MMOs an utter waste of time


Apr 29, 2004
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These things are so mindless and addicting that it isn't even funny. I just spent the entire morning, atleast 8 hours, leveling my necromancer in Guild Wars. but now I look back on those eight hours and realize that it was a complete waste of time. I spent the better part of my day trying to level up a character that doesn't even exist. Time to uninstall.
I hate the idea of having to pay for games after I've purchased them, so I've avoided the MMORPGs. But my friend is stuck playing Ultima Online every free chance he gets. He's been playing for 4-5 years now, and I just don't see how he's still enjoying it. All it is now is just levelling up...
Locust said:
These things are so mindless and addicting that it isn't even funny. I just spent the entire morning, atleast 8 hours, leveling my necromancer in Guild Wars. but now I look back on those eight hours and realize that it was a complete waste of time. I spent the better part of my day trying to level up a character that doesn't even exist. Time to uninstall.

Thanks for telling us this?
Locust said:
These things are so mindless and addicting that it isn't even funny. I just spent the entire morning, atleast 8 hours, leveling my necromancer in Guild Wars. but now I look back on those eight hours and realize that it was a complete waste of time. I spent the better part of my day trying to level up a character that doesn't even exist. Time to uninstall.
At least MMOs offer some sort of feedback/long-term "gain." Your traditional SP/MP game offers nothing over an MMO, just a less quantifiable way for you to judge the way you spent your time. For the socially minded, like myself (on some levels), MMOs are as much a way to meet people and make friends (or to foster friendships from beforehand) as to game in the traditional sense.
*points to Neverwinter Nights*

... the game that dreamed of being an MMO.(atleast the MP part anyways)
MMO's should be outlawed, or atleast have a limited use restriction on them. They are the most unproductive games ever made. I have a few friends who would miss school just to stay up all night playing world of warcraft. They even have that "gamers anonyms" program now for recovering MMORPGERS. I just think they demand too much fricken time that could be better spent saving the world or reading or some shit.
Meh, theres obsessions for everything. I don't support being addicted (really addicted, not just playing a bunch) to MMOs anymore than I advocate an addiction to quilting.
Thats why I hardly play games anymore. Its not so much that they're a waste of time, but whenever I've played a game for a while I just feel like I could have spent the time doing something so much better. Once I've finished with college, I'l no doubt return to the times when I'd spend a day just playing games :D But certainly no more than a couple of times a week...
Farrowlesparrow said:
Thats why I hardly play games anymore. Its not so much that they're a waste of time, but whenever I've played a game for a while I just feel like I could have spent the time doing something so much better. Once I've finished with college, I'l no doubt return to the times when I'd spend a day just playing games :D But certainly no more than a couple of times a week...

Actually, I thought that too. But after working full time all day, it's even harder to come home and want to burn a few precious after-work hours playing video games.

The worst now is RPGs. I used to love a good RPG. Played the FF series to death. But now I can't be bothered to play through about 10 hours before I lose interest and move on to something else.
If I get into a routine then I can play MMORPGs for hours on end. When something happens that breaks the routine and I end up not playing the game, I normally don't play the game again for another few days since I've forgotten about it and what I was doing in it.

That's happening with Guild Wars right now, I haven't played it for a few days.
pfft ..I have Wow ..played it every night for 2 months ..between 1 and 2 hours a night ..canceled my subscription bought a game card, now I'm waiting for battlegrounds ...waste of time my arse one MADE you play 8 hours straight.
yeah i prefer MP games that i can play for an hour and put down and come away feeling good.

and a game like splinter cell chaos theory, the MP actually makes you use your brain, yet requires a lot of skill. you play mind games with the other person. its the closest thing to worthwhile gaming ive experienced.
MMO's are crap. They make you put in hundreds of hours of playing to get anywhere. Then once you do, your tired as shit of the game because you've grinded for so long. When a game starts to feel more like work than fun, then it's time to quit.
What is with these MMO's anyways. Everyday I read about a new one being developed.
...and that is why I only play FPS games.

Actually I bearly play any games now'n days...for the same reasons farrow said.
Locust said:
These things are so mindless and addicting that it isn't even funny. I just spent the entire morning, atleast 8 hours, leveling my necromancer in Guild Wars. but now I look back on those eight hours and realize that it was a complete waste of time. I spent the better part of my day trying to level up a character that doesn't even exist. Time to uninstall.

I agree immensely.
I fail to see how having fun is a waste of time...sure if you're addicted, then it's a problem. But you kinda let yourself fall into that trap.
KagePrototype said:
I fail to see how having fun is a waste of time...sure if you're addicted, then it's a problem. But you kinda let yourself fall into that trap.
Yes you do... dont you Kage... you addict! ;)
Play Warcraft III! It's not so addicting and you can play some quick games and feel satisfied.
/me suggests that Kage avoid the "grinding [monster]" phrase... ever since I had the misfortune of saying "Yeah, I'm grinding pirates in STV" I've avoided that term like the plauge.
Locust said:
These things are so mindless and addicting that it isn't even funny. I just spent the entire morning, atleast 8 hours, leveling my necromancer in Guild Wars. but now I look back on those eight hours and realize that it was a complete waste of time. I spent the better part of my day trying to level up a character that doesn't even exist. Time to uninstall.
f*** man i hate to say it but you're right
i bought guild wars cause my friend said it was awesome but its just not as satisfying to my as say snipin some guy in cs or slicin and dicin in devil may cry
still, im gonna give it another chance :p
I don't understand why you have a problem with leveling up a character that doesn't exist. It's no different than playing a game like HL2 and interacting with characters that "don't exist." It's supposed to be an escape from reality!

