Ministry of Combat - Simple Idea.


Aug 9, 2005
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Well guys.
Before i start off anything i want to give you a bit more of a description of myself and the modification.

Firstly - Myself.

I'm Chris Laupama - I've been working in game development for nearly over a year now.

I've worked on Xbox titles for Castles Music & Sidhe Interactive in sound effects design.
- Rugby League 2
- Melbourne Cup Racing
- ( other smaller games for xbox aswell )

I've worked on Half Life modifications including...
- Hostile Intent

I've worked/working on Half Life 2 modifications including...
- Nuclear Dawn
- Dystopia

I've got a strong working ethic and a straight to the point attitude when it comes to anything.

I work hard towards what i'm trying to achieve and generally expect that from anyone else on the project.

The idea is to have a game with a Comic Style! Since this has never really been done before we will be the first and it will give us much more attention!
With us having a comic style we want things to be very dark etc much like the Dark Horse/DC Comics.

The Mod/Game.

At this point i have not yet chosen a title for the mod! It's that early in development!

I've just got the idea ( which has been in my head for over a year now ) of a stealthy type mod where Darkness/Shadows etc are your best weapon.

If you can imagine Batman/Spiderman etc with a very comic style look and feel to the game - You can understand what i'm trying to create here.

Another major part to the game is that there will be no guns/grenades etc. But only swords/katanas ninja stars and some various other weapons. ( Depending on gameplay type )


Now with the idea of using the darkness etc in the mod there is many ways to do it. Obviously one of the ways i first thought of it was to have a "Batman" styled mod but obviously not focused specifically on him as i wanted the mod to be multiplayer.

So then i saw the movie "Batman Begins" and noticed "The League of Shadows" and thought they would be an excellent idea to create the mod about!
Using them we could easily setup a few ideas for a game!

Idea 1:

Have two teams. One team the "villans" and then the next team the "ninjas".

The "villians" aim of the game is to try steal/capture/destroy something within a certain amount of time. They must steal/capture/destroy whatever it maybe before the "ninjas" kill/stop them. Or they can kill off all the "ninjas" which would obviously let them steal whatever it is they wanted.

The "ninjas" aim of the game is to try and stop the villians by using only things around them and a few minor weapons. The purpose of the "ninjas" is to give the player a feeling of being "the hero" like you see in the movies such as Batman and Spiderman etc with there quick & fast movement plus stealthy attacks!

The "ninjas" must use the darkness to help them as it will be very easy for them to be killed. So things such as simply hiding in shadows/roofs/balconies etc etc will be very common.

Villans will be armed. Ninjas will also be armed but with meelee weapons.
"Ninjas" will have a "stealth-o-meter" which will say how visible/in-visible they will be in vertain areas. With this in effect "villans" could walk right past/underneath etc etc the "ninajs" creating a very cool attacking posisiton. And also creating extreme frights!

Idea 2:

Have two teams "ninjas1" and "ninjas2".

This will be a game of ... Who is the best team and best fighter/hiders.
This gameplay idea is still sort of under consruction. But one of the main ideas is to do stuff like...
Have a Museum - And both teams are both after ONE artifact inside the museum. So both teams go after it. Who ever is able to steal it and get out without being caught by the security guards etc OR setting off alarms OR getting caught by the other team. Will win!

It's very hard to explain this all as i have a very limited amount of time tonight and want to get you guys in here and to have a quick read etc!

So those are some ideas i have at the moment. As you can see it's not really THAT much workload - But it's definately needed to create a succesful game!

I hope you guys can post ideas etc as i thought it would be best to have this as a team dream! Rather than just mine!

Anyways for now i'm off :D
Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to learn more!

So please contact me As Soon As Possible! You can contact me on MSN using this address or you can contact me via email using this address.
MSN/Email: [email protected]


ChrisL - Team Lead/Public Relations/Human Resource Management.
Sounds interesting. Sort of a combo between Splinter Cell's multiplayer and XIII (but with no guns).

One thought though. If you want an authentic feel you shouldn't have ninjas being the good guys. Real ninjas were mercenaries and assassins. There wasn't much "good" about them. They developed their aura of mystery by mastering the art of deception and never playing by the rules. Personally I don't think one can feel like a ninja while playing a good guy.

With that in mind, maybe you could try something with Ninjas vs Samurai. Samurai gaurd the emporer and ninjas try to assasinate him, or steal something valuable or something like that. You could do some interesting melee combat since the fighting styles of the two are very different. It might be hard to balance, but it could be done.

