
Wow, I'm kinda impressed. As if it wasn't enough to downvote all your recent posts once, he did it TWICE.
Man, that guy really did not know when to cut his losses, did he?
I'm a little disappointed that he hasn't done that for any of my posts :(
He's pretty thorough, even got my steam profile.


He also friend requested me and invited me to a group he made


Report his steam profile for offensive text and his steam group for offensive imagery.

This is not an alt account, it's 7 years old and he has 130 games. Let's get this kid banned.
Mountain Dew is not orange, and does not come in an orange bottle.
He's pretty thorough, even got my steam profile.

That's impressively scary. Got yourself a bit of a stalker.

Just watch out for any suspicious green turtles hanging about the bottom of your street the next time you head to the store.
Just cleaned up the thread again. Wow if I wanted to sweep up horseshit all day I'd have become a vet.
If I post my comic again, is it just going to be removed again? At this point it feels like something which is actually on-topic.
If I post my comic again, is it just going to be removed again? At this point it feels like something which is actually on-topic.
As funny as it was, going on a witch hunt really doesn't solve anything.
Make a new comic. Feature everyone in this thread. Make it whimsical. Make it about rainbows.
Making a comic retelling the great tales of this thread would be pretty good, as long as it doesn't turn into a witch hunt again.

I can imagine it being in the same visual style as that age-old comic where Pi arrives in a god damn tank.
You keep saying 'witch hunt'. What do you mean by 'witch hunt'?
Consistently targeting someone, searching for personal information about them to continuously ridicule someone. Sure the guy made a complete ****ing tithead out of himself, but it doesn't mean people should start hunting for information about him or extending the "joke" further than it should be.
To be fair, all I did was re-use, ah, "content" he had gone out of his way to make public. Tracking down his Facebook page for ammunition would be different, I'd say.
I happened by his Reddit account actually. He acts the same on there too. Literally. Like, some of his posts could have been copy/pasted from there to here.
So we had to put our pygmy hedgehog to sleep this afternoon.

RIP Kurt

Did you make sure to bury him with a corndog?
Why'd you have to have him sent to Hedgehog Heaven, Eejit?
We'd had him about 2 years, he was 1-1.5 years old then. Hedgehogs normally live between 3-5 years so it wasn't particularly early but we'd obviously hoped that Kurt would be around longer :(

He had kidney and liver failure, wasn't eating or drinking by himself, tests were indicating lymphoma of the kidneys.

No idea what you're referring to with that corn dog comment MFL. I'm not even sure what a corn dog is.
Hedgehogs don't have a good rap for longevity, they go fast.

Similar to that of hamsters, gerbils, pet rats, and guinea pigs really, kinda what you'd expect...

I mean it'd be nice if they lived as long as Chinchillas and Sugar Gliders but what can you do?