Mod Concept (no name yet, just look)



I had a team put together for this mod/game concept but it just broke apart due to time and HL2 not being released. I really didn't want to release this because a team might just take it and run with it and just leave me out, but at this point, all I care is that it gets done, and gets done right. I can do alot more work on this if I had a team, so if you like what I have done with it so far and want me as part of the team to help with the game design. Let me know. AIM - richard8592, MSN - [email protected], ICQ - 173128472

I do want a good quality team to work on this mod, I don't want it to take a year or so to get released after HL2 is out. So please, if you think you can do this game the justice I think it deserves, let me know. But please don't screw it up and take the idea if you don't know what you're doing.

Game play:

The mod will have 3 different play types. CTF, DM, and Stunts.

CTF will be on huge maps with ramps, buildings, underpasses, etc. The team can bring back there own flag just by touching it.

Destruction Match will be basically like Twisted Metal, with only certain vehicles from the CTF. Like cars, trucks, motorcycles, tanks.

The stunt part will have 2 different modes, 1 will be trying to score a certain amount of points doing stunts in a certain time limit, and the other will be to do a specific stunt course in a certain amount of time, like race against time while having to do stunts.


You should be able to pick certain styles of vehicles by colors, paint design, width, types of tires, how heavy the frame/body should be to determine how durable/light it will be. The heavier the frame/body the more control you get but slower you go, and can take more hits. The lighter you go, the faster you can go, but it’s easier for you to die, and you can flip easily

Cars: Has more control than trucks:
3 different weapon slots.

Trucks: Basically the same as cars except you can t have wings to glide but in return you get to have a little more armor and better weaponry.
Anti-aircraft missiles

Transport Planes: This would be used incase the maps are huge. It should hold up to 3 manned vehicles, and the vehicles would have Para shoots so they can be dropped from the transport planes.

Bomber planes. Slow moving planes equipped with bombs. The bombs will be slow in reloading because they are powerful. These can pack a serious punch against the enemy s defenses. Cannot switch bomb types while flying.
Can have 3 different types of bombs but can only chose one type to use Plasma Bombs
Pulse Wave bombs
High Explosive bombs

Apaches: Combat helicopters they are fast and have homing missiles and gatling guns. Good for taking out ground units on the move.

Scout Helicopter: Light Defenses, Light weaponry. It should go super fast and be good for scouting and capturing the flag. They have extreme control for turning tight corners and avoiding enemy attacks like missiles. Has no weaponry.
Wings so it can switch into jet mode. Sort of like those helicopters in the movie The 6th Day with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Tank: Slow moving. Has great armor, and has great weaponry.
Special Add-on:
It can have a special add-on where the grips on the tanks chain s (the tires or whatever) will smooth out, so when going down a hill, it can switch into this mode to slide down the hill but it will not be to stop or control which way it goes. This can also give it an option so other vehicles can pull it with chains so it can go faster, but the person in the tank would only be able to shoot and the vehicles pulling the tank would be the ones controlling where it goes. The tank can only regain control when the chain is broke off then converts back to what it was originally.

Launch vehicles. Once deployed it acts like a ramp but also has things on the ramp to help increase speed going up the ramp for big launches. They will work 4 ways. So if 4 vehicles going at the same speed went up the ramp at the exact same time, all of them would smash into each other in mid air.

Defense Deploy and Repair Vehicles. These vehicles can repair other vehicles on the spot. They can deploy sentry units and other weapons of defense. They can repair already deployed damaged defenses as well. They are very fast, but they have no means of fighting back.

Motorcycles. Great ground units for capturing the flag. Light armor, and only 2 medium weapons.

Wings: The wings will make the motorcycle unstable in the air, it will be able to flip over easily and lose control if you do not know what you are doing.
ATV-Split: Special feature for bike. The front and back tires will be able to split into 2 making it so it will turn into a ATV and have better handling off-road, but in return it will slow down while in ATV mode, but it can switch back, total time of switching from one mode to another should take 3 seconds and only possible while driving because the wheels need to be able to roll when splitting apart.