I've sort of been mulling over a similar game (ninja/stealthy multiplayer action) for quite some time now. Nice to see some people with potential doing something like that.
Well i thought about the Samurai type idea. But the thing is i want it to be set in modern day. In a Gotham City type environment.

I do believe in your "Ninjas not being good/bad" Idea and actually am thinking of mixing it in a bit!

We are going for a real comic style so everything will be done with a comic style to it - Much like the movies have.

Everything will be rather cinematic aswell. So detail is a must.

Darkness is the main factor. We want the Ninja type players to really be doing all the can to create suprise attacks using anything they can.

From killing lights. To leaving traps. Dropping from ceilings to scaling walls etc.

There is so much! And we want all the help we can get from ideas to development. So please get hold of me!

So contact me via EMAIL/MSN using [email protected]
I like the idea and I'd suggest the following for development:

Make a Tenchu-styled singleplayer (or 2-4 player co-op) map to enable your team to focus on the very essential. The map should consist of one (or a few) ninjas using stealth to infiltrate a 'headquarters' location. Release a video of all the ninjaskillz you can pull off in your game to the public and provide +1 clean pants to every community member as a show of good faith. By focussing on something very small you'll have:
  • An established, focussed team who have reached a milestone in the development of their Mod which serves as a working example of their ability and achievement
  • A showcase Alpha build which can be shown to secure the best 2D/3D artists for further development, and a thriving community. This would include:
    • A working Stealth-o-meter (interacting with mapper-specified locations)
    • A working HUD for the Ninja team
    • Working moves, attacks and animations for the Ninja team
    • Working 3rd-person moves, attacks and animations for the Villain team
    • A basic set of working weapons and weapon models for the Ninja team
    • A basic set of working weapons and weapon models for the Villain team
    • A set of basic AI scripts for use in further testing, with possible use in a training level or for offline play
    • A basic set of working mapping entities for further development
    • One working map for further development and Alpha/Beta-testing purposes

    I think the melee stuff will be more difficult to get right than the ranged weapons, as you need to make it intuitive for the player to know where it's gonna hit (example of this not being intuitive is BattleGrounds). Also the main difference between this concept and other objective-based teamplay is the stealth element. So concentrating on this might work well for putting a team together and getting everyone focussed and more likely to stick around (team and community).
i suppose the batman movies/comics/more adult cartoons particularly Batman Begins would be a great reference source particuarly if you go for the cool visual aesthetic style of the adult cartoons
They sure will be mate!

Yeah Batman Begins is a definate source mate.

Crispy you are onto it mate. You've got your head in the right place :D - If you want give me a buzz and i think i've just found you a place on the team if you're interested.

We are slowly building a new team and it's looking better and better each day!
When you say comic style, does that mean the game will be cell shaded, or what?

About the samurai thing. You can have modern samurai just like you can have modern ninjas. The easiest way to create believable fiction is to take something from reality and pass it through a filter that makes it fit into your world. Samurai were the elite gaurd of their day. They were a powerful show of authority and enforcers of the emporers law. It's not that hard to translate that kind of stuff into the modern world.

BTW, if you're making a game that deals a lot with shadow and darkness are you sure that Source is the best engine for it? I mean, the dynamic lighting engine in Source isn't all that spectacular. Especially when it comes to doing dynamic shadows.
What the hell? You just swapped the mod idea for another one? I'm working to an agreed criteria out of a favour to an old friend. Changing the mod means the agreement is void, and you get no code from me.

-Angry Lawyer
You should be less afraid to step out of the design norm. Comic style games are done all the time, what you should actually consider is never-been-done-before gameplay.
That may sound lame and over stated, but if you look around at all of the hl2 mods being created, who is honestly bringing something new to the table?
Since you're just leading the team and not creating a major part of the art for it, you need to spend some more time designing it.
Do you have any clue how freakin' hard it is to come up with a gameplay mechanic that is both totally new and also fun? It's damn near impossible, and that's why you see so few mods (and games in general for that matter) which achieve it. It's far more feasable to take an existing mechanic that works, then modify it and add to it to whatever extent is necessary for you make a fun and enjoyable game.

About the only way to make a gameplay mechanic that hasn't been done before is to either have technology that nobody has had before, or to observe something in real life that nobody has thought of making into a game before. Both of those are very rare occurances.
I feel like I've been slapped in the face, considering that the mod I was supposedly contracting for has suddenly became a cartoon ninja game.

Count me out, Chris.

-Angry Lawyer
Cyanide said:
Do you have any clue how freakin' hard it is to come up with a gameplay mechanic that is both totally new and also fun?

Yes I do, and I'm working on one right now. There are no new ideas, but again it's all in the presentation. It doesn't have to be from another dimension, but it shouldn't be just like another game (in this case splinter cell/tenchu)
A little from column A, a little from column B, mix things up a tad and you have...

A brand new gameplay experience!
The gameplay will be a lot more different than any other modification.

Thoughts upon whether it will be 3rd person or not is still in the running.

The idea of having the game comic styled is based on the actions/look of the characters on the paper.

Also gameplay will be rather unique. But i don't want to indulge too much into it this early.

Angry Lawyer that's fine mate. Didn't really think you would've came across.
SixThree said:
I want aliens :(

I would also like aliens. But ninjas are cooler than aliens so if I had to pick one, I'd go with ninjas. Perhaps a happy medium could be reached in a game involving alien ninjas vs samurai a modern day setting.:E
Cyanide said:
Perhaps a happy medium could be reached in a game involving alien ninjas vs samurai a modern day setting.:E

I think you're on to something! yuo wanna joine my mod team? :D
Sorry to anyone who wanted the cartoon ninjas, but this guy is fired.

He was hired to help the mod team work more efficiently, decidedly NOT to take it over and gay-ify things with cartoons and ninjas. He even tried to hire a bunch of random people.

This announcement of his is entirely unauthorized, and I would like to warn anyone reading this to stay away from hiring him or his "Ministry of Combat" in the future. This cock-up he's created will take time to repair.

-Mechagodzilla, concept artist for Xenos Mod - The one with aliens.
Mechagodzilla said:
Sorry to anyone who wanted the cartoon ninjas, but this guy is fired.

He was hired to help the mod team work more efficiently, decidedly NOT to take it over and gay-ify things with cartoons and ninjas. He even tried to hire a bunch of random people.

This announcement of his is entirely unauthorized, and I would like to warn anyone reading this to stay away from hiring him or his "Ministry of Combat" in the future. This cock-up he's created will take time to repair.

-Mechagodzilla, concept artist for Xenos Mod - The one with aliens.

Hmm...what's the word I'm looking for..

It's not rented...

Is it borrowed?...No, I don't think that's it...

Oh yeah...OWNED! :E
I'll say. It's like he wanted to ruin his entire reputation in one easy step.

Rugby League 2 my ass.

I own Ministry of Combat.

Secondly i made Ministry of Combat.

Third i let you guys in it. Via Ennui.

I have NO IDEA what you are on about. Absolutely no idea.

I joined Xenos to help out and then created MoC for you guys to work with.
Then after a constant shelling of "You guys are copying NS" etc i decided to take off on my own venture.

And then branched off from Xenos to start this mod up.

You are very confused mate. Talk to Ennui.

Who's authorization do i need to run my own team MINISTRY OF COMBAT.

Check who owns the domain etc. Me. Not your or anyone else.

Owned? I think not.
Fired? Don't make me laugh.
First, you own Ministry of Combat.

Second, you made Ministry of Combat.

And third, Xenos no longer sees the services of Ministry of Combat as desirable and we have removed you from our mod.

I guess there's nothing stopping you from continuing with your cartoon mod, but I'm afraid it will have to be on your own.
Just showing up and, in your first official act as a team member, saying that we will scrap our plans and work on your ninjas isn't exactly polite.

You were not hired to recruit us. You were hired to do work on Xenos Mod, and that is obviously not your intention.

So good day.
I think what's going on is that we need to call the fire brigade, because ChrisL just got burned.






I think someone's got some explaining to do. It seems to be like the Ministry of Combat just lost quite a few of its prestigiously flagged (from these forums) members. I'd probably want to hear from those who left and those who remained in the company of both Xenos and the Ministry of Combat before coming to a conclusion on this.

Just what is the current state of affairs with the Misnitry of Combat, just for the people who might have reservations about joining what could turn out to be a MoCkery. I'm not pointing the finger, just asking for a little clarity.
First of all. I was not removed i decided to move on.

I simply explained to the team of my ideas and also explained it would be a much more 'reasonable' idea. Which obviously they do not agree with. Ecsepcially under the cirumstances that they have been under production for so long and yet have only produced a few concepts and that's it.

_b fair enough. What i will not tolerate is being mocked and manipulated by you -your team - and the community under actions which have been full misunderstood by all.

I'm not here to chit chat about something i want to see it and see it to the end.

When i joined Xenos mod all they had was a vary scarce amount of work done and this to me was very appauling.