Also, I thought Guild Wars was supposed to cut down on that sort of thing. Or was that just hype?
Narcolepsy said:
I don't understand why you have a problem with leveling up a character that doesn't exist. It's no different than playing a game like HL2 and interacting with characters that "don't exist." It's supposed to be an escape from reality!

Also, I thought Guild Wars was supposed to cut down on that sort of thing. Or was that just hype?
It does, but it's very shallow compared to the ones that have the "grind." (From what I've heard.)
Locust said:
These things are so mindless and addicting that it isn't even funny. I just spent the entire morning, atleast 8 hours, leveling my necromancer in Guild Wars. but now I look back on those eight hours and realize that it was a complete waste of time. I spent the better part of my day trying to level up a character that doesn't even exist. Time to uninstall.

All games are a waste of time with that logic

and guildwars isn't an MMO
Guild Wars has a max level of 20, thus, grinding is impractical (not to mention impossible). GW's main fun starts when you start exploring the vast landscape (I mean, ****ing huge) areas with your guild, and guild tournaments are AWESOME, not to mention guild battles. It's really awesomely fun, buy it right now, do it.
Currently playing EQ2, not going to be done with that for years, max level of 50, when the first addon comes out, its going to be increased to 60, they have added in so much in the time its been out, without any of the adventure packs or the addon pack coming soon, theres still tons to do. It is the biggest Mmorpg out (Note I said biggest, not "The best" so if you play wow if somthing dont bitch at me, EQ2 is the biggest..)

I also dont see how having fun is a waste of time.
Locust said:
These things are so mindless and addicting that it isn't even funny. I just spent the entire morning, atleast 8 hours, leveling my necromancer in Guild Wars. but now I look back on those eight hours and realize that it was a complete waste of time. I spent the better part of my day trying to level up a character that doesn't even exist. Time to uninstall.

Some people see it the other way. When i level a guy on WoW i know next time i log on he'll still be that level...if i go have a go on some other non-mmo my data isn't stored and my hours of gaming on X game is down the drain and i have gained nothing. MMO's for life :D

Ritz said:
Currently playing EQ2, not going to be done with that for years, max level of 50, when the first addon comes out, its going to be increased to 60, they have added in so much in the time its been out, without any of the adventure packs or the addon pack coming soon, theres still tons to do. It is the biggest Mmorpg out (Note I said biggest, not "The best" so if you play wow if somthing dont bitch at me, EQ2 is the biggest..)

I also dont see how having fun is a waste of time.

I'm not bitching, but it depends what you mean by "biggest" ? As far as i'm aware, WoW is the biggest MMO out worldwide and the fastest ever selling game in it's first week on PC. Anywho...i'd like to play EQ2 one day, but not until it's got PvP, which could be never :/
Biggest as in, most to do, biggest placeable areas. EQ2 will have pvp.

What you said about before your reply to me I agree with, it would be more a waste of time for me to play say a fps, as theres a short end goal, wouldnt last me a long time..
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
All games are a waste of time with that logic

and guildwars isn't an MMO

Except MMOs are the biggest waste of time. Time sinks, huge time sinks. You see, you can play HL2 for a few days before finishing it, but WoW for example: you play for months and there's no end... Hell there are still people playing EQ1.
Gunner said:
Except MMOs are the biggest waste of time. Time sinks, huge time sinks. You see, you can play HL2 for a few days before finishing it, but WoW for example: you play for months and there's no end... Hell there are still people playing EQ1.

On the other hand "Hm, I just paid out for this fps game, played once, completed and wont touch again" or "I just paid out for this mmorpg which I will be happyly entertained with for years"

And if you dont agree with that, then you dont like mmorpgs.. which is fine. But really does make this thread pointless "Hey guys I think mmorpgs are a waste of time! Um.. yeah! Hear me roar :("
Ritz said:
On the other hand "Hm, I just paid out for this fps game, played once, completed and wont touch again" or "I just paid out for this mmorpg which I will be happyly entertained with for years"

And if you dont agree with that, then you dont like mmorpgs.. which is fine. But really does make this thread pointless "Hey guys I think mmorpgs are a waste of time! Um.. yeah! Hear me roar :("

Your logic is flawless...

"This fps game" does not have a suscription fee. And I like MMOs, played AO for a year, SWG for another year, and WoW for 5 months. Also this thread isn't pointless, it could help some people with their addiction and make them quit.

"omg I need that purple two handed mace or I'll never be kewl!"
Why do you want them to quit? Mmorpgs are not bad for you. This thread is pointless.
How can something that you're enjoying be a waste of your time?
What's the bigger waste of time? MMOs or making a thread to complain about MMOs?
The point of games is to waste time anyway. What do you do when you're bored and have nothing else to do? You play games.