Mirrors and fun


Jul 5, 2003
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I would assume mirrors would be supported in Source. I am almost positive I read this somewhere, but the Search results come up with file mirrors or mirroring models in modeling software.

Also, if there are mirrors, what happens when you face one mirror directly, or just within view, of another mirror?

Quake3 supports mirrors , so what happens in a Quake3 engine game when a mirror faces another one, do you get infinte reflections? Tremendous lag? Crash?

Just wondering...
I built a level in UnrealED (deus ex) and put a mirror infront of a mirror.
The game reflected the surroundings about 3-4 times, before the the other mirror became black (after it reflected the scene mutliple times), to stop infinite repetition and causing the game to crash. I would imagine this is what they would do in source.

In the image you can see 3 reflection 'stages', and the very far off mirror is pitch black.

Attached image...
Hopefully they'll let you control it... it would be nice to be able to control it by the size of the reflection that is rendered in screen space. For instance, stop rendering when the area of the reflection becomes smaller than 128x128.
Theres a email about this in the info from valve thread it says something about how this relates to the camera input output. Gabe did say it was supported but i dont think he said how long the reflection would go on.
it was turned of in e3 demo and the max was 8 times reflection i tought