I then was hired onto the team to give moral/get new members and give the team a much more "professional look" to things. You can even ask Ennui about this and if he disagrees i will show you the chat logs.

I do not "dissaprove" at all with xenos mod or do i think there work is very un-ethical etc. BUT I do think they do need a little bit more direction. WHICH is what i was hired to do.

It's not my fault i came aboard with a mod which i would've been in love with IF they had gone through with it! And had a little bit more time and dedication.

But the simple factor is they don't seem to be pushing themselves to the point i think they can be all capable of.

I love the work and skills of the team. But dedication etc is just not seeming a factor within the team. Therefore i dropped out and started on something i'm wanting to see go through with success.

Second of all i WAS hired to recruit for the xenos team. Ask Ennui your "Team Leader". Do not accuse me of such things where you for a start do not understand the facts.

The simple and plain truth is this.

1 - I was hired as a Recruitment/PR Manager/Human Resources Manager for Xenos mod.
2 - I created Ministry of Combat to give a much more professional and "long term" look to the team as they were lacking it themselves.
3 - I offered the opportunity to the team to join me and carry on with the so called "cartoon" mod.
4 - I am now running my own team with specific specifications and dedication.

I do wish you all the best Xenos team. I am not at all in hatred with you. I just don't understand the bitching. Simply because i am here for one purpose. To create something successful. Not saying you guys are not but it damn well sickens me that you are very negative in my direction.

Now do you people understand?
Please explain how i was removed when i never even started working on the mod simply under the fact of your guys attitude.

If you want to understand real game development. Please get into the real thing such as i have...

If not carry on with your venture. I'm an experienced game developer branching off into something small that will hopefully grow larger.

Mecha if you have a problem. Consult me in person. Actuall ring me up - +64-4-2341731 Lets talk about this in person.

If any of you guys wish to call me about anything regarding the mod or the situation by anymeans call me.

Very Pissed of Managing Director of Ministry of Combat.
If you're PR, then I have to say that you're really not very good at it. Your function as PR is to liaise with the public and be the mouthpiece of the mod, and yet everything you said in your post above, you failed to communicate to the public.
From an outsider's viewpoint, it looked just like the whole team had switched to the ninja mod when this apparently wasn't the case.
And no it's not a mockery.

Some work from out artists.







Also Visual Development Studios & Calcetin Animations have also offed there services for the mod.

Please do not underestimate me OR Ministry of Combat.

contact me via MSN/EMAIL: [email protected] if you wish to ask any further questions or call me in New Zealand +64-4-2341731.

I assure you this i something i'm not willing to give up a fight for.
To set it straight there is TWO different mod teams.

One Xenos mod - A aliens/marines driven mod.


*Untitled Project* run by Ministry of Combat - A Comic styled driven mod.

THey are TWO TOTALY Different projects/teams. The team in the post above are from Ministry of Combat. NOT Xenos.

I wish you the best of luck Xenos team -Some very talented people in there.

Lets not get the confusion of teams mixed up again.

It was simply a case of me joining the team. Creating a new team/development name. Then not being satisfied with the team starting up my new project WITHOUT notifying the public.

This is why Mecha has informed you i'm no longer with the team. BUT Have started with my own project.

I'm sorry for such confusion :p

Please forgive me all. - I thought this would not matter. But in this case obvioulsy does.
It's a rather confusing situation, guys. Some of the members of Xenos are a bit peeved because essentially this is what happened:

ChrisL joins Xenos as PR and kind of management, to help us professionalize a bit and get some new members.
ChrisL forms ministry of combat and say it's now our team's name - we have no problem with this.
No contact for two weeks. ChrisL then makes a post on the private forums telling us we're no longer doing Xenos, and instead we're doing a cartoon/ninja mod.

Essentially, a lot of people got confused over what the hell is going on. Xenos and Ministry of Combat are no longer associated.
What I am getting out of all this is that ChrisL ditched Xenos and made Ministry of Combat, for one reason or another. Xenos team got pissed. Now they are no longer associated.

So, apparently ChrisL didn't do such a great job at "Professionalizing" Xenos, because that sort of mess usually doesn't happen to a "professional" team.
I have to say, it's not the most shining example you could give of someone with professional experience being brought in to fast-track a Mod's development.

* me ponders
I think it'd be best if Ennui transcribed what you posted in the development forums, ChrisL.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm not going to, I prefer to keep the bad blood between myself and anyone else to a minimum, I'm ready to drop this.
so much drama.

either way, this should be about the game and not personal matters. And in that respect I think the game idea needs some more work. ChrisL, you should write a design document first.