Mission Impossible IV - Pitt replaces Cruise


May 21, 2004
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An insider told London Lite: "MI:IV will not include Cruise's character, agent Ethan Hunt. They're considering a brief mention, saying Hunt retired to live a safe life with his new wife. They're set on Brad taking over as a gutsy new head operative who puts together his own unique team of specialists."

The studio bosses are apparently thinking about offering Brad Pitt over $40 million, making that the single biggest fee ever paid to an actor for one film and if he accepts their proposal, he will become the highest-paid actor in Hollywood history.

A source revealed: "Everything's being kept top secret, but they're offering Brad a deal no one could possibly refuse. There's no doubt, this would make Brad Pitt the biggest and highest paid star in the world."

Poor humiliated cruise. He's no longer popular so he has to be replaced for films to make money.
Only good MI was the first one. Everything else is garbage.
I liked the 1st and 3rd. 2nd was Meh bad.
Heh, it's not really the same series anymore then is it? I mean, if you replace all the characters in a generic spy movie...

I actually liked the DePalma original a good bit, probably my favorite "secret agent" movie. However, the next two were just complete shit.
I liked the 1st and 3rd. 2nd was Meh bad.
I'll agree with that, although they feel like they're from completely different series anyway.

I don't care who's in it as long as its good.
If it's more like the 1st (very small chance of that happening) I'll see it.

I like how they say, "They're keeping everything very secret" er whatever...when we already know pretty much what there is to know...
sounds new, what new...eH? though I'm not intrested in kinda this type of movies.
I really enjoyed the first. Second was bat shit bad. Never seen the third.
$10 says that Tom Cruise's character will come in the end and save Pitt, with a line similar to "You've got alot to learn, kid.". D:
I also liked 1 and thought 2 was pretty bad. Never bothered to see three after the second. Pitt isn't a bad choice, just make it more like the first one.
I think the hate for the second film is misguided. Woo was a poor choice for a MI film. If it had just been called something else, it would have been a slick, great action flick, but because it was supposed to follow the infiltration-stealth-gadget theme of MI, people hated it. MI3 was more like a thriller than anything, but it still felt a lot like the first, which is why it worked.
The 3rd one was the best in the series so far.

I`m okay with Pitt as long as

a)they don`t have dialogue which suggests Ethan Hunt died in an offscreen tragedy (not needed since the end of the 3rd film)

b)they don`t do a 007 and keep the Hunt character using Pitt as the actor portraying him.
I never saw the third one because I was doing other things this summer. :( I'm gonna watch it though when it comes on pay-per-view on DirecTV. But I think Brad can do a terrific job as demonstrated in, "The Twelve Monkeys":
the question of the day is, how is it "top secret" knowing this info is now public?
yeeesh... :rolleyes:
I still don't understand the first one after like 3 watchings. So I can't move onto the second yet.
I've not seen all of the first one, because when it first came out, I saw a part with the helicopter, and noticed it randomly hit the walls of the tunnel and stayed up flying...and thought that part was so much bullshit, whats the rest of the money have to offer...

And that's all I've seen.. :(
It was Cruise that ruined the series anyway. The first one was actually a decent movie with a somewhat interesting story, the the next 2 were just piss.

The 4th with someone assembling a new spy team might actually work.
1 and the 3 were good. The 2nd was BAD. Like if Brad Pitt needed more money.
Cruise is like 2 or 3 years older than Pitt, why would he say kid :p

They'll put a lot of makeup on him to make him seem older.

Then after he helps Pitt up, he flies off with Xenu on his space cruiser to conquer the galaxy.
I've not seen all of the first one, because when it first came out, I saw a part with the helicopter, and noticed it randomly hit the walls of the tunnel and stayed up flying...and thought that part was so much bullshit, whats the rest of the money have to offer...

And that's all I've seen.. :(

I haven't seen it in a while but that's the only part where I was like, "oh wtf" in the whole movie. The rest is very good and most of it isn't action-based. It's more espionage, mystery-solving, spy shit which is done quite well in the movie.

Then they decided to lose the whole subtle spy stuff for the over-the-top action and horribly unrealistic plot/scenes/settings/events/everything.
Aye, they majorly ****ed it up.

Ethan Hunt, the agent who gets the wind knocked out him by a senior citizen in the first movie, becomes the akimbo gun wielding, martial arts practicing, motorcycle riding badass.
John Woo ****ed it up :(

Does the third go back to the old way, or is it just a better action film? i've not seen it, but i want to see an intelligent spy film, not an action film.
That's great news, because i don't like Tom Cruise he is so small. So i would prefer to see Brad Pitt in the new Mission Imposible Episode
The third one is an ok movie, but it's not MI. The story seems short and has too many plot twists and too many explosions and not enough cloak and dagger stuff.

That is all.
Brad Pitt is way cooler, plus he isn't crazy like Tom Cruise is
Brad Pitt isn't a great actor, but at least he's better than Tom Cruise.
I've sworn never to see a Cruise movie again.
Some of his movies are just balls, where as others are some of the greatest (Snatch, Se7en).