3 total possible weapons:

Water Transporter. No Weapons but have very good armor. Can hold up to 4 cars or trucks. Can hold up to 2 tanks. Can hold up to 8 Motorcycles. Can hold up to 3 engineer vehicles.

Hover bike: Has no weapons, light armor, but can go over virtually anything, and hovers about 10 feet off the ground, and is very fast. Great for capturing the flag.

Depending on the game engine most vehicles will have a certain amount of slots to put additions to the vehicle. Depending on what additions you put on, it could reduce the amount of slots that can be used. Most of what was put above was incase the slots idea is not possible.


Things to be able to put in slots would be:


Water tires like in GTA: VC cheat. (Floatation Tires) Works on land also but not very good.
Tires for off road, for better handling off road.
Tires for better handling on roads.
Extra tires for better control and incase one goes flat it can still have good control.

Long distance wings, very little air control.
Short distance wings, very high air control (good for stunts)
Medium distance wings, controlling would be balanced somewhere between short and long distance wings.

Vehicle Parachute:
Good for making huge jumps that is not possible to land safely. Also good for being dropped from transport planes.

Armor types:
High Durability but heavy (makes vehicle much slower but gives better handling)
Medium durability and medium weight (has decent speed, control and can a few hits)
Low durability and light weight (fast, a little difficult to control, and cant take many hits)
Armor should be customizable to resist certain weapon types but has to be weaker against others.

Armor will be customizable for example:
High Durability will have 200 points to assign into resist.
So if you want to reduce damage to 75% you have to have 100 points into the resist like pierce.
The lighter the armor, the less points you will have to assign into resist.

Weapon Types:

AoE (Area of Effect) weapons. This would be bombs, cannons, mines, explosive barrels, grenade launchers, sound pulse and if a vehicle/turret explodes it can create a blast (AoE).

Fire based weapons. This would consist of napalm grenades which would be launched from turrets or a tank.

Piercing weapons. This would be gatling cannons, shotgun type weapons, and accurate high RoF pierce weapons.

Other weapons. Similar to the weapon like in the HL2 video, the weapon the strider had created what I have seen described in movies as sound pulse weapons. The weapon I would like to see looks like this except pushes/throws vehicles and other objects while the only damage it does is from falling or hitting something else.

Types of Turrets:

AoE Turrets. Short range turrets that launch grenades. It can launch 4 types of grenades.

Regular grenades.
Napalm grenades.
EMP grenades. (disables the vehicles that is hit in the blast radius temporarily, RoF is low)
Pulse grenades (energy type weapon the does a decent amount of damage that can knock a vehicle back about 100 yards depending on where it is hit. If the pulse grenade hits in the center of 3 vehicles, it will knock a vehicle back 100 yards or so.)

Regular Turrets:

Laser turrets. Long range, powerful, low rate of fire.
Gatling Turrets. Short range, powerful, high rate of fire. Each bullet wont be so powerful but with the RoF it should be quite effective.
Plasma Turrets. Medium Range, medium rate of fire.

Ammo: There will be different types of ammo mods for weapons.

Piercing weapons will have these mods:
Explosive. Armor Piercing. Force (will push or knock down depending on where hit, only effective against non-vehicles)

Plasma: X-ray, Super Heated, Force

Energy (lasers type weapons): X-ray, Super Heated, Pierce

All AoE weapons will have massive Force.

Players on Foot

Armor will be like vehicles armor, 3-5 sets of armor, going from light to heavy, it should also be possible to not to wear armor at all, though you would die from one shot from any weapon, some players still might find a way to use it as a tactical advantage because you would have much more speed than you would with armor on.


Anti-Vehicle Weapons

There will be a harpoon type weapon that players can use to shoot at vehicles, to short out the vehicles electrical system, and make it stop, once the link is broken, the vehicle can be able to drive again. (sort of like in the movie, 2 fast 2 furious)