
Holy shit Maestro, did Raz take a dump in your house without flushing or something?
I made no off hand comment about you, but you're inclined to believe what you want and post what you want to feel as if you can crush me. I was talking about the practice of judging people based on their clothes.

I don't see why you feel the need to try and rip me a new one, for expressing my opinion on something. I wasn't debating.

Also, the 1960's thing about lipstick was a humorous aside. But you, for some strange reason, made it into more than what it was.

Can people reply to something you post without you feeling like you're being confronted? I don't feel like I deserved your post.

Sure as shit sounded like those were claims about me personally, since it was all addressed in the second person. I take exception to the fact that an off-hand comment of mine got turned into some kind of claim about how I misjudge people because all I care about is their clothes. I don't. That's why I'm pissed off.
Sure as shit sounded like those were claims about me personally, since it was all addressed in the second person. I take exception to the fact that an off-hand comment of mine got turned into some kind of claim about how I misjudge people because all I care about is their clothes. I don't. That's why I'm pissed off.

It's called "indefinite or generic referents". Fourth person. It's used all the time in English(even if it's not all that proper). I figured it was obvious, but I guess it wasn't. You should ask for clarification before you go off on somebody like that.

If I get personal with you, you'll know it. I don't get personal in that way with 99.9% of the people on this forum.
Yeah I saw this on the news this morning. Funny how everyone just assumes it's due to his age, when the reason for his resignation isn't exactly clear...
It's because he has an empire to run.

I still need to write in it though D:

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Now you listen to me. I don't like you. I never liked you. And the only reason I gave you that stupid valentine is because nobody else would!"

I think it'll work. If you're seven.
Yeah I saw this on the news this morning. Funny how everyone just assumes it's due to his age, when the reason for his resignation isn't exactly clear...

He did cite advancing age, although it seems possible that might be a front.
I've heard really mixed reviews on the Lumia series. Do you have any other smart phone experiences to compare it to?
I've used iOS and Android. I've used iOS since 2007, and I've used Android since 2010. They're both good in their own rights. Windows Phone is pretty awesome and fluid, and it definitely needs to grow some more. Hopefully, it can take a part in the mobile phone war.

I think if you want a full experience, you should get any new (Nexus 4) Android device and any iOS device.
I've used iOS and Android. I've used iOS since 2007, and I've used Android since 2010. They're both good in their own rights. Windows Phone is pretty awesome and fluid, and it definitely needs to grow some more. Hopefully, it can take a part in the mobile phone war.

I think if you want a full experience, you should get any new (Nexus 4) Android device and any iOS device.

I've got a Galaxy SII Skyrocket that's a little over 6 months old. I probably won't upgrade for at least another 18 months, maybe longer. Good to know, though.
Heard Blackberry is trying to come back. Is it even as reliable as it used to be? I heard they use the same satellites as others now. Back when 9/11 happened and everything was overloaded, their system didn't go down because it was a on a separate system or something.
Heard Blackberry is trying to come back. Is it even as reliable as it used to be? I heard they use the same satellites as others now. Back when 9/11 happened and everything was overloaded, their system didn't go down because it was a on a separate system or something.

All I know is that they're really betting on BB10 and their new phone platform to resurrect the business. My brother-in-law was working nights and weekends overtime for like two months prior to this thing's release.
I got a Lumia 822. It's pretty fun. Discuss.
What apps you have so far? If you want to pin reminders to your start screen, I recommend StickyTiles. Lets you make a medium/small tile with a short message on it. Was looking for a simple reminder app, and this is exactly the no frills thing I was looking for.

Also, if you turn off the location/wifi/bluetooth you can get 3 or 4 days out of a single charge while still using it fairly normally. You probably will get a bit less since you're more of a power user I'd assume, but I went nearly 5 days once with just texting and quick hops on the internet and phone. Battery on this guy is awesome.
What apps you have so far? If you want to pin reminders to your start screen, I recommend StickyTiles. Lets you make a medium/small tile with a short message on it. Was looking for a simple reminder app, and this is exactly the no frills thing I was looking for.

Also, if you turn off the location/wifi/bluetooth you can get 3 or 4 days out of a single charge while still using it fairly normally. You probably will get a bit less since you're more of a power user I'd assume, but I went nearly 5 days once with just texting and quick hops on the internet and phone. Battery on this guy is awesome.
I haven't been using it daily yet. I've been switching between it and my DNA just for work reasons, but I don't really have many apps installed. A few mehhh games. The usual social stuff. I'll look when I get home because I'm using my DNA right now.

That note app sounds pretty good. Also, I am a bit of a power user so my phone usually needs charged by the night. I'll let you know what I have on it when I get home.
I'm trying to think of a way I can stand my drawing tablet up vertically on my desk when I'm not using it. Like something with a heavy base and moderately tall sides which I can slide my tablet between to keep it stationary.

Anybody have any ideas? If I had any woodworking skills I'd make myself something.
Yeah! Something like that. Hey that's not a bad idea. I wonder if those come in a more vertical orientation. Could maybe get a wire cutter and snip off a segment from that.

Good idea, thanks Krynn. Right now for my Intuos 3 Medium I'm using this, except it's a little bit wider. It kind of sucks, because the base is needlessly wide. If everything was more compact with a weight on the bottom, it'd be perfect.

You could just modify your plastic stand with stick-on weights for Pinewood Derby cars. They're sold at any hobby store you care to try.
I'm using this, except it's a little bit wider. It kind of sucks, because the base is needlessly wide. If everything was more compact with a weight on the bottom, it'd be perfect.


I made something exactly like that in 'Resistant Materials' class when I was at school.
Except mine had rounded edges, thinner base and another piece of plastic in a [ shape near the top to stop the phone falling over sideways.

14 year old Stylo feels superior.
I made something exactly like that in 'Resistant Materials' class when I was at school.
Except mine had rounded edges, thinner base and another piece of plastic in a [ shape near the top to stop the phone falling over sideways.

14 year old Stylo feels superior.

You could have a bright future in designing office supplies.
Did our avatar's just get larger? I swear they're larger.
No Krynn I checked the CSS rules. THE RULES SAY.
So apparently you can't post joking messages in Misc, which is for MISCELLANEOUS POSTS, because Jossi is a gigantic f*ckhead tool. Cool. Just warning you guys don't joke around about anything unless you want an infract keep things serious and businesslike or you will face the wrath of Jossi Rossi.
So apparently you can't post joking messages in Misc, which is for MISCELLANEOUS POSTS, because Jossi is a gigantic f*ckhead tool. Cool. Just warning you guys don't joke around about anything unless you want an infract keep things serious and businesslike or you will face the wrath of Jossi Rossi.

Hear hear. I stand strong with you Willie.

Can't we have one goddamn thread where most of the regular ****ing rules don't apply?

Make it so this thread doesn't increase post count, if that's why you're so anal about it.

This thread is one of the best things we have in this dying community. Keeps us together.
Wait, do people care about post count anymore? I remember it being a big deal years ago, but I'd completely forgotten we even have post counts anymore.