Mirroring an Object


Nov 22, 2004
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Is it possible to get the mirror image or an object? I think that's what the flip command is for, but for some reason it is grayed out when my objects is selected. I have a box that I sliced up and deleted some faces to make a room with two windows and a door, and I need to make another exactly like it, except its mirror image. I've tried negetive scaling and that doesn't work at all. The object gets stretched to infinity.

I'm all out of ideas.
Hmm.. How about copy and rotate 180 degrees?
If I rotate it, then the stuff that supposed to be in the front is now in the back.

How It Is
[_.| where [ is a wall with a window and . is a door.

How I Want It

|._] where ] is the new window and . is the door.
ctrl-L = mirror left/right
ctrl-I = mirror up/down

(relative to the currently highlighted 2d view)