Mirror's Edge 2

After reading that quote from the EA exec, I wish they had just killed it. Poor faith is going to get whored out to the masses and die in the process.
Personally I saw Mirror's Edge as more of a piece of modern art rather than a game. What I liked most about it was the great soundtrack and the unique visual style.
Yeah the remixes of the song are so much better than the original!

*Rubs his Still Alive disc*
Worrying. If there's one thing people don't give two shits about, it's the Mirror's Edge 'Universe'. I'm worried that they're listening to the school of thought that said that the reason Mirror's Edge wasn't a critical darling was that it was a First Person platforming game. The relative difficulty of making a First Person platforming game is precisely why the series should exist, not something it should shake off (and frankly, the first game represented a quantum leap in First Person immersion. Yes, it was barely halfway there, but it was astounding how far they'd got with it).

By talking about a 'Universe', it's almost as if he believes that I or anyone else gives two shits about the two-bit exploits of Faith and her empty world of pathetic excuses for 'conspiracy'. Ok, so I'd miss the aesthetic... the city was the only thing that came close to having a character. But the next first person parkour game they make could have that aesthetic and nothing else to do with the original, and I'd be pretty happy with it.
Probably means an FPS based in the same city. That said, it might not be to bad. At least the environments would be bright, unlike the MW2 clones we're getting at the moment.
But the next first person parkour game they make could have that aesthetic and nothing else to do with the original, and I'd be pretty happy with it.

And the music, don't forget the music! FPS parkour, the aestetic, and the soundtrack, these are the elements that made the game special, nothing else.
"We're actively working on ideas in the Mirror's Edge universe; we just haven't locked on a way to bring it back so that fans will be excited and at the same time we get to a bigger audience. That's god's honest truth," he swore.
bigger audience
Mirror's Edge 2 confirmed for shit. No game has ever survived the "accessibility" quote. It's going to be dumbed down with Assassin's Creed controls and you'll have a gun at all times.
Darkside, you speak words of wisdom and it saddens me.:(

I quite liked the non-combat focus of ME but making it appeal to a bigger audience is most certainly going to mean what you just said.
Assassin's Creed controls and you'll have a gun at all times.
I never found much dislike to either. As long as we don't HAVE TO use the gun.
Not happening DICE are owned by EA =/

Speaking of that, I assume the IPs are actually owned by EA rather than just DICE, so even if EA sold DICE then EA would still be able to make Battlefield titles and so forth.
yea i would assume so but dont give ea any ideas..we dont want a 3 studio battlefield thing going on a la CoD =/
I think its just a mega studio a la Ubisoft Montreal instread of varying distinct studios like IW, treyarch, sledgehammer etc.
I orgasmed.

The targetting of a bigger audience could be good or it could be absolutely awful. ME had some pretty terrible design decisions. As long as they address those, and don't **** up the parkour or ret-con the game world, I'll be happy.
It means they change a lore element in retrospect to fit with the new story. See: every World of Warcraft expansion/major content patch ever.
Oh. I still don't get the phrase though. Ret clearly means retrospect, but whats the con stand for? Also, I dont see any reason why that would be an issue with the game, since the 'lore' is pretty broad and vague as it is, and the story of ME1 was pretty much resolved at the end.
HL does that all the time.
Requesting a mod to change the thread title to simply "Mirror's Edge 2." Title was wrong from the get-go technically :devil:
I liked Mirrors edge for the parkour, artstyle and its innovative style of weighing tougher on running away rather than just killing one generic guy after another (not that the cops in ME wasn't generic but still).
I wish they had actually let you run away, instead of forcing you into combat in a few segments.
lol at "clambering" instead of "clamoring"

This is really, really great news. I can't wait to see how it's turning out. [edit] Except for the SpikeTV part. That's bad.