Mirrorsite for e3 movies


May 21, 2003
Reaction score
I've set up this site for everybody to download all the latest e3 2004 hl2 goodies from.


All the links on the page goes to my ftp. It's currently caped at 20 users maximum. So if u can't download please try again later.

If u got any content not seen on the site or want me to link to your files please contact me with a pm or on irc.

My nick is acc|Radeon and u can find me in Quakenet @ halflife2

/Cheers :)
Im getting a video off of Bittorrent which is apparently footage of CS in source engine. from eurogamers. Ill send it to you when its finished if you want.
Thanks :) I got your link in IRC and I dled the cs vid from there.
heh, cheers!
It's great to see people chipping in with bandwidth....

Krusty :)
Absolutely great. I'm downloading now, and it's so exciting to see some new HL2 content! Just like old times...
the bad thing: i couldn't manage my ftp accoutns for guest-uploader at the moment. the good one: im uploading the movie and you will get the link in about 23 mins :)
got to see it...and I'm like :o

looks soo good...can't wait.

I find it weird though that they choose to show cs2 "when speaking of multiplayer"... that was ehm...uhuh.
Ok, the file from fileplanet is up and running! So go get it while u can! :imu: