missing pistol and smg


Mar 29, 2005
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now i dont know why...but recently i notice that sometimes i will spawn without my pistol and machine gun in my map....anyone else come across this problem?
figured it out....make sure the info_player_deathmatch isnt in a brush....at all. this includes part of his feet apparently. make sure it is floating entirely in space and not touching a brush.
hmm. I'm surprised you would spawn at all... I would think it would give an 'invalid spawn location' error or whatever, that's what it would do in CS:S . interesting.
well it was only a little bit inside a brush. not all the way inside it. when i would spawn at that location i would have to crouch and uncrouch to get unstuck. That and I wouldn't have a pistol or smg equipped when I spawned at that location.
Phisionary said:
hmm. I'm surprised you would spawn at all... I would think it would give an 'invalid spawn location' error or whatever, that's what it would do in CS:S . interesting.

Yeah, the invalid-spawn-point error is CS:S-specific. Even in HL1 players were allowed to spawn inside solid objects. This may have been a device for preventing mappers from accidentally placing spawn points near solid objects, a common problem in 1.6 especially considering it was difficult to test each spawn point individually.