) if the rollermine didn't explode. A room could be filled with these balls and they'd be no way of stopping them bar picking them up with the manipulator. But that leaves the combine to come and shoot your defenceless self.

The actual arguement that its a grenade exploding at 5:46 is false if you take in to account how long the grenades been thrown for and (and this is going to be hard to prove) that you see the screen shake at 5:53ish. Its hard to spot because Gordon starts to fire his gun but its definatly there and the screen shake is caused by a near explosion. Example being at 5:45.
Well the screenshake was caused by him being shot so scrap that idea :/
Watching the clip where Gordon throws a grenade back with the manipulator, the time thrown and exploding is roughly 4.5 seconds long whereas the grenade thrown to the rollermine explosion is 5-6 seconds long.
If you freezeframe it and watch what happens, you'll see a small splash (normal size for a object that big) and then suddenly a much larger splash appears.

Looks like the way splashes usually work, you get a thunk splash and then a plume splash. If it exploded, why wouldn't it do the explosion cloud that supposedly happens when the other mine supposedly explodes.
Apos said:
Looks like the way splashes usually work, you get a thunk splash and then a plume splash. If it exploded, why wouldn't it do the explosion cloud that supposedly happens when the other mine supposedly explodes.

Its in the water when it explodes? Not instant death the second it touches water but close enough so that it explodes to cause a larger burst of water.
If freezeframed it does look like 2 bursts. The first one being for initial impact and the second being the resulting explosion.
Its in the water when it explodes? Not instant death the second it touches water but close enough so that it explodes to cause a larger burst of water.

That's not how it would work. If it exploded, the explosion would show through as well as the splash.

I see what look sort of like two bursts, but it also could be the fact that we have a comparatively low framerate and lots of compression. Also, a lot of the other splashes we see in that demo (like in the CS:S) could be described as having double splashes, as do splashes in real like (one for when something first breaks the water surface, another for when the water comes crashing in, with the second generally being a bigger splash)
please keep posting sreenshots...(wipes the drool)...remember some of us cavemen got a freaking 56k modem and havent seen ANY videos!
I feel your slow, lagged-out pain. I was lucky, I went to a LAN and got it from a friend there. :D
haha, too bad the only can be 100k.

One other idea to support the idea that they explode. Apos, you mentioned that no one playing the previews mentioned them exploding. However, why should they? In games, enemys die; if they happen to be mechanical of some sort they explode. Why shouldn't they die? In fact, wouldn't it be more likely for someone that played the previews (whatever you ment by that) to report that they DIDN'T die? It is very common for enemys to die but much more rare for them to be invincible (the g-man is the obvious example. ;))
wayne white said:
please keep posting sreenshots...(wipes the drool)...remember some of us cavemen got a freaking 56k modem and havent seen ANY videos!

try steaming them from gamespot, I dunno if that helps or not :/
In the previews, they said how they kept shooting them and shooting them and they didn't die and the only way to get rid of them was to toss them. They got to play the section with combine too, so why wouldn't one or two get blown up there?
Ahhh, now if you would have said that . . .

I thought you ment that no one said something along the lines of 'rollermines die.'

Now I can see why you defended their invinciblilty.
Well, to be fair, this screenshot helps your case a little too: