Mixing Ragdoll and Death Animations?

IS NOT! Killzone 1 was mediocre as hell!>_<
What the f00k is wrong with you people, you get a bit flashy graphics and suddenly you think that good graphics must automatically equal good gameplay? Morons, MORONS I TELLS YA!

IT IS! Graphics look killer and gore, action looks to be awesome.
What the fook, morons I tell ya, morons. :rolleyes:
I didn't rate Killzone or think Killzone 2 is visually that amazing, but do like the way it looks like bullets are actually impacting and having an affect on the target.
I didn't rate Killzone or think Killzone 2 is visually that amazing, but do like the way it looks like bullets are actually impacting and having an affect on the target.
Yeah, the way the enemies wobble when they get hit is pretty cool, plus the death animations and ragdoll mixed.

Imo, the best looking console game- shadows, lightning, the animations, etc. Damn, I was impressed by Halo 3, but now that looks like tetris compared to this.
There are more impressive console games lightning-wise than Killzone 2, ever seen Alan Wake? It probably one of the most beautiful games after Crysis..
There are more impressive console games lightning-wise than Killzone 2, ever seen Alan Wake? It probably one of the most beautiful games after Crysis..
Lighting looks good on that (the ambient), but everything else in medicore.
OMFG. You need new glasses if you think everything except lightning in Alan Wake looks mediocre.. Man.. I wish there was a way to put people on IGNORE on HL2.net so you cant see their posts, so I wouldn't have to read the blasphemy you continously posts on these forums!
OMFG. You need new glasses if you think everything except lightning in Alan Wake looks mediocre.. Man.. I wish there was a way to put people on IGNORE on HL2.net so you cant see their posts, so I wouldn't have to read the blasphemy you continously posts on these forums!
Oh the horror, someone doesn`t agree with you.
Alan Wake still looks "arfificial" but Killzone 2 has a computer animated movie feeling to it.
I will still get both.
Worse than Killzone 2 != really bad looking
Pretty much.
From the moment I saw Killzone 2, my standards of game graphics are unbelievably high and only the few ill pass.
That are only winners and losers, no middle ones.

Now, lets get back to the topic.
LOL, Alan Wake looking artificial? I'd say Killzone 2 looks just as artifical, infact Alan Wake probably has the most realistic environments I've ever seen in a computer game.

And Rabarber, I didn't really get that, were you being sarcastic or were you implying that Killzone 2 looks bad so if a game looks worse than Killzone 2 it has to look REALLY bad?:p

And L3adCannon, it's not so much about you disagreeing with me as it is about you appearing to be a graphicswhore, your statement above sorta SCREAMED that, and IMO, graphicwhores are what is partially helping remove innovativeness from the industry, when devs can take the completely same game, give it a new coat of paint, sell it for 40 USD, and still make a shitload of money off it.
LOL, Alan Wake looking artificial? I'd say Killzone 2 looks just as artifical, infact Alan Wake probably has the most realistic environments I've ever seen in a computer game.

And Rabarber, I didn't really get that, were you being sarcastic or were you implying that Killzone 2 looks bad so if a game looks worse than Killzone 2 it has to look REALLY bad?:p

And L3adCannon, it's not so much about you disagreeing with me as it is about you appearing to be a graphicswhore, your statement above sorta SCREAMED that, and IMO, graphicwhores are what is partially helping remove innovativeness from the industry, when devs can take the completely same game, give it a new coat of paint, sell it for 40 USD, and still make a shitload of money off it.
You confuse me being a graphics whore with me thinking one game looks better than the other.
I didn`t say Alan Wake will be crap, or any other game, I just pointed out that Killzone 2 has the best graphics out of em all. I didn`t mention gameplay or anything else about other games, just Killzone 2.
Don't you find the textures to be very low on detail in Killzone 2? Compared to something like Gears of War and they're quite plain. This isn't a dig btw - the amount going on looks impressive and gameplay is smoth (booth more important imo) - but visually it's lacking in some areas.
I don`t really care about texture size and all that but Killzone 2 just looks so fluid, clean and polished, like a movie. Then the seamless animations, bluish shadows, blood and all that makes it look awesome imo.
Textures can really bother me at times. Run CSS with just bilinear/tilinear filtering on. Eww what is that? It's pixilated and blurred at the same time! Turn on 8xAA. Ahh much better. I can actually see it clearly defined when I'm 5 to 50 feet away now instead of just at 5inches.
Graphics shmaphics, I say. Wat's important is how something plays, not how it looks. If they'd rather show you a pretty sunset or cool-looking trees or (OMG!) shadows then actually play a good game, then it's an epic fail in my book.

It helps that I'm modest, of course. Anything higher-res then my avatar is spectacular, graphically.
Leadcannon, I don't think the issue is that you appreciate good graphics. Who doesn't, seriously?

I believe you are facing opposition in this topic because your entire basis for thinking Killzone 2 will be the holy grail of FPS gaming is that it looks nice, even though it's from a developer with a less-than-impressive track record with unfulfilled hype. This is not to say that Killzone 2 is doomed to failure. But I would have hoped people would approach the game with a little more skepticism and level-headedness.
Thanks Absinthe, that's exactly why I got annoyed, I've been having a short temper recently which leads to me expressing myself in more non-coherent ways.
i agree with the whole less is more when it comes to the physics push of explosions and bullets.

I think its cooler to have the enemy double over or fall on his ass from your attacks than to fly across a room.

For example, a grenade in actualitiy does not have all that much push to it compared to what is seen in most games. Its real danger is the concussive shock that can mess up your organs if you are too close, combined with the hail of hot shrapnel. You'll get knocked back, not thrown back.

I once shot a 12g shotgun using 00 buck at a CRT computer moniter from 14 yards. It even had a busted base, so we had to sort of balance it where we had put it. However the 00 buck shotgun blast only gave the CRT a tiny wobble and it stayed on its precarious perch. When firing a 12g slug, it simply punched a hole through it and barely moved it.

so yeah shotguns don't knock back anything, except maybe cans.
Leadcannon, I don't think the issue is that you appreciate good graphics. Who doesn't, seriously?

I believe you are facing opposition in this topic because your entire basis for thinking Killzone 2 will be the holy grail of FPS gaming is that it looks nice, even though it's from a developer with a less-than-impressive track record with unfulfilled hype. This is not to say that Killzone 2 is doomed to failure. But I would have hoped people would approach the game with a little more skepticism and level-headedness.
Hell yeah I think it will be awesome, the action is just kick-ass, and the graphics are also the best you can get.
It all started when I said Killzone 2 looks better than *insert game here*, but it does look better than all the other console games imo.
If it has awesome shooting in it, awesome graphics too, it`s a winner for me. I don`t expect puzzles n shit, I expect scripted shooting gallery.

If I`d be a graphics whore, I wouldn`t have bought HL2, it looks medicore, but gameplay is pretty good. Same with System Shock 2, Guild Wars, Battlefield 2 (I never get why people think it looks good, it looks like crap), etc
*walks in*

You seem to have really messed up priorities when looking at good graphics...

HL2, SS2, and BF2 all were the best when they came out (save for BF2, it was among the best).

Guild Wars is an MMORPG, it's not supposed to look good, if it looked astounding, then it'd cause retarded lag. Look at WoW..

Obviously they are bad now, those are all last-gen games, anyways. Dumbass.

Normally I don't call people names (unless they are what I call them, eg. stupid), but your being especially stupid.

*For the record, I never said anything about Killzone 2.

*walks out*
*walks in*

You seem to have really messed up priorities when looking at good graphics...

HL2, SS2, and BF2 all were the best when they came out (save for BF2, it was among the best).

Guild Wars is an MMORPG, it's not supposed to look good, if it looked astounding, then it'd cause retarded lag. Look at WoW..

Obviously they are bad now, those are all last-gen games, anyways. Dumbass.

Normally I don't call people names (unless they are what I call them, eg. stupid), but your being especially stupid.

*For the record, I never said anything about Killzone 2.

*walks out*
and you think I bought them the second they came out why?
What I don`t get why people say games like Red Orchestra, Armed Assault and so on look crap, but at the same time Day Of Defeat, Halo, etc look ****ing awesome. The frst 2 look 3x better than the latter ones imo.
But the majority wins.

