Mininova bites it

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someone needs to make a very small country in the ocean somewhere and create some massive server/file sharing site.
Ebb and flow. Hydra does not care.

Shame, they took the legitimate things out, along with the unauthorized files.
Oh well, I guess you'll have to buy stuff now!!
I used mininova as a backup site to Demonoid (also currently down) to get TV-shows which aren't aired in the UK (and thus 100% legal).
Yes most people using mininova are pirates, but that still doesn't mean you can group us all in the same basket.
Aw. They were my backup to PirateBay, IPTorrents, PianoSheets, and other assorted sites.
Thing is there are times that mininova has things isoh. doesn't. But regardless; I'm using more of this other site recently anyways. Only thing I really liked about mini was the comments were usually useful and plentiful.
Still waiting for Demonoid to come back. I idle in that irc everyday waiting for some good news. D;
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