MMORPG's (was: if valve liked us)

Who would have thought 5 years ago that DVD would be mainstream by now?
Originally posted by iamaelephant
Who would have thought 5 years ago that DVD would be mainstream by now?

Heh, for not so long ago most computers weren't much faster than 133mhz. Time flies, doesn't it?
*remembers Dune, Warcraft I and C&C*
*tear runs from eye*
Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD

Heh, for not so long ago most computers weren't much faster than 133mhz. Time flies, doesn't it?
*remembers Dune, Warcraft I and C&C*
*tear runs from eye*

oh you young-un :). Couple of us here remember computers when 133mhz machines were a far off fantasy and even a P90 was still a dream, when machines ran below 7mhz, ahh now those were the days, when the likes of Frontier would crawl if you had the detail turned up and flew around London, then even further back, yep, those were the days, pretty much 0mhz lol yet the games were so playable and fun, and now these days you can emulate those machines in a java applet on a PC and it still runs 1000x faster, crazy crazy. Just think, one day you'll be able to run DoomIII the same way and we'll all be sat there with a blanket over our knee's wondering why we made such a fuss about these games as we sport our most recent broken bones from playing QuakeVR3000

Which Dune btw? I had the second one the C&C style one, but I remember seeing the first one, a boss at the time bought it and were were all playing it at work and I was in awe at the FMV clips in it. But when I got it ont he Amiga it didn't have them ;(
Originally posted by Fenric1138

Which Dune btw? I had the second one the C&C style one, but I remember seeing the first one, a boss at the time bought it and were were all playing it at work and I was in awe at the FMV clips in it. But when I got it ont he Amiga it didn't have them ;(

First Dune. Nice game. Very nice game =)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Infact wouldn't it be great if they actually did uplink, but all updated in the source engine with all the new models and improvements

What?! You want to update me in Source! Well, I suppose it might help me get some girls if I had a higher poly count...

Actaully if you think that Doom II and Half-Life 2 are going to be released in the same decade... Wow. That's how far gaming goes in ten years. And from HL2 onward? Oh, who knows. but one thing is for sure, wherever gaming goes next, Valve will be leading the way.
Originally posted by Uplink

Oh, who knows. but one thing is for sure, wherever gaming goes next, Valve will be leading the way.

You think so? Me not sure.
There are many great game companies out there, and most of them will be capable of producing next gen games in a year or two, so who knows how the future will pan out...

Oh, and btw Uplink.
"Infact wouldn't it be great if they actually did uplink, but all updated in the source engine with all the new models and improvements"
If you're not like totally hot I don't want to watch Gabe do you, especially not with new "models" and "improvements"...*me shudders*

Oh! Me Zombie! What a nice warm feeling that sends through my body. No wait, that's the blood running from my head. Shesch, these headcrabs have no manners whatsoever. Jumping on me like that. Totally rude....I wish they [Headcrab takes control] Braaaaains!
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow

I cant wair until someone does Hl1 in Source...I know im gonna try it anyway.

If the one Gabe mentioned is crap I'm gonna do a version too, show how its meant to be done ;)
Yeah, I've read in certain magazines and on sites that Valve have Source versions of HL1 and CS underway and might include them with the special edition/give them away online/STEAM them.

Cohnfused: Oh, probably not I just thought it sounded good. And as for that Gabe comment - dude, I'm male. I'm calling the police now.

Dials a random number - Hello, please hunt down and kill Cohnfused. Thanks for your time

Dude: What? You want pepperoni on that?

edit: Well look at that I'm a zombie too!
Originally posted by Fenric1138
What if they did something like Uplink, wasn't part of the actual game, was basically a game in itself, if a little short it was great fun to play, still is sometimes. Course they could always release a demo with the tech stuff in, even that on its own would be really cool to play around with and serve as a good benchmark that many want.

Edit: Infact wouldn't it be great if they actually did uplink, but all updated in the source engine with all the new models and improvements, I don't think it would matter in the slightest that we'd all played it before, cause it would be so different updated. And didn't Valve once say you could fit the whole HL1 game into one single HL2 map now. Uplink with no loading points, just seamless from start to finish, now that I would really like to see.

I emailed gabe about this some time back, as I thought uplink was simply the way demo's should be done, and I was curious as to whether Valve would do something similiar with HL2 in order not to spoil the storyline of the game. Still haven't heard back from him yet about this, but hopefully with the extra time available they might be able to do something along these lines.
Originally posted by Shuzer
Well, yes, MMORPGs do have tens of thousands of people playing on a single server at any time.. but, chances are you're never really going to have over 50 players on a screen at a time.. atleast, not in my experience with MMORPGs (EQ and FFXI)

Neocron in the beta days used to be able to handle up to about 300 players in a zone, which was pretty impressive. I think the net code got a bit crappy upon release, but the developers have been refining it since so it might still be fairly capable.
If you want large scale battles, check out planetside, it's a Sci-Fi fps, but it has a lot of players per server.