Mobile phones.


Jun 19, 2004
Reaction score
Im thinking of getting a new phone, but cant decide which.

What phones do you lot have and/or recommend?
Sharp GX30i
Motorola V600
Nokia 7650
Ericsson T68i
assorted older Nokias
I have Nokia 3220, but I don't really like it. I would suggest one of the newer Ericsson models.
Make sure they're shiny.
And have a fitted-in blade.
K750i FTW.

Reasonable phones, but the 2mp camera pwns.
One that you can call people on. Most people forget that that's what they're for.
ríomhaire said:
One that you can call people on. Most people forget that that's what they're for.
"I got it for emergencies!"
*40 minutes later*
*ring*"Hello? OMG YES!! I just bought it, it's so cool. I saw this awesome car yesterday........"

I really like my Samsung D500.

I never used to like mobiles... but they really help when meeting people and just being social.
W4E said:
What phones do you lot have and/or recommend?
Well, I would recommend going to a mobile phone retailers website and searching for phones with specific features you are after, be it cameras, bluetooth, video playback etc.

There'll be more than enough to browse through and choose from.
Ren.182 said:
I really like my Samsung D500.

:cheers: Mines been sent off right now though, dropped it and smashed the screen. :(
JiMmEh said:
:cheers: Mines been sent off right now though, dropped it and smashed the screen. :(

Damn, unlucky. I rarely drop anything though, so i should be ok :)
Dont buy ANY japanese/korean phone.
They are WAY too overpriced.
k750i included.
All phone retailers all seem like they are trying to scam you. They wont say the price of a phone, they just tell you about the offers they have if you get it on contract :rolleyes:

Any more? or links to where you bought yours from?
Well, first of all why don't you find a carrier that you want to settle in with? You just can't get ANY phone and choose any carrier and expect it to work.
I like all Nokia phones. FTW.
ailevation said:
Well, first of all why don't you find a carrier that you want to settle in with? You just can't get ANY phone and choose any carrier and expect it to work.

Carrier? I take it thats American for Network? ;)

Well, if he's from the UK it's not really a problem, the UK's small enough that all the major networks are available anywhere really. You can get pretty much any handset on any network.

As for networks W4E, I'd reccommend trying to get your hands on an O2 Genie SIM. If you know anyone on O2 you should be able to get one somehow, I think they cost around £10-20. I got mine off a mate on O2 after I got sick of Vodafone. You can choose from 3 options (2 of which I can't remember), but I chose the 300 free texts a month. Back of the net.