Same with STALKER, like wtf, it is the most beautiful, detailed, grittiest game out there but for some reason, Day Of Defeat looks better, Half-Life 2, Halo looks better and so on.
I have never seen anyone or heard anyone calling HL2 better looking than STALKER..
I didn`t say here, but I`ve seen lots of ridiculous sayings.
The one that tops em all is still " DoD:S looks better than Red Orchestra".
Hell yeah I think it will be awesome, the action is just kick-ass, and the graphics are also the best you can get.
It all started when I said Killzone 2 looks better than *insert game here*, but it does look better than all the other console games imo.
If it has awesome shooting in it, awesome graphics too, it`s a winner for me. I don`t expect puzzles n shit, I expect scripted shooting gallery.

BOO! You have bad taste.

/ignores your opinion on any game
Killzone scripted =! half life scripted.
Pretty much.. and HL2 isn`t exactly open ended.
Btw, by scripted shooting gallery, I didn`t mean an actual shooting gallery that is scripted, you do realize that?
Okay listen guys, let's settle this once and for all, we can all agree that HL1 with the High Definition Pack is the greatest looking game ever.
I'm putting him on ignore, because he's a retard and not of the amusing kind.
What I don`t get why people say games like Red Orchestra, Armed Assault and so on look crap, but at the same time Day Of Defeat, Halo, etc look ****ing awesome. The frst 2 look 3x better than the latter ones imo.
But the majority wins.
L3adCannon theres more to graphics than shaders, polygon counts, and etc..

For instance, I would honestly say World of Warcraft looks better than Everquest 2.

It's the style of the graphics, the colors, contrast, etc.. These things appeal to different people. It's why when I look at Starcraft I still think it looks pretty good. The game is on a 256 color system and 2d, but the style of the graphics is awesome. Different styles appeal to different people. I honestly think Starcraft looks better than a lot of RTS's today. Simply because of the style, the colors, and how they did everything.

Pretty much.. and HL2 isn`t exactly open ended.
Btw, by scripted shooting gallery, I didn`t mean an actual shooting gallery that is scripted, you do realize that?
No crap. However HL2 is not a scripted shooting gallery. Doom 3 is a scripted shooting gallery, where the monsters are going to be in the exact same spot every time and pretty much do the exact same thing every time. Where it feels like the AI is almost not even present. The only game I ever liked that pulled off a scripted shooting gallery was Call Of Duty, and that was because of the tons of action going on at once.
I honestly think Starcraft looks better than a lot of RTS's today. Simply because of the style, the colors, and how they did everything.

Just to add a few cents: I think THQ pulled Company of Heroes off pretty well graphically.

By the way, were we talking about physics?
L3adCannon theres more to graphics than shaders, polygon counts, and etc..

For instance, I would honestly say World of Warcraft looks better than Everquest 2.

It's the style of the graphics, the colors, contrast, etc.. These things appeal to different people. It's why when I look at Starcraft I still think it looks pretty good. The game is on a 256 color system and 2d, but the style of the graphics is awesome. Different styles appeal to different people. I honestly think Starcraft looks better than a lot of RTS's today. Simply because of the style, the colors, and how they did everything.

No crap. However HL2 is not a scripted shooting gallery. Doom 3 is a scripted shooting gallery, where the monsters are going to be in the exact same spot every time and pretty much do the exact same thing every time. Where it feels like the AI is almost not even present. The only game I ever liked that pulled off a scripted shooting gallery was Call Of Duty, and that was because of the tons of action going on at once.
Emm, that`s pretty much what I had in mind. That`s the reason I find games like Red Orchestra and STALKER the so beautiful, not DoD:S, BF2 and all that crap. I judge graphics by artwork, not bloom and glow. Same reason I think Killzone 2 is a killer, the feel is just so gritty and dark and realistic thx to the artwork, animations and flow.

Anyway, I`d like to see a game where you kick someone down, or shoot, then the guy would manage to realistically come back up, using physics. Atm, any game that has features like that uses pre-made animations for falling down and coming back up. So from random ragdoll position to come back up to a stand, at the same time looking realistic and logical, would be awesome.
FEAR had mixed anims and ragdoll. I loved watching the soldiers crawl before dying.